
Showing posts from November, 2008


SILHOUETTE CITY :: 2 minute trailer Trailer for SILHOUETTE CITY - the first post-Bush investigation into the nature of the radical Christian right . It follows the spread of apocalyptic Christian nationalism from the marginal groups of the 70's-80's to today's mainstream Christian right. With the impending re-marginalization of Christian nationalists on the horizon (with the election of Obama ), the film explores the lengths to which religious militants in America are prepared to go for their beliefs. SILHOUETTE CITY :: excerpts Excerpts from the upcoming nonfiction film SILHOUETTE CITY - an investigation of apocalyptic Christian nationalism. SILHOUETTE CITY excerpt: Council for National Policy Meeting Excerpt from the film SILHOUETTE CITY. In Spring 2008, Republican presidential candidate John McCain told the Council for National Policy: "I want to look you in the eye and tell you I won't let you down." This is the only known video documentation of the CNP

Ethical Arguments against Christianity

Image by Swamibu via Flickr By Ty H Philips For over two thousand years, western society has been influenced by the teachings of an obscure mythical figure known as Jesus of Nazareth. Why he was called this, is unknown, aside from his disciples trying to fulfill prophecy on their own, because he was neither born there, had family from there, nor ever lived there. Many, including myself, will argue that we are less influenced by the stories of Jesus as much as we are by the teachings of Paul and the future Roman Catholic Church . This paper will be a detailed refute of the ethicalness of the Judeo/Christian faith. I have been plagued, harangued, and fearful of my own objections on many grounds. First being raised in a fundamental and charismatic Christian household, I have ingrained in me, the teachings of a school of Christian thought called, Dispensationalism. This school of thought was created in the 1800’s by John Nelson Darby . Prior to this period, no Christian had h

Even Jesus does not get his prayers answered

by Lance Courtney just posted an excellent rant on November 27th titled " Satan's waiting, and you better believe there are NO donuts ." I was going to write a quick reply, but the more I thought about it, the more it turned into a full on rant. So thanks Courtney for your post. My rant has to do with Courtney's observation that all sorts of Christians constantly say that non-like minded Christians are not "real" Christians. We have heard liberal or progressive Christians on this site say that the hate filled fundies are not real Christians. And we all know that to a fundie, pretty much all the other so-called Christians are obviously fakes. I even saw a YouTube video of Texas preacher RA Smith saying that he would not even listen to the preaching of anyone that reads the NIV Bible . How is that for exclusionary? So here is the deal. In the Bible , specifically John 17, Jesus prays to the father on the night before he gets pinned to the cross. H

A Thanksgiving Prayer

By William S. Burroughs “Thanks for a Nation of Finks,” says America’s Poet, William S. Burroughs, in this beloved Thanksgiving Prayer. (It is traditional for the head of household to recite this prayer before the Feast.)

Satan's waiting, and you better believe there are NO donuts

“Hell” by Hans Memling , 1485 By Courtney I pointed out (in My Atheist Manifesto ) that the Bible claims that people will know Christians at first glance 'by their light,' being such serene and loving beings, and how that's actually never the case. Christians rebut this, with such reliable consistency that you could bet your house on it, by claiming that most Christians are not 'true' Christians. Let's pretend that this is true for an instant. In that case, we can glean two things: It is extremely hard to be a Christian, as only very few people can pull it off despite all the millions that are trying, and If only 'true' Christians get into Heaven, as they say, then even MORE people than we already know of are headed toward eternal torture. The vast majority of God 's beloved creations will die and be tormented, the killers along with the nonbelievers, the stubborn rationalists who insisted upon working in the soup kitchens rather than just TALKING a

The MoralMaster 2.0

By TruthSurge The standard in morality monitoring just got better. The MoralMaster 2.0 can gage your morality with a few quick questions. Don't wait! Call now and get your own MoralMaster 2.0 morality monitor! It could save you an eternity of regret !

Defining atheism

By Brian Crisan Atheism is a lack of belief in supernatural deities (i.e. God); the opposite of theism. Atheists as a whole do not have a consensus on how to define atheism. A number of the issues involved in defining the term appear below. Implicit and explicit atheism Implicit atheism is defined as a lack of belief in a god. Any person who has not been exposed to religious beliefs about the existence of god falls within the definition of implicit atheism. Atheists generally consider this definition inclusive of babies and little children who haven't yet formed opinions about the existence of supernatural deities due to a lack of exposure to them. Explicit atheism is defined as a conscious rejection of the existence of a god. Strong and weak atheism Strong atheism is defined as a type of atheism in which a positive assertion claiming the nonexistence of a god is made. Strong atheists would make the statement, "God does not exist." Weak atheism is defined

I built a prayer amplifier

By Ed Current

A Four-Letter Word

By Tasida The pastor at Laker Life, a bible study that I sat in on for a few weeks, has said more than once to me, "Sid, you are wrong. You know I love you, but you are wrong." Another lady who attends the Laker Life meetings has also said to me in passing, "Love ya!" And in Denver, where a local atheist group commissioned a billboard that reads, "Don't believe in god? You are not alone," one Pastor Willard Johnson commented, "We denounce what they are doing. But we do it with love, with gentleness, with decency and with compassion." I suppose I should feel blessed with all this freak'n love coming my way, but I don't. How could I possibly be against something as good as love? Well, I'm not. But unlike the word " God ", which could mean anything from the interceding tyrant of the Old Testament to a warm, fuzzy, amorphous blob of universal quasi-energy, the word "love" actually means something. Something impo

Sam Harris -- This is Your Brain on Morality

Can We Ever Be Right About Right and Wrong? Sam Harris is the author of The New York Times bestsellers, The End of Faith: Religion, Terror and the Future of Reason , which won the 2005 PEN/Martha Albrand Award for First Nonfiction, and Letter to a Christian Nation . His writing has appeared in Newsweek, Los Angeles Times , The Atlantic, The Times (London), The Boston Globe , The Annals of Neurology, and elsewhere. He is currently researching the neural basis of religious belief while completing a doctorate in neuroscience. He is also a Co-Founder and Chairman of The Reason Project .

Irreducible Complexity

An appeal to rational people

By DocMike I don't know if it's the approaching holiday season, the global economic crisis, or just the fact that I'm getting a little older, but I've been feeling the pain of the world lately and I really want to do something about it. I'm a very fortunate person. I have financial security, a close family, lots of great friends, and basically everything I need and most of what I want in life. If I believed in a deity, I would certainly be thanking it for my good fortune. But since I'm a rational human being, I attribute it to hard work and lots of good luck! Anyway, I've been reading a lot lately about hunger and I really want to do something to help those in need. However, I don't like the idea of sending money to a religion-based organization. Now, I know many of them do a lot of good in this area. I won't try to take that away from them. But frankly, I don't trust them. I always wonder how much of my money is being spent to feed hungry people

Leviticus General Hospital

By DocMike I know I've done this one to death (excuse the pun), but I just love Leviticus !

God is Sick and Perverted

The Return of Jephthah by Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini, By Neal Stone First off, Christians, don't give me the "That was the God of the Old Testament excuse," because in Heb 13:8 it says "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." and in Malachi 3:6 it says "I the LORD do not change..." So God is never changing, and Jesus is also God in the flesh, so your excuse doesn't work here. In a recent post we heard a Christian call an atheist television show and engage in a conversation where the Christian went down in flames. A story is mentioned about a guy named Jephthah who sacrifices his daughter after promising God he would sacrifice the first thing to come out of his home, should he when a war. We are going to look at this passage and break it down. Let us keep in mind the according to Christians and the Bible , God knows the past, present and the FUTURE. So, everything that is about to unfold, God foresaw ahead of time. Judg

What Every Creationist Must DENY

A video by cdk007 To deny evolution is to deny a direct observation. It's like denying the sky is blue while refusing to look up. Truth is not a democracy . Don't teach ideas just because they are different; teach ideas because they are supported by evidence . Intelligence is awareness of ignorance. Stupidity is ignorance of ignorance. Think about it.

Talking to God...

God, as played by Morgan Freeman in Bruce Almighty By The Ragged Trousered Philosopher I met god the other day. I know what you’re thinking. How the hell did you know it was god? Well, I’ll explain as we go along, but basically he convinced me by having all, and I do mean ALL, the answers. Every question I flung at him he batted back with a plausible and satisfactory answer. In the end, it was easier to accept that he was god than otherwise. Which is odd, because I’m still an atheist and we even agree on that! It all started on the 8.20 back from Paddington. Got myself a nice window seat, no screaming brats or drunken hooligans within earshot. Not even a mobile phone in sight. Sat down, reading the paper and in he walks. What did he look like? Well not what you might have expected that’s for sure. He was about 30, wearing a pair of jeans and a "hobgo

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