
Showing posts from April, 2004

Top 130 (plus or minus) ways to irritate an ex-Christian

* 1. Ask them why they are bitter against God. * 2. Tell them that they might as well go out and kill people if there's no God. * 3. Ask them to pray with you. * 4. Invite their children to go to church with you. * 5. Insist that there is a God and show them in the Bible where it says so. * 6. Hide Chick tracts in clever places around their office. * 7. Tell them that the Universe is too complex to "Just Exist" and must have been created by a God who "Just Exists" * 8. Make up statistics to help prove Christianity. * 9. End a discussion with "Well, you're smarter than me, but I know I'm right." * 10. Tell them that you feel they're persecuting you. * 11. Bring up arguments making no sense whatsoever, and criticize their response saying "You're not making sense" * 12. Use multiple variations of Pascal's Wager and then wonder why the atheist is strangling you. * 13. Post inane

Easter Facts, Quotes and a Quiz For You!

this article reposted from Father Dan's Blog I was going to save this until Sunday but then I started thinking - "Gee, this could be fun to discuss in church, after church at brunch - maybe Friday night during family fun time. . . ." After all, the Bible is the infallible, divinely-inspired word of God, right? The entire Christian religion is based on the resurrection of the Christ - so we know that part of the Good Book will be very accurate! The very crux of the argument for Christianity being the one true religion is that it is the only religion in which the Saviour actually rose from the dead to fulfill prophecy- so let's have a little fun: Father Dan's Easter Quiz: 1. Who first came to the tomb on Sunday morning? a. one woman (John 20:1) b. two women (Matt. 28:1) c. three women (Mark 16:1) d. more than three women (Luke 23:55-56; 24:1,10) 2. She (they) came a. while it was still dark (Matt. 28:1; John 20:1) b. after the sun had risen (Mark 16:2) 3. The woman

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ExChristian.Net On Stage

Pitchu, one of the active members of the open forums, has decided to bestow on ExChristian.Net, as well as those involved with it, a huge compliment. As some of you may already know, Pitchu is an accomplished playwright. What you may not know is that she desires to devote some of her creative talents and energies toward writing a musical stage presentation illustrating challenges faced by those who leave Christianity. It will be based on stories found right here at ExChristian.Net. Although the characters in the musical will be creations from the writer’s imagination, the plot will revolve around experiences publicly submitted to this site. I’ve given my permission for Pitchu to pursue this vision, and in return she has agreed to support the continuation of with a portion of any compensation the musical may generate. Regardless of whether any financial gain is actually realized, I am excited about publicizing the reality of “ex-Christians” on the stage. I

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