Jesus is nearly everywhere


Anonymous said…
Will the madness ever end.....
Anonymous said…
Where's the Jesus on a coprolite or fossilized feci?
Anonymous said…
It seems to me, that most of the people who see pictures of Jesus in stains on coffee cups and grilled cheese sandwiches, etc., are also the same folks who come to this country and live here all their lives without ever acquiring an adequate command of the English language! There seems to be some correlation here.
Dan (Who thinks that Catholic priests, cardinals, and popes should be embarrassed every time the put on their funny clothes and pretend to be doing the work of the lord)
Anonymous said…
Oh, Sweet Jeebus on a Trailer Hitch!
Anonymous said…
Oh, Sweet Jeebus on a Trailer Hitch!
Anonymous said…
THAT'S why there are no more miracles of the feed the 5,000 or heal the sic like you know, when Jesus was on earth! He's too busy making guest appearances on tortilla chips or the windscreens of vehicles or on walls! You can't expect him to answer a desperate mother's prayer for her child when he's working on burning his image on some inanimate surface for the wonder of the believer!
Anonymous said…
I have a mole that looks like Jesus.

Anonymous said…
This a good explanation of the phenomenon -
Lupis Noctum said…
This stuff always boggles my mind... They take this stuff to be a sign that their religion is true. Given that premise, who the hell in their right mind would follow a god who's best idea is to manifest himself on a yam in Akron, Ohio?

What's the thought process here? Does Jesus actually sit there and think "Hmmm... I'd like to give 'em hope, should I appear 100 feet tall in downtown Chicago and tell them all is well, or wait 'til some kids spills the Cheetos and arrange them to resemble me?" With management like that, no wonder the world is screwed up, lol.

This is the 21st century baby, give us bigass widescreen miracles in THX Dolby surround sound!

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