
Anonymous said…
This is supposed to be bashing christians? I attend Bible College, and I think its great. I dont see how its bashing at all. where is the insult?
Anonymous said…
Well, not being a video analyst, the fact that the entire segment is on the "bible", and flashing the "1-800-READS-A-LOT" slogan is pretty hilarious... For the regulars on this site, who ask Christians to explain something regarding their evidence for god, religion, etc., etc., the only book pulled out... is the bible... as if its the "only" book in history... obviously, the gnostic writings of Jesus made at the same time the NT was written, aren't worthy of "reading"...

Oh, and the fact that the dj rapper, has brass knuckles, that read, "SOUTHPAW" on his "Right" hand, is pretty funny also...

And, the entire plot of this little video, is... that "size" matters... ;-) The larger the 'size' of the bible... the better... now, where have I heard that before...

If this isn't an intentional parody, then... its all the more hilarious... at least to me...
Dave Van Allen said…
This is NOT intentional parody. This was actually produced as part of an evangelism effort.

The film is not intended to make fun of Christians.

What is interesting to me is that any Christians would think this video promotes their religious convictions in a positive light.
Anonymous said…
This video is class!! Whats this crap about it being anti-Christian!!Course its not!

Does anyone know where you can get anymore of this kinda stuff?

if you do would u email it 2me @ junior_kidrock@yahoo.com
Anonymous said…
Pretty funny, didn't dis me at all! rofl
Anonymous said…
i attend a catholic school and my religion teacher actually thought it was great also. it helped us learn how many books are in each testament and everything. It's actually teaching about the bible.
Anonymous said…
Great Video! As a christian myself I think this is an excellent video. There is no insult to christians on this video only truth and is absolutely hilarious. Best Rap I've ever heard!!!!
Anonymous said…
Of course it is not mocking Christians- it's trying to get people who normally wouldn't listen to anything Christian to listen to a parody. My youth group usually shows a few funny weird videos every time we meet, and this was one of them. He points out that paraphrases aren't truly the Bible, but someone else's interpretation....I don't think it's bad to read it, but see the Bible in Jesus eyes
Anonymous said…
I am a member of New Life Christian Church in Centreville, VA where this video was originally produced for and first shown as part of the Sunday service. This is just one of many examples of the type of out of the box teaching and preaching tools our pastors come up with to get people talking so that we can share with those who would normally not attend church or think/talk about church to come, sit, learn, share, and be included in community. Our motto-Love God, Love people!

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