War on Christmas!

Beyond Belief Media declares war on Christmas

Last week Beyond Belief Media issued a press release declaring war on Christmas. Here are the first four paragraphs of this historic document:

Beyond Belief Media has formally declared war on Christmas, the December 25 holiday in which Christians celebrate the birth of the mythical figure Jesus Christ, the company announced today.

"Christian conservatives complain nonstop about the 'War on Christmas,' but there really isn't any such war," said Beyond Belief Media president Brian Flemming, a former fundamentalist Christian who is now an atheist activist. "So we have decided to wage one, to demonstrate what it would look like if Jesus' birthday were truly attacked."

As its opening salvo, Beyond Belief Media has purchased advertisements this week in the New York Times, USA Today and the New Yorker magazine. The company's 300-member volunteer "street team" is also descending on Christmas-themed public events with random "guerilla giveaways" of Beyond Belief's acclaimed DVD THE GOD WHO WASN'T THERE. See the trailer by clicking here.

"No Christmas pageant or Nativity display is safe from our troops," said Flemming. "Wherever the mythical figure Jesus is celebrated as if he were real, we will be there with an information barrage. We will undercut the idea that there is any point at all to celebrating the 'birth' of a character in a fairy tale."

The reaction? Christian conservatives immediately went nuts (we love it when they're predictable). And bloggers started buzzing. Here's a link to some of the blog entries:


Brian Flemming appeared on arch-conservative Jesse Lee Peterson's radio show to defend his war on Christmas. You can read Brian's comments and hear the show on Brian's weblog:



FREE DOWNLOADS: Four new clips from "The God Who Wasn't There"

Filled with the War on Christmas spirit, four new clips from "The God Who Wasn't There" are available for free viewing. Check them out at:http://www.thegodmovie.com/clips.php


GODLESS PEOPLE: We've got links

If you have seen "The God Who Wasn't There," chances are you found Richard Carrier, Sam Harris and Robert M. Price to be compelling speakers on the subject of religion. Well, they each have websites of their own, and here they are:




Plus: Robert M. Price fields your questions live every week on "The Bible Geek" radio show, hosted by The Infidel Guy: http://www.freethoughtmedia.com/bible_geek/


MERCHANDISE: Special prices, free shipping on DVDs, CDs, posters

It's the War on Christmas season, so no doubt you're looking for that special gift for those you love. Enlighten them with "The God Who Wasn't There" DVDs, CDs and posters. Check out the special prices and free, same-day shipping across the board at:



Anonymous said…
I wish I'd thought of it earlier in the season but next year I want to make up some christmas decorations with 'Bah Humbug' as the slogan rather than 'Merry Christmas', in nice big letters hanging across my window for all to see.

Hee hee...
Anonymous said…
Boo Hoo Hoo, Now what will happen to all the toys that Jesus, I mean Santa brings each year, to spoil all the little children each year.

Wasn't it Jesus that supplied every kid with toys every christmas?

Jesus died on the cross so that children will be flooded with toys every year in celebration of his birthday each year. Oh yeah I got it, before I was confused, but now I know why Jesus was stuck up on a stick. They've got it all wrong, we should put lights and tassels on the cross with a lighted Angel on top of a wooden cross, and lay all the presents at the bottom of the cross, just like Jesus wanted according to the Buy-Bull.
Anonymous said…
So the myth Santa, was replaced by the myth Jesus, now I get it. Thanks Leon
Anonymous said…
So which is it? Jesus's birthday or Santa's birthday?
Anonymous said…
Conspiracy theory that I pulled out of my be-hind:

The highly commercialized aspect of the holiday season is the work of a coalition of multi-millionaire corporate quacks and the religious right. The common people throw money away on gifts and degrade the "true meaning" of Xmas. In turn, the multi-millionaire corporate quacks get more money and become more powerful, while the religious right increase their power by telling the common people they're prideful and sinful for having demeaned Xmas, and must find redemption in the Cross.

Just one of many ways that the corporate madmen and religious lunatics are dominating this country.

Anyway, that having been said--I don't know how many people on this site regularly watch [adult swim] on Cartoon Network, but on last night's episode of The Boondocks, young Jasmine has a dream that she's the preacher of an evangelical church dedicated to... Santa.

Oh, and spacemonk, the "Bah Humbug" sign is a great idea, go for it (:

I love it how the religious right always feels the need to be "at war" with somebody to make themselves feel better about who they are.
Anonymous said…
It does my heart good to see stuff like this being presented. The Christ myth is definately one that should be exposed for all to think about.
A Fool Says In His Heart "There Is No God"
A Wise Person Shouts It From The Rooftops
Anonymous said…
Does anyone know what happened to Jeff's "Religion Is Bullshit" site? I can't find it anymore.
Anonymous said…
I like youre saying, Jim Lee.
Anonymous said…
You need to have a real relationship with Jesus, who was God, who was his own father, and murdered himself to appease himself. If you were a real Christian you would understand how important it was for God to impregnate Joseph's wife via the holy Ghost. The main thing is, it is very important for humans to understand that sexual intercourse is filthy and sinful, and God needed a sacrifice of someone who was not created by the dirty sex act.
Anonymous said…

Are you an atheist is disguise? *wink*
Anonymous said…
Hi everyone, I'm not an ex-christian as such but an ex-jehovahs witness. This is the first ever christmas I celebrated and it's the fucking best. Alot of you here seem to really detest it, these christians really must have screwed more with your brain than what I went through. But I have had such a great time giving and receiving gifts from my family and just being together. I can't wait till next christmas, and as far as it being a celebration of the birth of the messiah, I've also enjoyed the mythology and history involved in the days celebration, I think ritual is o.k provided the brainwashing doesn't come into it, and you know that you are just reliving a historical myth. I can't wait to celebrate my very first birthday in two months. I hope you all are able to let the past go and be as happy as I am now.Have a great new year.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous: "I can't wait till next christmas, and as far as it being a celebration of the birth of the messiah, I've also enjoyed the mythology and history involved in the days celebration, I think ritual is o.k provided the brainwashing doesn't come into it, and you know that you are just reliving a historical myth."

Well, seems the problem involves the knowledge required to "know" the mythology and myth, its pretty apparent that there are religions in the world touting religious doctrine as not being founded on myth, but founded by a "gods'"...

If religions taught accurately via historical evolution of religion, then, I'm sure there would be much more tolerance, and even acceptance of diversity... unfortunately, it appears that many religions have a financial interest in not providing the truth historically, as it would bring them even with all of the other religions, and businesses need to compete using their own niche... its why religion continues to fragment... it fragments, not based on a search for the truth, it fragments because its a sound business strategy...

Totally remove profit from religion, and... religion would wane away, however, that leaves the government to answer all the questions... and historically speaking, governments have put to death those who pose questions of them... that was a few thousand years ago... perhaps, with our modern government systems, and with many of the founding religious questions having received scientific asnwers, the government could sustain having to deal with a few unanswerable questions... it appears that it is exactly in that business, i.e., NASA, etc...
Anonymous said…
Hey Anonymous,

Sounds like you are loving life now that you have decided to take back control from the church, congrats. I think you may be getting the wrong idea about atheists/agnostics and our celebration of traditionally religous holidays. Of course I can only speak for myself, but my family and I still celebrate christmas quite festivly. We listen to christmas music, we exchange gifts, we eat way too much, and we celebrate Family. I really don't see it as a celebration of the birth of Jesus anymore, just as Christians don't see it as the celebration of the winter solstice anymore. It has evolved into an all inclusive celebration that anyone can enjoy, for whatever reason they choose... If even just for the hell of it!!! So Merry Christmas,drink up, here is to many more.. Cheers!!
Anonymous said…
Hello to all Ex-Jehoavhs Witnesses, and everyone else! I am webmaster of www.watchtower.cc and seen the post from an ex-jw, and keep in mind I am not trying to take anyone from this board, not at all, but for ex-JW's that are interested, their is a forum specifically for ex-Jehovahs Witnesses, and is posted on the website listed above!

My hat is off to the moderator/owner of this nice board!

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