
Showing posts from November, 2007

This I Believe!

It amazes me that so many otherwise intelligent people, who use reason in every other aspect of their lives, can believe the Christian dogma . People who would never believe anything even remotely as far-fetched, somehow believe. People who question the things they hear, see, and read everyday—and require concrete proof before making a judgment or decision—still somehow believe. How can this be? Technorati Tags: humor Atheist Bible Christianity Comics humor


By Steven What a drag. The "Hell o'days" are here and the baby Jesus (cast in authentic Chinese designer resin!) is on sale NOW at Rite Aid! Even before the post Halloween 50% off candy sale (IMPORTANT!!) was over...last years left over Xmas crap was dusted off and dragged out of the back room by miserable employees and diligently scattered around the drug store. Overhead (by authority of The President) the torture is piped in...silent nite, away in a mangy, holly jolly Xmas...I would rather be water boarded than to hear F@%$!!#@ Jingle Bells one more time. Years ago my pastor shocked the congregation with this statement from the pulpit... "I see bumper stickers everywhere that read "Keep Christ in Christmas" I say leave him out of it!...Christmas is hopelessly compromised and we'd do better just to celebrate with a wonderful Winter Feast and think about the baby Jesus some other time" Needless to the old ladies were shocked. I agr

Gratitude - Only for Theists?

Reposted from the Freethought Café by J.C. Samuelson Scanning the Internet for news and views on a variety of topics, and for how they relate to secularism, I frequently find myself shaking my head at the smörgåsbord of absurdity issuing from the keyboards of religionists. Both the ignorant and the educated get in on the act, the latter merely couching their vituperation in more sophisticated language. During the holiday season especially, their frequency and variety seems to increase. There are so many, in fact, I feel like a mosquito in a nudist colony - it's hard to know where to begin. Today, I'll be focusing on just one ridiculous idea - that non-theists literally have nothing to be thankful to. This particular chestnut makes the rounds every year around Thanksgiving, a uniquely American holiday with no basis in religious dogma or scripture, but with a culturally religious origin. Many theists profess to believe, of course, that gratitude and appreciation are contingent u

Evolution's evolution

A little blast from the Daily Show's past. The Daily Show (currently The Daily Show with Jon Stewart ) is a Peabody and Emmy Award -winning American satirical television program produced by and airing on Comedy Central . The half-hour long show premiered on Monday, July 22 , 1996 , and was hosted by Craig Kilborn , who acted as its anchorman . In 1998, Kilborn left the show and was replaced by Jon Stewart in early 1999. -- Wikipedia Great Moments in the Evolution Debate - The Scopes Monkey Trial (0:58) Clarence Darrow asks William Jennings Bryan if he's ever spent time with men of learning at the Scopes Monkey Trial. Evolution's Evolution (2:58) On the final night of The Daily Show's special evolution week, Jon examines human attempts to intelligently design nature. Evolution Schmevolution - A Heritage Tour (4:16) In the first stop on his "Evolutionary War" tour, Ed Helms visits Dayton, TN, site

Replacing the rituals

By Sharon Three things I missed about Christianity when I first left were church music, prayer, and church attendance. Much to my surprise, I have derived much satisfaction from building new routines and rituals into my life. For the vocal benefit of prayer, I have substituted talking to myself or reading aloud to myself. For the meditative aspect of prayer, I have substituted gazing out onto some horizon or body of water in nature. For the intentional aspect of prayer, I throw coins in the fountain in the park, or just sit by it pensively in wintertime when the water doesn’t run. I didn’t think church music would be easy to replace, because the experience of it was one that would stay with me for hours after each service as I bounced around my house singing the familiar church songs that rang in my head. But now that I have the freedom to explore other music genres besides gospel, my everyday life – not just Sunday’s – is permeated with music. I have enjoyed singing since I w

A truthdig debate

Part I: Part II: Part III: Part IV: Sam Harris and Chris Hedges debate one another at UCLA 's Royce Hall in Los Angeles . Truthdig editor Robert Scheer moderates. From Wikipedia: Truthdig is a Web magazine that provides a mix of long-form articles, interviews, and blog -like commentary on current events, delivered from a progressive point-of-view. The site is built around major "digs" led by authorities in their fields, who write multi-faceted pieces about contemporary, often controversial, topics. Truthdig was co-founded by Los Angeles entrepreneur Zuade Kaufman, who serves as publisher, and journalist Robert Scheer, the website's editor, who also writes a weekly column for the site. Its most significant articles from the 2005-2006 period are "An Atheist Manifesto" by Sam Harris , [1] and "President Jonah" by Gore Vidal , which compared President George W. Bush to the biblical Jonah . [2] Other significant contributors include Chris Hedges

Which century are we in?

By Billy Braun Is it my imagination, or are we seeing a rise of ignorance in our culture? In spite of all the recent successful books supporting the rationalist viewpoint, there seems to be a fresh revival of superstition and gullibility among the general public. The mass media is saturated with programs promoting the notion that accepting the claims of psychics, mediums, ufologists, evangelists etc, is scientifically supported and reasonable. Are we (at least in America) seeing a re-birth of the Dark Ages? Will this "push-back" of stupidity grow in the near future? I'd be curious to see how readers gauge this situation, so, use this poll to vote your estimation of the urgency of the situation. Also, do you see things getting better or getting worse? Thanks. Note to Christians: I DO NOT want your opinion on this issue. If you understand the question, you will recognize that it places YOU as part of the problem, so, please resist the urge to "help".   Is sup

God loves dirty woman

I like me some dirty women! And so does the Christian God!

Be Thankful to Allah علامات محبة الله ل

Remember to thank the true™ Lord of Creation on Thanksgiving!

Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial -- now online

This two-hour program is divided into 12 chapters. Choose any chapter below and select QuickTime or Windows Media Player to begin viewing the video. If you experience difficulty viewing, it may be due to high demand. watch chapter 1 in Quicktime Windows Media: hi | low A TOWN DIVIDED The rural community of Dover, Pennsylvania is torn apart in the latest battle over the teaching of evolution, and parents file a lawsuit against the town's school board in federal court. running time 10:50 chapter 1 transcript watch chapter 2 in Quicktime Windows Media: hi | low WHAT IS EVOLUTION? More than 150 years ago Charles Darwin developed the theory of evolution to explain how the diversity of life arose, laying the foundation for modern biological science. running time 7:04 chapter 2 transcript watch chapter 3 in Quicktime Windows Media: hi | low INTRODUCING INTELLIGENT DESIGN The Dover School Board attempts to introd

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