Conservative Christian beliefs about masturbation:

We have not found any biblical verses which deal directly with masturbation. However, the practice is widely condemned by Evangelical Christian groups. A few articles on the subject are described below. They use very different approaches to develop their position. Two of the articles raise the threat of eternal punishment in Hell for the over 90% of men (and probably a lower percentage of women) who masturbate.

Masturbation is a form of adultery:

Religion-Cults.Com teaches that masturbation is an an abomination and a perversion. To pursue sexual pleasure or orgasm in manner not associated with marital intercourse that is love-giving and open to the creation of new life violates the will of God and is immoral. In fact they claim that: "In marriage, any kind of sexual stimulation can be given to the partner, but always ending the relation with sexual intercourse, depositing the semen into the vagina. Other kind of orgasm is a way of masturbation."

Masturbation is sinful because of the sexual fantasies it generates:

New-Life.Net appears to teach that masturbation is not a sexual sin of the same class as fornication (e.g. pre-marital sex). 2 "But it's sinful when accompanied, as is so often the case, by sexual fantasies and impure thoughts." It is also a sin when it becomes habit forming. They recommend diverting sexual energies to re-focus on "the service of God and of others." (Jesus is recorded as commenting on sexual fantasies in Matthew 5:28 as noted above) Further, they say that several bad side effects are inherent from long term masturbation including guilt feelings which make it hard for you to relate to other people, lack of self-control may make you susceptible to unfaithfulness in your marriage and because of the concentration on your own orgasm or release, it can train you to be selfish in marital sex. It is also common for masturbation to create a problem with pre-ejaculation in your marriage.

No documentation of these allegations is offered.

Masturbation is a form of impurity and uncleanness:

RBC Ministries admits that the Bible has no specific references to masturbation. 3 However, they believe that habitual self-pleasuring is contained within the catchall terms "lasciviousness," "impurity," and "uncleanness." They give no reasons why masturbation falls under these categories of sin. They cite some Biblical references: Leviticus 15:16-17; Mark 7:20-22; 2 Corinthians 12:21; Galatians 5:19; Ephesians 5:3-5; Colossians 3:5. The Galatians and Ephesians are particularly serious, because they state that such people "will not inherit the kingdom of God." They will be headed for Hell fire when they die. On a positive note, they reject the concept that sexual desires and feelings are intrinsically evil. That, they believe, is an ancient Gnostic heresy.

Masturbation is addictive and a misuse of sexuality:

Christ Unlimited Ministries (CUM) concludes that God created sexuality in order to be enjoyed only between two heterosexual, married spouses. 4 Since masturbation only involves one person, it is an abuse of this gift of God. Masturbation is addictive; the individual craves "increasingly extreme acts to maintain the same degree of excitement." [The author of that essay does not provide any proof of this assertion.] Masturbation usually involves fantasy which is condemned in Job 31:1-3 and Matthew 5:28. The author offers a multi-point program for overcoming masturbation: Confess the sin to God; confess it to your pastor or another committed Christian; reject anything that aggravates the sin; seek deliverance from fellow Christians who provide a healing ministry; don't give up.

Masturbation is against natural law:

Good Morals.Org boldly asserts that "ANY sexual activity which attempts to bypass reproduction is a sin. God joined the creation of life together with the pleasures of sexual intercourse. Birth control and abortion attempt to defeat the creation of life that is entwined by Nature's God with the reproductive act. So does masturbation."

They continue on by clearly condemning masturbation as an act of homosexual perversion. This page uses the KJV and draws a direct parallel between "self-abuse" and the sin of Onan.

Masturbation is a violation of God's purpose for sex:

Dawson McAllister of Christian Answers Network (The English version of this article seems to have been recently removed) condemns masturbation for a variety of reasons: Genesis 2:18 describes how God created sex to overcome man's aloneness. Thus, sex was meant for two people. Thus, masturbation goes against God's purpose for sexuality.

Sexual fantasies almost always accompany masturbation. He cites Proverbs 12:11, although the passage does not appear to say anything about sexual fantasies.

Masturbation can damage a person sexually; their future sex life in marriage could suffer. He offers no reason why this will happen; he does not cites any studies in support of his conclusion.

He claims that masturbation is an unhealthy way to deal with loneliness. Again, he does not provide any references or support for the statement.

He claims that "Masturbation is almost always a symptom of a deeper need." Again, no supporting evidence is supplied.

If you Masturbate you are Homosexual!

The Centurion says the following. As usual there is absolutely no documentation of any kind offered to support their position.

"Do not be deceived, for masturbation is a form of homosexuality. The word "homo" means like or same. Therefore, when an individual masturbates, only one sex is present. The Bible promotes heterosexual relationships. In other words, all sexual relations that involve only one sex is homosexuality. This vile practice stems from a heart sanctified to Satan. The Holy Spirit will never instruct anyone to carry out such a corrupt thing. Masturbation is not the answer to sexual urges that one cannot carry out immediately for whatever reasons. Stop abusing yourself. Masturbation affects every aspect of life. It affects your spiritual, mental and physical well being. We must understand that these areas are not independent of the others but inter-dependent. All three work together to establish health. That is why the devil employs this weapon because he knows that the practice of masturbation will destroy man completely."

Okay, whatever. This next part I especially like because it uses nameless scientists for support:

"Scientists have accredited many physical ills to the practice of masturbation. They found out that masturbation disturbs the nervous system. The lungs and liver are affected and diseases such as neuralgia, rheumatism, affection in the spine, diseased kidneys and cancerous tumors are formed as well. in addition, catarrh, dropsy, headache, loss of memory and sight, weakness in the back and loins and insanity set in as well. So, when the Bible admonishes us to flee from the lusts of the flesh and walk after the spirit we can understand why."

Now that is just a pack of silly lies. There is absolutely no scientific evidence for any of the allegations made in that paragraph! I love it when people use the mysterious "they said" for support.

An Ex-Christian Perspective

Only a few of the many sites available condemning "self-relief" have been reviewed here. The writers of the referenced articles come from both Catholic and Protestant backgrounds. Each used the Bible and Tradition to support their positions.

It is my opinion that sexuality is simply a normal part of life much like eating, drinking, and breathing. We would never condemn a person for eating alone, saying that having a meal is an exclusively social affair. Sex is a primal urge programmed into us by nature to assure the survival of humankind into the foreseeable future. To saddle people with horrific guilt because they have surging hormones...that's just hideous.

I am not a personal advocate for promiscuity for many reasons, not the least of which would be the proliferation of disease, emotional trauma, and unwanted pregnancy. However, to be so invasive as to attempt to control another person's privately touching their own bodies—that's unfathomable.

And that is exactly what religion in general, and Christianity in particular, is all about—control. Specifically, controlling other people.

I know a young man who's wife only desired sex once or twice a month. She thought that her husband's demands for more than that was animal selfishness. Both husband and wife were in their twenties and had two children. They are also Christians who come from Christian homes. He took to masturbating in order to relieve the stress of the hormones surging through his blood. His wife caught him, reported it to his parents, and all hell broke loose in the family—and in their churches.

After several attempts to "heal" the boy of his terrible sin, his wife finally left him. HIS WIFE LEFT HIM!. Get this, he didn't leave her—she left him because she was convinced that masturbation was a form of adultery. She could not bear to live with him anymore once she finally came to the realization that he might never stop the heinous practice of stroking his 20-something, hormone-driven bone.

The funny thing is, from every non-religious article or book I have read on the subject, masturbating, far from alienating couples, actually enhances their sex-life. It does this because each person knows exactly what their body responses are. Instead of a lack of control in love making, each partner actually has much more control over themselves and can devote more thought and energy into satisfying their partners.

I generally have observed that problems with self-control in men, and an inability to orgasm in women, is often directly related to an avoidance of private personal experimentation. If a man knows exactly when to change his pace, or take a break in lovemaking, he will find premature orgasm is much less of a problem. If the woman knows exactly what it is that she needs to reach her peak, she can assist her husband instead of expecting him to be psychic.

When I was a Christian, I thought the way various heretical cults and religions controlled their followers' minds and habits was a crime.

Is Christianity really any different?


Anonymous said…
Great article! A couple of brief comments:

"Masturbation is a form of homosexuality" - yeah, right, and going shopping on your own is a form of marriage...

Christ Unlimited Ministries!!! Are they SERIOUS!!?? ROTFL
Anonymous said…
i am interested on this topic. however, i need more clarification about it. Seriously, I addicted myself on MASTURBATION . Now that I am a born again christian, i want to get out of this act, which, "makes me unclean".
Anonymous said…
Masturbation does not make you unclean, Lino. It is a natural part of being human. However, if it makes you unhappy, it might be beneficial to discuss your feelings with a licensed therapist.
Anonymous said…
The Only Thing That Drives U crazy is the fact that so many articles and websites out there tell u you are going to hell. its a natural thing that just happens and i find nothing wrong with it as long as you have an understanding agreement with God. God loves u no matter what
Dave Van Allen said…
The only thing that drives me crazy is the horrific ignorance of those who call themselves Christian.

Like U!
Anonymous said…
>>...its a natural thing that just happens and i find nothing wrong with it as long as you have an understanding agreement with God...

An 'understanding agreement with god'? Says who? You? What is your authority? And prove it IS an authority, please, before you spout off that kind of garbage! Natural? Really?? So, it's a 'natural' thing to be told by everyone that we're going to hell? ARE YOU LISTENING TO YOURSELF?!? You sound like an idiot!! Are you an idiot?? Do you drool when you say shit like that? I bet you do. YOU, sir, are an ignorant piece of crap! I hate calling names, but hey- the *stupid* that is out there (like the stupid dribbling from your fingers as you wrote that garbage) has a tendency to irritate me. -Wes.
Anonymous said…
Wow. You need to calm down Wes. No one is personally attacking you. I don't know why people can't just discuss things without getting all flustered and angry. I know some of our beliefs may differ (I guess this is a good time to say I'm a proud Christian),but we can at least act mature and not call names,even when someone says something we don't like. Anyways,I personally don't like masturbating. I'm trying to stop. It just feels wrong;at least the thoughts do. The act itself isn't really wrong and the Bible never touches on the subject specifically,but my thoughts tend to drift to images that I feel put women in a place where they are only tools for pleasure and I don't think that that is the best way to view them. We can't really say much on the wife divorcing her husband because if he was using porn she has a right to feel cheated on. And we can't use one case as evidence that Christianity is "evil." Bring me an accurate set of statistics and then I'll acknowledge that claim.
Dave Van Allen said…

The comment from Wes is over a year old. I don't think you'll get a response. It's probably a good thing you stop masturbating. Apparently you're losing your vision.
Sanjo said…
... I think the acronym for Christ Unlimited Ministries is amusing in this context.
Joann said…
I totally agree with this Blog. Christianity really is about control. And I honestly believe that Christians really are taking the Bible out of context when they preach against masturbation, since there is no mention of it anywhere in Scripture, and no one seems willing or able to back up their claims. Isn't it funny, then, that these same Christians also preach against lying AND taking the Bible out of context, while totally denying that they are doing the very same things that they preach so bitterly against? I mean, isn't this called a double standard? Unfortunately, as much as I would like to leave my Christian faith and just be myself, I've been conditioned to believe that I'll go to Hell if I do, so I must stay and be miserable for the rest of my life. I'm simply too afraid of what could happen to me in the afterlife. I've also made a lot of wonderful friends in church, plus I'm not quite ready yet to leave my Friday evening Kinship group. Pretty sad, isn't it, that I must choose between being myself and feeling truly liberated and keeping my faith and having to be something I'm not in order to fit in and be accepted by the Christian church? And isn't sad also that any Christian who disagrees with some of what they are taught to believe and dares to think differently is often treated like a naysayer or heretic, or they simply don't have enough faith, or they really aren't Christians at all? I could go on, but you get the point. Anyway, I've been struggling with the masturbation issue for years now, and yet, as much as I would like to support it, once again, that darn Christian conditioning keeps getting in the way!
Joey said…
I wish Christians would leave our bodies alone and stop telling us what we can and can't do with them. As long as we keep it private, and we don't do it in public or in the company of other people (unless you are with someone who wants to do it with you), masturbation is harmless and a great way for men and women to get to know their bodies' sexual responses. I especially feel sorry for children and teens whose uptight Christian parents spank them, punish them, or discourage them from masturbating. Infants and small children masturbate because it feels just as good to them as it does when they suck their thumbs or play with their fingers and toes. Teaching them to keep it private, and then leaving it alone, is probably better than calling attention to it in a shame-based manner. Teens masturbate because they need an alternative to sexual intercourse while they save themselves for marriage. Not allowing your teen to masturbate while assuring him that it's perfectly natural for him to have an erection is like giving a starving person a plate of food and then telling them that, while it's okay that you're hungry, it's not okay for you to eat the food. I guess it's okay for us to look. It just isn't okay for us to touch. Hmmm! I guess people will continue to be sexually promiscuous, then, because they are not allowed to use masturbation as their way of saving themselves for marriage. By the way, I love how these Christians fail to offer evidence to back up their "masturbation is wrong" claim. It kind of makes you wonder, doesn't it?
Dave Van Allen said…
The ONLY way to stay pure, and yes porn or fantasies are needed to 'get off' is to walk in the spirit and this mean praying in tongues quiie a bit and setting one's affections on what is above. Satan is lord of masturbation and knows that if he gets a hook in this area of a person's life, that if they later come to Christ, they will be easy to control back into sex sin, and yes masturbation is THE sexual 'gateway drug' to all other forms of sin!!!
Dave Van Allen said…
I agree ...
when people claim it is just a natural urge, comparing it to hunger, they are missing the point. I think lewis nails it on the head in Mere Christianity:
"All the contemporary propaganda combine to make us feel that the desires we are resisting are so 'natural' so 'healthy' and so reasonable, that it is almost perverse and abnormal to resist them ... now this association is a lie, but like all powerful lies, it is based on the truth -- the truth that sex in itself (apart from the excess and obssesions that have grown around it) is "normal" and "healthy". the lie consists in the suggestion that any sexual act you are tempted to is also healthy and normal. now this ... is nonsense! surrender to all our desires obviously leads to impotence, disease, jealosy, lies, concealment, and everything that is the reverse of health, good humour, and frankness. for any happiness, evenin this world, quite a lot of restraint isgoing to be necessary; so the claim made by every desire, when it is strong, to be "healthy" and "reasonable" and "natural" counts for nothing."

the rest of the chapter is also very good.
Dave Van Allen said…
That's ridiculous. Admitting sexual impulses are natural and normal does not immediately equate into condemnation unless you're pulling your pud 24/7. Admitting to reality also does not mean people are going to "surrender to all our desires." Furthermore, jacking off does not cause impotence.

Your entire thesis is idiotic.
Dave Van Allen said…
The trick is - those ancient fearmongers who wrote the Bible are the same as those politicians, salesmen and charlatans who have peddled obedience (to their scriptures, dicatates and ideologies) as the balm to all human existence. First you need to create the non-existent problem before you can charge exorbitantly for the imaginary cure.

And the secret to selling and packaging fear - is to make the addict learn to become extremely afraid of him or herself. The greatest cover up was to associate pleasure with death and death with paradise, the paradox of actually making it impossible to avoid the self-imposed conundrum and a "heavenly" product that never needs to be delivered (only guaranteed conditionally like sub-prime mortagages).

To obtain the illusion of immortal life, the follower must become addicted to self-loathing and mental mutilation.

Guilt is the greatest form of masturabtion and it's addictive power trebles when the fear-addict learns to mistake it as a virtue rather than a spiritual paralysis.

Them who invented the God-drug knew that the greatest perversity is to take pleasure in trying to repress pleasure. masturbating emotionally for pain in the name of spiritual well-being.

The greatest lie is sadly to those that have forgotten that the repression of sexual desire was only meant as a TACTICAL distraction and a never-ending source of guilt for the masses (regardless of religion) so they would all hearken to obedience to the dictates of those who control and manipulate the pulpit of an invented puppet God.

Meanwhile the list of pastors and priests indulging in the very sexual delights that they so excoriate their flocks grows longer and longer.
Dave Van Allen said…
Though we cannot find a specific verse on the bible in regard with masturbation, still God did not
tell us to practice 'masturbation'. Than why should one do it? Let's not take a short-cut (masturbation),
instead let's take the right amour God provided for the battle of sexual purity such as to Abstain, and be passion for your right time once you will meet with your 'spouse' in marriage.
Dave Van Allen said…
Philip - It's OK. There's nothing wrong with it. Don't torture yourself, and don't give them this kind of control over your life; they have too much already.
Dave Van Allen said…
Wow! I'm just baffled — no, make that, stunned, utterly gobsmacked — that there are people living in developed nations in the 21st century who sincerely worry about whether masturbation is a "sin."

It just seems profoundly ridiculous to imagine that a god who created the entire universe, with its estimated 125 billion galaxies, would give a hoot about what one species on one little planet in that incomprehensibly vast expanse do with their gentalia.

It's as if I fretted about what the ants in my backyard get up to in the privacy of their anthill. Or, actually, it's more like fretting over the actions of the microscopic organisms that inhabit the ants' teeny, tiny bodies.

Christianity isn't only wrong. It's damn stoooooopid, too.
Dave Van Allen said…
Wow! I'm just baffled — no, make that, stunned, utterly gobsmacked — that there are people living in developed nations in the 21st century who sincerely worry about whether masturbation is a "sin."

It just seems profoundly ridiculous to imagine that a god who created the entire universe, with its estimated 125 billion galaxies, would give a hoot about what one species on one little planet in that incomprehensibly vast expanse do with their gentalia.

It's as if I fretted about what the ants in my backyard get up to in the privacy of their anthill. Or, actually, it's more like fretting over the actions of the microscopic organisms that inhabit the ants' teeny, tiny bodies.

Christianity isn't only wrong. It's damn stoooooopid, too.
Dave Van Allen said…
Brother K,

Can you point to the chapter and verse in which your god tells us to practice inhalation followed by exhalation, iteratively, until death?

Why then should one do it?

You MUST be able to use your logic universally to retain any credibility.

Masturbation is no different from breathing - both satisfy bodily needs - but one CAN survive without the former. The xian attitude is a convenient inducer of guilt, which provides priestly power of the individual.
Dave Van Allen said…
Brother K,

Can you point to the chapter and verse in which your god tells us to practice inhalation followed by exhalation, iteratively, until death?

Why then should one do it?

You MUST be able to use your logic universally to retain any credibility.

Masturbation is no different from breathing - both satisfy bodily needs - but one CAN survive without the former. The xian attitude is a convenient inducer of guilt, which provides priestly power of the individual.
Dave Van Allen said…

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but it does seem to me that this message that masturbation is sinful is directed almost exclusively at the boys.
Could that just be because generally it was the boys who left little deposits on the bronze age animal skins, and their mothers enlisted the aid of the shamans to invent a "sin", to cut down the time spent at the laundry?

From the article "...they say that several bad side effects are inherent from long term masturbation including guilt feelings..."

Self-fulfilling, that one. The only reason for feeling guilt is that you have been brainwashed into believing that the act is "sinful". There is no such thing as sin, outside the mind of manipulative priestly classes and anally-retentive xians.


Do what you need to do and enjoy it. It is no substitute for real sexual activity with another, however.


Dave Van Allen said…

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but it does seem to me that this message that masturbation is sinful is directed almost exclusively at the boys.
Could that just be because generally it was the boys who left little deposits on the bronze age animal skins, and their mothers enlisted the aid of the shamans to invent a "sin", to cut down the time spent at the laundry?

From the article "...they say that several bad side effects are inherent from long term masturbation including guilt feelings..."

Self-fulfilling, that one. The only reason for feeling guilt is that you have been brainwashed into believing that the act is "sinful". There is no such thing as sin, outside the mind of manipulative priestly classes and anally-retentive xians.


Do what you need to do and enjoy it. It is no substitute for real sexual activity with another, however.


Dave Van Allen said…
Well, I have to admit it doesn't say anything in the bible regarding masturbation. My thoughts are these and they are only my thoughts so take them as you will or disregard, your choice. Because there isn't any indication in the bible that masturbation is wrong, I believe that it doesn't mean we should be doing it. I don't think it says anything in there about having sex with donkeys or dogs either, but i'm not going to do it just because it doesn't say anything in there speciifically regarding sex with a donkey or an elephant. I will say; however, that what it DOES say and it is pretty clear and to the point is that the DESIRE to have sex with someone other than your spouse (and I believe this includes in fantasies...even if they are made up people mind you), is mental adultery and thus it is sin. Jesus was emphasizing and still is (and by the way this is in the NEW TESTAMENT not the OLD), that if the act is wrong, then the intention is also. So, to be faithful to your spouse with just your body and not your mind is to break a trust that is so important to a strong marriage. He isn't condemning natural interest in the opposite sex but he's saying in his word that the deliberate and repeated filling of our minds with such fantasies are that they would be evil if they were acted out. What a man thinketh, so he is...that goes for women too! So, there are those who think well...if I can't think lustful thoughts then I may as well just go and do the lustful actions right? But there are several reasons why this is wrong and let's just take it from a Christian perspective first and then we'll move on to a human perspective (one that isn't Christian in nature), 1.) A marriage would be destroyed if these thoughts were acted out 2.) it hurts the sinner just as much as it hurts the one being sinned against and 3.)Wrong desires can lead people away from God and away from their spouse either physically or mentally...either way is wrong! Now for those of you who will try and blow me out of the water with an atheistic view. If you say you LOVE your wife/husband, will you be kind to them in both thought and deed? Sure, that is true love in every sense of the word. If you LOVE your spouse as much as you claim you do, then these damaging thoughts that can lead to your sinning shouldn't be a part of your life.

In closing, if there is something in your life that is causing you to sin...remove it from your life. Some of you have pornography splattered on your computers, in your movie files and in your bedroom closets as well (some where children can see!). These things only perpetuate your strong desire for masturbation. If you really feel the need to masturbate while you are married, you need to go and speak to a marriage counselor with your spouse or perhaps a sexual counselor. Things get boring after awhile. God knows this, he made us so we need to pray that he helps us spice things up a bit in the bedroom. What's between a husband and wife is good as long as it is just between them.

Now, as far as masturbating and having fantasies about your spouse. Well, that's a little tricky, isn't it? I mean, we all start out with great intentions and the father nows this too so if for instance you're one of those really disciplined people who can stick with a fantasy involving your husband and your husband only, then I don't think this is wrong; however, if you find your mind wandering in the middle of your may have to be the one to cut this off completely! In Matthew 5:29 says, if your eye, even if it is your good eye, causes you to sin...gouge it out!" Does this mean literally, no not really...just means to remove sin from your life and you will be less tempted! That's it.
Dave Van Allen said…
Hey Philip,

Whatever floats-your-boat bud.

If you wish to suffer in the name of your make-believe god, and you don't push your feelings on the rest of us, then go right ahead and suffer away.

While you're doing all that suffering though, would you mind learning how to spell....just saying.

Dave Van Allen said…
hayyzz!!!! i thought i can find the answer if masturbation is wrong or not...but thiers no clear answer and i dont even ask our Pastor coz i am really shy about asking him this topic....anyway...if thiers no clear answer whether it is a sin or not....maybe i would just suggeest that if you cant stop this....refrain from this and maybe...just maybe...someday....we will stop this coz you know what...deep inside of feels like its not right to masturbate....
Dave Van Allen said…
Brother K,

Your silence is most telling. You were obviously just another sniping, drive-by xian, with nothing to contribute but their total lack of perspicacity.


Dave Van Allen said…
alright! i am a self pleasing, unnatural addictive homosexual! alright! just joking i have a boyfriend! but yea thats retarded. if its not condemn in the bible then god probably has nothing to say about it!
Dave Van Allen said…
I personally don't see anything wrong with self satisfaction, sometimes it's necessary just to get the old motor running!
I don't, however, feel it is an adequate replacement for "the real thing".
A rather shallow substitute in my opinion. (Damn, another Freudian slip)
I once read that in some native American cultures it is regarded as "having sex with spirits".
All the more reason to hang on to that old Ouija board!
Dave Van Allen said…
I personally don't see anything wrong with self satisfaction, sometimes it's necessary just to get the old motor running!
I don't, however, feel it is an adequate replacement for "the real thing".
A rather shallow substitute in my opinion. (Damn, another Freudian slip)
I once read that in some native American cultures it is regarded as "having sex with spirits".
All the more reason to hang on to that old Ouija board!
Dave Van Allen said…
hell masterbation has been going on  for thousands maybe millions of years, of course it wont replace the real thing.nothing does, but lets face it we are not always in a relationship that is sexual though and humans have needs i guess.
Dave Van Allen said…
hell masterbation has been going on  for thousands maybe millions of years, of course it wont replace the real thing.nothing does, but lets face it we are not always in a relationship that is sexual though and humans have needs i guess.

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