Pass It Up

© 2001 Tim Simmons
(Sung to the tune of Pass It On)

It only takes one fib
to get a legend going
And soon all those around
will suffer from it’s growing.

That’s how it is with God’s love
once you’ve experienced it.
It doesn’t fit, it’s all bullshit.
You’ll want to pass it up.

What kind of heinous fiend
would slaughter newborn babies?
1st Samuel 15
leaves no ifs, ands or maybes

That’s how it is with God’s love
once you’ve experienced it.
It doesn’t fit, it’s all bullshit.
You’ll want to pass it up.

Uncleanness was a sin
from high priest down to shepherd.
So what can we conclude
if Jesus touched a leper?

That’s how it is with God’s love
once you’ve experienced it.
It doesn’t fit, it’s all bullshit.
You’ll want to pass it up.

The Bible is a mess
With errors does it resound
It says the Earth is flat
The contradictions abound

That’s how it is with God’s love
once you’ve experienced it.
It doesn’t fit, it’s all bullshit.
You’ll want to pass it up.

I’ll shout it from the mountain tops
I want the world to know.

I’m sick of it
it’s all bullshit.
No evidence
it’s all nonsense.

Y o u ’l l   w a n t   t o   p a s s   i t   u p.


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