
Showing posts from November, 2009

Doubting Jesus’ Resurrection

Image via Wikipedia By Kris Komarnitsky, author of Doubting Jesus' Resurrection: What Happened in the Black Box? (also available in the UK and as an ebook ). A ccording to well-known proponent of Jesus’ resurrection Dr. N.T. Wright , “The empty tomb and the ‘meetings’ with Jesus, when combined, present us with not only a sufficient condition for the rise of early Christian belief, but also, it seems, a necessary one. Nothing else historians have been able to come up with has the power to explain the phenomena before us.” 1 This view – which is really the idea that Jesus’ resurrection is the only plausible explanation for the Christian origins evidence before us – has been popularized by lay authors like JP Holding ( The Impossible Faith ) and Lee Strobel : “I had seen defendants carted off to the death chamber on much less convincing proof!” 2 It has also filtered down to the lay blogosphere : “The evidence is simply overwhelming. If you believe in gravity, you have to beli

Sounding False Alarms

by Fatalotti H ave you ever heard of someone who's yelled fire in a crowded room in which there was no fire, needlessly causing extreme levels of panic? These people are generally arrested for disturbing the peace. If someone were to get injured during the ensuing chaos, the charges levied against the perpetrator could be even greater, including reckless endangerment, and should someone be killed, it could extend to manslaughter. It goes without saying that the law considers this to be a serious offense because of the great damage it can cause. But what if the perp claiming that there was a fire actually believed that there was fire? And, I don't mean he smelled smoke in the air, or felt intense warmth beneath his feet. I mean, he had had a vision, or believed that a supernatural power had warned him about this fire, and that it was his duty to proclaim in this crowded room about the imminent fire. But, there was no such fire. Would he still be held accountable for his

The Power of God

by Neal Stone Image by . SantiMB . via Flickr A ccording to the Bible and Christians, God created the earth and universe in just six days. Let us take a good look at this. Let's assume that this god did indeed create the universe. Then he would have to have extremely advanced knowledge and skill in physics, mathematics, engineering and so on. On top of that he would require an immense power source beyond imagination. So we are talking about someone with incredible power, knowledge and skill. So herein lies the problem. With all this power, knowledge and skill god seems to have a few issues regarding a couple of other skills. Communication and planning. Communication. Given all his wisdom, power and ability to see the future as well as the past god's only communication to us is a book so confusing, convoluted and riddle with mistakes (he can create the universe, but not handle a handful of authors and document copiers????) called the Bible. On top of that those that claim

Point of View

by WizenedSage Image by arti47 via Flickr F or those believers and fence-sitters who occasionally visit this site, I offer the following for your consideration. The following passage is the very foundation statement of Christianity, so what it means is very, very important. John 3:16: “ For God so loved the world , that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life .” So, god is making a really big sacrifice for us, right? Well, that depends on your point of view. Here’s what I see in that passage. “Your birth offends me. I can forgive you, but someone has to die.” Once we scrape off the sticky sweet frosting of words like “love” and “gave,” isn’t that the real message of that passage? You may think god is doing the sacrificing here, but isn’t he also the one demanding the sacrifice, and rather arbitrarily, since he makes the rules? And, like any good TV huckster, god adds, “But that’s not all! If you worship me, I’ll let y

A Humanist Thanksgiving Proclamation

by Robert Green Ingersoll (1833–1899), from The Works of Robert Green Ingersoll Vol IV W hen I became convinced that the universe is natural — that all the ghosts and gods are myths , there entered into my brain , into my soul , into every drop of my blood, the sense, the feeling, the joy of freedom. The walls of my prison crumbled and fell, the dungeon was flooded with light and all the bolts and bars and manacles became dust. I was no longer a servant, a serf or a slave. There was for me no master in all the world — not even infinite space. I was free: Free to think, to express my thoughts Free to live my own ideal Fee to live for myself and those I loved Free to use all my faculties, all my senses Free to spread imagination’s wings Free to investigate, to guess and dream and hope Free to judge and determine for myself Free to reject all ignorant and cruel creeds, all the “inspired” books that savages have produced, and all the barbarous legends of the past Free from popes and

“He’s a great science teacher, but he doesn’t believe in evolution.”

by Valerie Tarico It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. – Charles Darwin L ast week, as I was driving a carload of middle-schoolers to a movie, the kids started talking about their teachers. I couldn’t help overhearing, “ . . . He’s a great science teacher, but he doesn’t believe in evolution.” Two days later, a friend reported that her 15-year-old daughter had just returned from at a junior government retreat. “They argued the pros and cons of teaching intelligent design in schools, and she said there were some very compelling arguments on the pro side.” When I repeated the story at the dinner table later, my own daughter mentioned a school mate who feels conflicted about his biology curriculum because his family doesn’t believe in evolution. Charles Darwin published his world-changing work, On the Origin of Species , 150 years ago this week. What he proposed was breathtakingly simple. It can be re

You Can Be Healed!

by David J Pastor Billy Joe Daugherty " You Can Be Healed: How to Believe God for Your Healing " is a book by Billy Joe Daughtery , founder of Victory Christian Center (VCC), Victory Christian School (VCS), and Victory Bible Institute (VBI). Daughtery was also the interim president at Oral Roberts University (ORU) of which he and I are both alumni. In addition to being a graduate of VBI and ORU, I am also a founding member of VCC and a former student of VCS. In VBI, we had a class that was so important to him that he taught it himself. It was on healing. To summerize a semester in a few words, the premise was that Christ died for our sins and also our healing. Not only is salvation a free gift for all who accept it, healing is also a free gift for anyone who believes. I won't claim to know who wrote the various parts of the bible or why, but a plain text reading of several of the authors would lead to this interpretation. Last month, Billy Joe Daughtery was dia


by Carl S Image by bondidwhat via Flickr F irst off, for any Christian reading this, what do the words “Lead us not into temptation” mean? I know that’s from the Lord’s Prayer, the Perfect prayer, of which there are two versions. It means that, out of all those fruits in Eden, the lord deliberately pointed out that you shouldn’t eat those of that particular tree he deliberately planted there, according to your beliefs. It also means that the hands placed so close to certain organs are not allowed to touch and play with them. In fact, there are many examples of the lord’s tempting. You can blame Eve and the serpent all you want, but guess who put the boiling pot of water just where the child would tip it over onto himself? There is a line in the movie “The Princess Bride”, where the serf tells the padre, “I’m not buying what you’re selling.” All those reverends, popes, rabbis, imams, seers, etc. are selling. In a free market for religion they’re out with sales pitches, putting up adver

UnChristian Gratitude

by Dr. Marlene Winell Image by Te55 via Flickr R ecently I had a very short, but encouraging little dream right before waking up. I had been feeling burdened by all the problems in the world. In my dream I got the message that “the butterflies are working to lift our spirits.” I woke up surprised and delighted. Later I shared it with a couple friends who also liked it, amused by the image. Then I mentioned it to a Christian I know, who responded, “Maybe that’s why God made them.” Perhaps some of you who are also “recovering Christians” can help me understand my irritation. My guess is that I’m tired of this pattern of making everything good one step removed from our direct experience. In the typical Christian view, nature’s beauty is always “God’s handiwork.” When you look at a sunset or the intricacy of an orchid, you have to give credit to God and be thankful to Him. Nothing is simply beautiful or amazing for its own sake. This Thanksgiving, lets enjoy and reclaim our g

The Things You Learn In Sunday School (Part 5) - Elisha Delivers Death to Children By Way of Bear

by MtlRedAtheist The Holy Bible tells a story of how Elisha cursed some children to be destroyed by wild bears, because they mocked his bald head. Apparently killing children is not immoral when you do it by evoking God's supernatural powers. Why are we allowing our children to be taught this stuff? All music in this video is written and performed by MtlRedAtheist .

Why don't my words REGISTER with them?

by summerbreeze I t's nice to be "courted," isn't it? But, not when you are asked to return to something that caused you so much unhappiness to begin with. Amongst other bible studies, I was enrolled in Community Bible Study (CBS) when I was a Christian. I jumped ship after I realized that Christianity was a lie, and it made me feel so beat-down. After I left, CBS ignored me for several years. Now this past year, they have been continually sending me news letters and forms galore to fill out and rejoin. A few weeks ago, I got fed up and decided to write on the form WHY I left Christianity (I was hoping something just might "register" with someone). Today I received a two-page letter from Mr. Pat Robertson, Executive Director of Community Bible School. I'm sure that he's not the doofus who we're familiar with. Anyway, at first I tore it in two and tossed it in the kitchen waste basket. After a while I decided to fish it out and read it (it

Taking the "super" out of "supernatural"

by Nathan I no longer consider myself a Christian and told my wife, her parents and my parents earlier this year. However, I still go to church with my wife (a “non-denominational, a cappella ” congregation with about 10-12 members) because we have three little ones and it doesn't seem right to make her drag all three out the door and drive 25 miles alone. So I have been sitting in church every Sunday listening to a particularly conservative, literal message and it has driven me nuts. Sunday's sermon was particularly egregious and so I thought I'd write something just to get things off my chest. The guy bringing the message started by saying science is a religion in and of itself, then moved on to saying that god is like wind and gravity; you can't see wind or gravity, but can prove they exist by the effects around you. He moved on to say that the defining characteristic for Christians is the resurrection of Jesus and if you can prove there was no resurrection then

Parenting Beyond Belief

Image via Wikipedia I have not read the actual book ( Parenting Beyond Belief: On Raising Ethical, Caring Kids Without Religion ), but I thought it was an apt title for my own story as a parent, because in the end, even with everything I dealt with as a child myself, I somehow managed to parent beyond belief, at least beyond belief in Evangelical Fundamentalist teachings. This also included beyond the trappings I still had to pull my own self out of as an adult too. I do not know how I did it, but I seemed to have done it. When I was little, I made a vow to myself not to do to my children what my parents, grandparents, and other relatives did to me. This also included on the religious front too. Now of course I did not have children yet, but like every little girl I had dreams about adulthood and family. To this day, I believe I kept that promise to myself and the other day, a conversation with my older son, seemed to confirm that I did in at least one area. When my sons were litt

Big Butter Jesus

King of Kings (Also known as "Touchdown Jesus" or " Big Butter Jesus "), is a 62-foot-tall sculpture of Jesus just outside of Cincinnati . Jesus appears to be rising from the waters behind the amphitheater at Monroe's Solid Rock Church . Music by Heywood Banks , the version originally broadcast on the syndicated Bob & Tom radio show . All images except the first three reproduced with the permission of the web creationists at jeeebus ( ). Accept no imitations!

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