Christian Evolutionists

provided by Ed Babinski

Did you know that Michael Denton has changed his view from evolution being a "theory in crisis," to evolution being a fact of nature? Denton even told the Discovery Institute that he no longer wished to be described as an "associate" of that institute.

Although Denton's book, Evoultion: A Theory in Crisis preceded Behe and Dembski's works, Denton no longer finds evolution to be in such a "crisis" not anymore.

I also wonder what creationists and I.D.ists think of Christians who accept Darwinistic evolution, and reject I.D. arguments?

Dr. Colling (fundamentalist Christian and chair of Biology at a fundamentalist Christian college) is O.K. with Darwinian evolution and has even composed a book on the subject titled, Random Designer: Created From Chaos To Connect With Creator. ''It pains me to suggest that my religious brothers are telling falsehoods'' when they say evolutionary theory is ''in crisis'' and claim that there is widespread skepticism about it among scientists. ''Such statements are blatantly untrue,'' he argues. ''Evolution has stood the test of time and considerable scrutiny...What the designer designed is the random-design process,'' or Darwinian evolution, Colling says. ''God devised these natural laws, and uses evolution to accomplish his goals.'' "Random Designer" or "Divine Tinkerer?"

Either way, Darwinism and God could be viewed as overlapping hypotheses. For the full story see, "Teaching Evolution at Christian College" by Sharon Begley, The Wall Street Journal (December 31, 2004)

Perspectives on an Evolving Creation, ed. Keith B.
Miller (William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2003)--Essays by theistic evolutionist Christians:
Terry Gray (Colorado State)
James Hurd (Bethel College)
Ted Davis (Messiah College)
Robin Collins (Messiah College)
David Wilcox (Eastern College)
Mark Noll (Wheaton College)
Jeff Greenberg (Wheaton College)
Laurie Braaten (Judson College)
John Munday, Jr. (Regent Univ.)
Loren Haarsma (Calvin College)
Howard Van Till (Calvin College)
Deborah Haarsma (Calvin College)
Warren Brown (Fuller Theological)
David Campbell (University of Alabama)
Jennifer Wiseman (Johns Hopkins Univ.)
Conrad Hyers (Gustavus Adolphus College) George Murphy (Trinity Lutheran Seminary) Bob Russell (Center for Theology and Natural Sciences)
God and Evolution (Nov. 2004) by David L. Wilcox (Ph.D. in Population Genetics, Professor of Biology, Eastern College, St. David's, PA.)
Darwinism Defeated? A debate between Phillip E.
Johnson ( and Denis O. Lamoureux (Ph.D.
biologist/evolutionist and Evangelical Christian Apparently Johnson does not offer copies of this debate book for sale at his website.
Finding Darwin's God: A Scientist's Search for Common Ground Between God and Evolution by Kenneth R. Miller (Ph.D. biologist and Catholic Christian)
Chance From a Theistic Perspective (The Perspectives of Two Evangelical Christian Evolutionists: Donald MacKay and John Polkinghorne)

Fine-Tuners Who Reject I.D. Arguments
Darwin's Forgotten Christian Defenders

Three Cheers For Christian Evolutionists

From Abandoning Geocentrism To Accepting Evolution: A "Liberal Trend" Among Evangelical Christians?
Francis Collins, Director of the Human Genome Project, is a Christian who accepts evolution. He stated: "I am unaware of any irreconcilable conflict between scientific knowledge about evolution and the idea of a creator God; why couldn't God have used the mechanism of evolution to create?...In my field, biology, because of the creationists the standard assumption is that anyone who has faith has gone soft in the head.
When scientists like me admit they are believers, the reaction from colleagues is 'How did this guy get tenure?'"--Gregg Easterbrook, "Science and God: A Warming Trend?" Science, Vol. 277, No. 5328, Aug. 15 1997, p. 890-893
Voices For Evolution: Statements From Religious Organizations

The Pope's Message On Evolution
Webpage that features the article, "I.D. For

Edward T. Babinski (author of Leaving the Fold:
Testimonies of Former Fundamentalists, Prometheus
Books, 2003, paperback edition; featuring the
first-hand testimonies of 3 dozen former
fudamentalists who moved either to more moderate or
liberal Christian, who joined other religions, or
became agnostics, or atheists)


Anonymous said…
Can love exist without loss?

Can light exist without darkness?

Can happiness exist without sadness?

Can hope exist without failure?

Can life exist without death?

Can good exist without evil?

Would you want to live in a world where none of these things exist?
Anonymous said…
If I were God and could do "ANYTHING," I would rethink the survival of the fittest thing, and just make all happy, healthy, beautiful, and perfect people, who would live forever in a blissful state of ecstasy. God could do that you know since he is omniscient, and omnipotent! He can do anything he wants!
Dan (The truly intelligent designer)
Anonymous said…
I know what you are thinking. What part of "perfect" don't you understand?
Dan (A product of 31/2 billions years of always having the most powerful ancestors)
Anonymous said…
Yes, I think that I could be happy in a world without loss. I mean, I
never thought that was a very good argument. Things can exist without
opposites, and exist very well.

What`s the opposite of bread?

the opposite of floor...well, okay, "ceiling." But why shouldn't
"floor" exist without ceiling? Can love exist without hate? Sure as
I'm sitting here it can.

You can switch the word "loss" with "desire" and then go get yourself a Buddhist.

So yeah. Lots of things can exist
without some kind of negative counterpart.
Anonymous said…
If I were God and could do "ANYTHING," I would rethink the survival of the fittest thing, and just make all happy, healthy, beautiful, and perfect people, who would live forever in a blissful state of ecstasy."

He did and it's called Heaven.
Anonymous said…
I wrote:
If I were God and could do "ANYTHING," I would rethink the survival of the fittest thing, and just make all happy, healthy, beautiful, and perfect people, who would live forever in a blissful state of ecstasy"

Anonymous wrote:
"He did and it's called Heaven"

I have never read an adequate definition of God. What is God? Is it a he or a her, a being, or a force, a cause or the reason for our existence? Every person who has ever lived has asked this question, and of course it has never been answered, because it can't be answered. The pope doesn't know what God is, Billy Graham doesn't, mother Theresa didn't, you don't I don't, no one does!

What is heaven? What is it like? What will you do there for an eternity? What will you be like in heaven? Will some of your friends and relatives be in hell and cooking? Will you be happy about that? Will little children who have never heard of Christ and don't know who he was, be in hell or heaven? You can't answer these questions either because heave only exists in you mind.
Dan (What you will be when you give up make believe)
Tatarize said…
Wow. People can still do some science even with a pretty potent mind virus? Go figure.

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