Original article here: ORAL AND ANAL SEX
guilt More Xtian drivel on the evils of enjoying sex

Now you might start to get the impression from some of the postings or links on this site that I have some sort of out of balance fixation on one particular biological function. Well, I'll leave that for you to decide on your own. It is just my opinion that sex is a normal and healthy part of the human experience, much like eating, sleeping and breathing. I believe it is so much a part of our make up that if the drive toward it is not satisfied in a healthy way, between consenting adults, then it manifests itself in all sorts of weird perverse actions. Unnatural inhibitions which are placed on human beings by pathetic mind control cults tend to result in unnecessary human suffering. A striking contemporary example is the sexual chaos in the Catholic Church. The overwhelming burden of guilt placed on people because they are sexual beings is one more crime we can attribute to Christianity.

Although I don't need to, I want to state here that I live a faithfully monogamous lifestyle with my wife of 18 years. I have never had an affair on her, and have no intention of ever doing so. I am completely content and satisfied with her. I should mention that the two of us enjoy each other's company immensely and also enjoy all the intimate benefits of married life on a very regular basis. According to excerpts from the article below, I am going straight to hell for having an inventive love life with my willing and consenting wife. Oh, and she is going to hell for the having the same with her all too cooperative husband.

loveCheck this out: (spelling and grammar unchanged)
Human genitals are perfectly designed for their reproductive and sexual function. And as well, this function is in the origin of the basic structure of the society: family. A necessary cell for the continuity of the work of God in the Earth, for education of children, the personal accomplishment within the pair, etc. The fidelity as form of expression of spouses love is an evident necessity, and less necessary it is not respect between both, respect based on the pursuit of the most elementary laws of human nature. ... nature indicates clearly to us the function that one of the devices of body carries out each, and does not make lack express too much brain to reach the conclusion that these practices contravene this principle when mixing genital functions with those of digestive tube. As much mouth as anus acts a specific function in nutritional process, and man feels a natural loathing towards any practice that contravenes natural dispositions.
Now I realize that unless your mind is still "fundified", it may be hard to follow this Christian's thought patterns, but it sounds to me like the writer is trying once again to restate the historic Christian position that sex is only for procreation. Let's read more:
Nevertheless, at the moment a current exists - that seems to even affect the most conservative sectors of the society - that praises the rupture of natural moral and acceptance of the own will as only form to establish patterns of sexual conduct. A moral relativism in which one becomes judge and part to judge on what is well and what is bad. And it is evident that when one judges on himself, badly does not consider of the others ones as it would have an impartial judge.

This concept, developed in principle by the atheistic Marxists ideologists, and fomented later by generalized diffusion of pornography, gave as result the diffusion of some monstrosities very in rows at the moment, as the genocide of million innocent children by abortion, the banalization of marriage through generalized divorce, and aberrant sexual practices.

These sexual practices that pornography has put fashionable at the moment are repulsive depravations that contradict the most elementary laws of the nature. The nature indicates clearly to us the function that one of the devices of body carries out each, and does not make lack express too much brain to reach the conclusion that these practices contravene this principle when mixing genital functions with those of digestive tube. As much mouth as anus acts a specific function in nutritional process, and man feels a natural loathing towards any practice that contravenes natural dispositions.
I especially take issue with the phrase, "This concept, developed in principle by the atheistic Marxists ideologists..." I mean, the whole article is supposed to be on oral and anal sex right? From what I know of history, all these mentioned behaviors have been going on for a very long time and regularly practiced by people from every nationality, political ideology, religion and age known to the planet. How the writer can in anyway equate Marxism and Atheism as the driving force in this area, I can't begin to fathom.

But there's more:
In the ten first centuries after Christ, as much the Catholic Church as the Eastern Churches, still formally unified, agreed in condemning any sexual practice that attempt against dignity of person. This point lead to death to great amount of sodomits, already during the time of the delayed Roman empire.

dead in hell from sexAt the moment, generalized relaxation costumary that has carried the extension of atheism in the society has eliminated most of pains of jail by sins of sexual perversion in the western world, although not thus in the countries of the Islamic and Eastern sphere, where anal sex and any other type of aberrant sex are severely punished, even with death.
So there you have it. If you are creative or a bit adventuresome in the bedroom, you deserve to die.

Those who have a healthy enjoyment of sex as a part of life are not the abnormal ones, but those who try to demonize it, and issue stern rules of control on others - they are the ones with real problems.

What do you think?


Anonymous said…
"sexual perversion in the western world, although not thus in the countries of the Islamic and Eastern sphere, where anal sex and any other type of aberrant sex are severely punished, even with death."

True of pre-marital sex, for the most part, you drive the car, you own the payments. However, this drives many to find their sexual pleasure through same gender relationships.

Every Thursday, is the coming out day, in Afghanistan. The male couples walk around holding hands, and openly displaying their affection for their companion.

The marriage ceremony, started out as a way to control religious expansion, i.e., Catholics couldn't marry anyone other than another "Catholic", etc. As religion slowly pulled away from direct political ties in Europe, the governing body took the idea of marriage and applied it to regulate population control, welfare, and taxation. Marriage, has, throughout history, been a regulatory tool.

Marriage regulation = pleasure regulation by default.
Dave Van Allen said…
My son brought back stories and observtions just like yours Jen. He was in Iraq twice.
Anonymous said…
I feel that too many of you are blaming the church. Well, I don't know what church you attend but my church does not ask me what me and my husband do in our bedroom. I feel that you are blaming the church for what you want to do. God gives us all FREE WILL. He said knock and the door shall be opened. He did not say that he was going to bust the door open on you. He know what you are doing sexually, and any other way. It is up to you to decide if it is right not the church people(smile). God said we are the church. He also said that his grace is sufficient for us so that at any point we feel that we have done something wrong all we have to do is ask for forgiveness. I don't think God care if you are on top, bottom or what. You could cum two or three times. He gave us the ability and the capacity let's enjoy it. Just to end, I must admit that I am a bit leary about anal sex. I mean dag. You boo, boo out of there. I mean just think about it. When my husband's penis comes out of my vagina it is clean, just a little bit of my sweetness. What is it like when it comes out of my anus. Help me out, PPPPleeease. He wants anal se, really bad.
Anonymous said…
To anonymous!

Up to this date and time, God hasn't said anything, neither has Jesus.

A God nor Jesus has yet to write any part of the Bible.
Anonymous said…
I feel so sorry for all you poor bastards that are trying to find something in your sex lifes to sort out your LOVE lifes or your political affiliations. If you don't know the difference perhaps you should try to work out what life is about. It is not sex, or religion, these are but enjoyable experiences, one physical the other spiritual. There is more. Just sit back and think about it.
Most people cannot, sorry, are not prepared to do this. They are too selfish or self centered OR are easily led by the salesmen of religion --- the fanatics.
Anonymous said…
I just wanted to say that I came here to get more info on the practice and was upset by what I read. I am a christian who is active in my Baptist church but what sexual practices my husband and I have are no business of the church. I hope that you dont belive that all christians feel the same.

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