
Showing posts from November, 2004

The Study-to-show-thyself-approved Challenge

sent in by Sharon Loving greetings to all Christians and all others. I offer a challenge to all Christians. This is not a new concept, it is in fact commanded in the Bible. Yet so few self proclaimed Christians ever do it that this fact tells a glaringly simple story all of it's own. Show your love for your God and your maker. READ THE BIBLE! Yes, I hear you saying "I read my Bible every day!" I mean read the WHOLE Bible. Cover to cover. I used to find it amazing that every self proclaimed Christian that I have ever known claims that he/she loves God, even that he/she KNOWS God and hasnt bothered even to read the entire body of what He supposedly gave to us his beloved children as his word in the Holy Bible. Even on a human scale we are well aware that if we received a letter from the one person we love most in the world we would want to read the whole thing. Every last word! That we would be blatantly hipocritical if we read only portions of it and

Happy Thanksgiving!

Enjoy a 'Flaming Jesus' this holiday! Ingredients: Scale ingredients to servings 1 1/2 oz Absolut Vodka 1 splash Lime Juice 1 splash Grenadine Bacardi 151 Proof Rum Directions: Pour vodka, lime juice, and grenadine into shot glass. Then layer 151 proof rum on top from the back of a spoon. Light the 151 and shoot it while lit if you dare. If you are worried about shooting a lit drink, just blow out the flame and then shoot the drink. Talk about your tongues of fire... Have a great day!

How To Escape Religion Guilt Free

"As a dedicated believer in the word of God, I fully expected the other members of my church to be as dedicated as I was, but I quickly learned that few individuals were... I came to understand that the Bible had little power to change the inner nature of man, and none of its promises were coming to any kind of fruition." If I didn't know better, I might be tempted to suspect Scott Stahlecker had tapped into my own mind to find his inspiration for: "How To Escape Religion Guilt Free." Of course Stahlecker is telling his own story in this book, and the quote above is his, but without a doubt his experiences parallel what many true believers begin to suspect during the course of their "walk with god." And as a personal testimony of a loss of faith, this book is a very good read. However, he goes considerably beyond the personal, deftly documenting much of Christianity's logical inconsistencies, its lack of verifiable evidence, its contradicto

Fundamental Dysfunctions

Fundamental Dysfunctions Please see my website about my crazy Christian family: Thanks, Kemila

Biblical Inconsistencies

- Compiled by Donald Morgan mirrored from HERE These lists are meant to identify possible problems in the Bible, especially problems which are inherent in a literalist or fundamentalist interpretation. Some of the selections may be resolvable on certain interpretations--after all, almost any problem can be eliminated with suitable rationalizations--but it is the reader's obligation to test this possibility and to decide whether it really makes appropriate sense to do this. To help readers in this task, these lists are aimed at presenting examples where problems may exist given certain allowable (but not always obligatory) assumptions.  GE 1:3-5 On the first day, God created light, then separated light and darkness. GE 1:14-19 The sun (which separates night and day) wasn't created until the fourth day. GE 1:11-12 , 26-27 Trees were created before man was created. GE 2:4-9 Man was created

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