Former Church Youth Director Held in Sex Case

A man who was arrested last weekend on sex charges involving two girls was a youth director at a Kernersville church.

Timothy Paul Rowell was charged with a sexual offense in which the defendant is six or more years older than the victim, and with indecent liberties with a child.

Main Street Baptist Church pastor Michael Willard said Rowell worked as his church's youth director for a year and a half. He told WXII 12's Damany Lewis that he performed background checks on Rowell and that they came back OK.

Willard said he fired Rowell and began counseling him after learning of the allegations.

Rowell was placed under a $125,000 bond at the Forsyth County Jail.



Anonymous said…
Tim Rowell has a history of going too far with girls. He is guilty. He confessed that he did those terrible things to those two girls. He deserves every day of those 10 years.

Looking at porn is one thing, but crossing the line and violating those two kids who trusted their youth leader is another.

see you in 10
Anonymous said…
Yes, unfortunately he did do these terrible things and no the church will not and has not excused his behavior. He did have a history (but a secret history) of going too far and it finally caught up to him in the worst way. He had never before crossed the line quite in this way so there would have been no criminal record against him. It is disappointing but not surprising to see the two earlier posts who enjoy an opportunity to stereotype Christians when someone falls. Satan would not miss a chance to seize the moment however they are incorrect as to the details of how things were handled. Jesus died on the cross for all our sins not that we should continue in our sin but that we may be forgiven and have a second chance. We are to
learn from our mistakes and grow stronger as a result. Hopefully that will happen in time once the sentence is completed.

However, I do know Tim personally. He has a good heart, was raised in a great home and is very gifted musically and in leading youth to Christ, but he allowed an inner addiction and the sin of lust to overtake him. Are we to overlook his sin? Certainly not!! He will unfortunately learn a long difficult lesson about breaking trust, going too far, and not maintaining self-control. It hurts to know my friend allowed this to
happen and that the price includes imprisonment, damaging of a church reputation and Christianity as a whole, and the violation of two young girls who consented in the behavior but were too young to be put in that situation, especially by a Youth Minister that was trusted to protect and lead them in the right way. There are no clearer words than to say what the Bible tells us ... "the wages of sin is death."

But, I still care about my friend and hurt for him as he must face the consequences of his sin and live a dreadful life for the next 7 - 10 years when he had such great potential. I have worked side-by-side with him in preparation for youth events, gone with him on youth trips as a chaperone, worked long hours with him on worship songs, and met some of today's top Christian artists and heard Tim play music with them,.... this is not the ending expected. To know how much potential he had and to know that it was wasted in such a terrible way is heart-breaking.

Our prayers go out to Tim and especially for the girls, their parents, and the church where this happened.

Everyone likes to say there is a purpose for everything, I hope God can somehow turn bad into good as He and only He often does.
Anonymous said…
anonymous: "I hope God can somehow turn bad into good as He and only He often does"

You mean like DROWNING everybody because his creation turned out to be inadequate. You mean like KILLING all the inhabitants of Sodom, even the innocent babies and children.

So, your god turns bad into good by killing off masses of people. Please take your head out of your ass.

Anonymous said…
Tim Rowell was a great friend of mine and its extremely hard to accept the fact that he had done such a thing. On the other hand he said that he did it and someone that is doing wrong and knows it should most definitely pay the price...not to mention god does not always turn bad things into good and when he does how are you so sure its him doing it? This whole situation is bull and just because he was and maybe still is a christian does not mean he is allowed special treatment because there are people in this world that don't believe in anything and still wouldn't do anything of that nature. Goodbye forever.
Anonymous said…
I've known Tim since 6th grade and never dreamed that he would be the type to push the envelope that far. He at one time was my best friend, we were in a christian band(Clear Water), FCA, even took part in several church related events. All the same if he is guilty I think he deserves everything he gets; to include the final judgment from the one he seems to have forgoten. I have known him to cross a line or two in our years past but never anything like this. As a former friend I hope he finds his forgivness and to the girls MY prays are with you and your families.
Anonymous said…
Ok to those of you out there that know Tim Rowell, and have been close buddies with him, I don't know him. But I know one of the two girls that he statutory raped at the Main Street Baptist church... she is my girlfriend. I hope that Tim stays in jail for the rest of his life, because my girlfriend still has flashbacks and a bunch of nightmares about what happened. To the ASSHOLE that left the one about it being the girls' fault, I hope you get shot in the head. Let's see you be a 14 year old girl, and trust someone like a youth minister, only to be taken advantage of by them. This individual had a GIRLFRIEND, and yet he went after my girlfriend. He recently got ass raped by a bunch of guys, and had to be moved to a different prison....HAHAHAHAHA THAT ASSHOLE DESERVES A FEW DICKS IN HIS ASS. But what I'm getting at is that it wasn't fair to her, or the other girl, and just to let you guys know that she is STILL suffering after almost 2 years after this event. FUCK TIM ROWELL
Astreja said…
Anonymous (July 6/07), I'm sorry to hear about your girlfriend. May she find whatever she needs to ease the nightmares and flashbacks.

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