Robertson says God says Bush will win

By Associated Press in the Oakland Tribune

NORFOLK, Va. -- Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson said Friday he believes God has told him President Bush will be re-elected in a "blowout" in November.

"I think George Bush is going to win in a walk," Robertson said on his "700 Club" program on the Virginia Beach-based Christian Broadcasting Network, which he founded. "I really believe I'm hearing from the Lord it's going to be like a blowout election in 2004. It's shaping up that way."

Robertson told viewers he spent several days in prayer at the end of 2003.

"The Lord has just blessed him," Robertson said of Bush. "I mean, he could make terrible mistakes and comes out of it. It doesn't make any difference what he does, good or bad. God picks him up because he's a man of prayer and God's blessing him."

The Rev. Barry W. Lynn, a frequent Robertson critic and executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, said he had a prediction of his own: "Pat Robertson in 2004 will continue to use his multimillion broadcasting empire to promote George Bush and other Republican candidates."

In a reference to Bush's political adviser, Lynn said, "Maybe Pat got a message from Karl Rove and thought it was from God."


ComputerGuyCJ said…
Since this post, we've seen that Pat Robertson is full of shit. He has "prophesied" a few things since then that haven't come to pass. It seems his dice have lost their load.

Of course, those faithful to Pat explain away his lies. They say that just because it's God's will that something happen, doesn't mean it will happen, that we affect our own future through prayer and/or disobedience. I guess by that reasoning, nothing is set in stone, not even God's victory over Satan.

Pat and his followers had better shut up and not draw too much attention to themselves just in case Satan does win the epic final battle and God is forced to turn us all over to him. I'm sure the first people he'd be glad to torture would be the ones who spoke up the most against him.

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