
Showing posts from 2005

Religious Discrimination Continues in the Military

by Wayne Adkins The United States military has gone to great lengths to accommodate soldiers from a variety of religious backgrounds. They provide dietary alternatives, a variety of chaplains and printed materials from every major religion. They have gone as far as accommodating Wiccan rituals and allowing open Satan worship on military bases and ships. But there is one group of soldiers that the military has turned its back on. Atheists are still openly disparaged by chaplains in today’s military. Chaplains continue to perpetuate the myth that there are no atheists in foxholes despite the fact that atheists are serving honorably right now in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. The military’s response has been to simply ignore it. Some chaplains, like Captain Scott McCammon and Major Eric Albertson, have gone as far as saying that atheists are less qualified as soldiers than their religious counterparts. McCammon said in an interview "You can know how to dig a foxhole, but unless y

The Amazing Jesus Of Nazareth

A short skit by Rowan Atkinson illustrating Christian gullibility. Launch in external player

Happy Yuletide Cheer!

CHRISTMAS TIME IS PAGAN! (sung to Gloria in Excelsius Deo or Angels We Have Heard on High ) (Long intro) Christmas time is here again, Decorations everywhere. Christmas carols ringing out, We're ex-Christian, we don't care. (Short interlude) Modern folks all celebrate What they learned in Sunday School. In December, they don't know They are celebrating Yule! CHORUS: Glo - o - ho - ho - ho - ho... o - ho - ho - ho - ho... o - ho - ho - it's - hil - a - rious! Christ - mas time is pa - gan! Glo - o - ho - ho - ho - ho... o - ho - ho - ho - ho... o - ho - ho - it's - hil - a - rious! Christ - mas time is pa - gan! (Short interlude) Let them have their Christmas trees, Decked in red and green and blue. We rejoice to see the sight! Christmas trees are pagan , too. CHORUS: Glo - o - ho - ho - ho - ho... o - ho - ho - ho - ho... o - ho - ho - it's - hil - a - rious! Christ - mas time is pa - gan! Glo - o - ho - ho - ho - ho... o - ho - ho - ho - ho... o - ho - ho -

The God Who Wasn't There

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War on Christmas!

Beyond Belief Media declares war on Christmas Last week Beyond Belief Media issued a press release declaring war on Christmas . Here are the first four paragraphs of this historic document: Beyond Belief Media has formally declared war on Christmas, the December 25 holiday in which Christians celebrate the birth of the mythical figure Jesus Christ, the company announced today. "Christian conservatives complain nonstop about the 'War on Christmas,' but there really isn't any such war," said Beyond Belief Media president Brian Flemming, a former fundamentalist Christian who is now an atheist activist. "So we have decided to wage one, to demonstrate what it would look like if Jesus' birthday were truly attacked." As its opening salvo, Beyond Belief Media has purchased advertisements this week in the New York Times, USA Today and the New Yorker magazine. The company's 300-member volunteer "street team" is also descending on Christmas-themed

An Interview with John Maynard Smith

John Maynard Smith, who died in 2004 at the age of 84, was one of the major figures in 20th century evolutionary biology. He was professor emeritus at the University of Sussex . Robert Wright interviews John Maynard Smith: Books by John Maynard Smith: Evolution And The Theory Of Games The Major Transitions In Evolution The Theory Of Evolution Books by Robert Wright: Nonzero |  The Moral Animal Check out more interviews at Meaningoflife.Tv

A/Video Chat

Choose a screen name, click the log-in button, and you're chatting. This A/Video Chat application created by Userplane Webchat enables users to connect through webcams, microphones and phone conference, as well as text. However, as this sort of service is expensive, it is supported by annoying advertisements. Screen names can be registered by clicking on the "sign-up" link. Those who take a minute to register will find they have a several advantages over guests. Give it a try, it's fun.

Evolution 101 - Dr. Zach Moore

Molecular biologist Dr. Zachary Moore studies the effects of DNA, RNA and proteins on human disease. He is a former Christian, a moderator on this site, and recently began participating in a series of talks for The Infidel Guy website entitled "Evolution 101". In this first talk Dr. Moore talks about evolution, alleles, information theory, phenotypes, retroviruses, eugenics, mutations and more! Special thanks are extended to Infidel Guy , Reginald Finley, for allowing us to offer this interview here. Click the play arrow to listen. Forum subscribers can download the file to their hard drive here . Dualbase :: Montreal webdesign :: the home of FLAM player Flam Player :: Macromedia Flash mp3 player :: the home of FLAM player flashVars="fp_root_url=

7 E-Z Steps to get a handy collection of Bible Contradictions and Problems

1. Select either the pdf or the html format. (pdf will look better, but take longer to load. You also need Acrobat Reader to open PDF files. Acrobat Reader is free and can be downloaded here ) 2. Click on the Side 1 Button of your chosen format. 3. Print out the resulting page. 4. Take the printed paper out, flip it over, and stick it back into your paper feed, top end in first. 5. Press "Back" to return here, press the Side 2 button and print to get the others side. 6. Cut out and fold along the blue lines. 7. Place in wallet, and enter argument Side 1 in .pdf Side 2 in .pdf Side 1 in .html Side 2 in .html

Debate of Creation verses Evolution

Is Genesis Right? Is the Bible True? What is the Probability? Chance? Is Evolution a Religion? Is Religion a Hoax? Is the Universe Proof of God's Existence? Click here to watch a video debate between Dr. Ken Hovind of the Creation Science Institute vs. Dr. Matthew Rainbow, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Antelope Valley College. Leave comments below.

The Virgin Birth and Childhood Mysteries of Jesus

by James Still Biblical scholars have long ago dismissed the literal interpretation of the miraculous virgin-birth of Jesus. Also, many liberal Christian denominations have either quietly purged the curious piece of teaching from their body of philosophy, or conveniently ignore the issue altogether. Despite this, the allure of such an intriguing concept is still very powerful and Jesus' virgin birth continues to enjoy the unquestioning belief of millions of people. The purpose of this essay is to explore the mythological connections between prodigal children in history with an emphasis on the meaning and symbology of virgin birth as it particularly relates to Jesus. In this way Jesus' virgin birth and the mysteries surrounding it will be fully explored in the mythological context from which it derives. We know very little about the desert nomads and goddess worshippers who settled the fertile Tigris-Euphrates river valley. Mesopotamia, situated as it was between the ancient lan

How to Become a Non-Christian

A sensible approach to a difficult transition by Jim Etchison " ... you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:32 "The real freedom of any man can always be measured by the amount of responsibility which he must assume for his own welfare and security" -- Robert Welch Introduction People often view a de-conversion as a sudden, bursting decision, but it is rarely so. For me, leaving my faith was like the creation of an oil painting. At first there were vague shapes that I couldn't identify. Then, stroke upon stroke, the details came into focus, and finally what was happening in the picture became clear. At the time, the picture I saw was my worst fear coming to life -- but I knew I had to proceed. I wasn't until long after the painting was finished, however, that I could recognize the beauty in the creation. And you will see the beauty too ... eventually. Even though I've changed drastically since my de-conversion, the basic elemen

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