Dear Believer
by Dan Barker Dear Believer, — You asked me to consider Christianity as the answer for my life. I have done that. I consider it untrue, repugnant, and harmful. You expect me to believe Jesus was born of a virgin impregnated by a ghost? Do you believe all the crazy tales of ancient religions? Julius Caesar was reportedly born of a virgin; Roman historian Seutonius said Augustus bodily rose to heaven when he died; and Buddha was supposedly born speaking. You don’t believe all that, do you? Why do you expect me to swallow the fables of Christianity? I find it incredible that you ask me to believe that the earth was created in six literal days; women come from a man’s rib; a snake, a donkey, and a burning bush spoke human language; the entire world was flooded, covering the mountains to drown evil; all animal species, millions of them, rode on one boat; language variations stem from the tower of Babel; Moses had a magic wand; the Nile turned to blood; a stick turned into a snake; witches, ...
Now that was FUNNY!!!!
Take this 3 times a day an never be religious again.
a dick head said this
I saw nothing amusing nor insightful in this little video. The purpose of this video seemed to rise no further than to show great disrespect to Christianity.
Perhaps you could direct us to the Book of the law for the atheist.
edition 1
You sound like a gnostic/Aryan Catholic atheist bishop.
Is your management style The ideal authoritative picket fence sitting type.
If so it's starting to leave an impression on you.
I bet you were never a true Christian.
Is this funny dick head.
Q . What do you get the pedophile that has everything
A . A bigger parish
Wow, Jesus can DANCE! Guess all that fasting paid off. And the lack of physical intimacy probably made him lighter down south. Bet he can boogey when he has enough drugs pumped into him!
"Prove to me that living a life strung out on drugs is better than living for Jesus. Prove to me that being a alcoholic is greater than living the life Jesus says to. Show me that the bible is wrong. Show me God does not exist"
Your rant proves that jesus freaks are just as addicted and out of touch with reality as any junkie or alcoholic!
You sir, are an atheist too!
Do you believe in the Hindu concept of creation?
Do you except the Hindu cycle of life as a greater purpose?
The mythology of the story proceeds as follows. In the beginning there was nothing, but the undifferentiated and unmanifested. Everything was in perfect harmony. Lord Vishnu lay on his serpent, Shesha, his eyes were closed as he rested. When Lord Vishnu opened his eyes, the creation began. A lotus stock emerged from his navel and blossomed into a beautiful lotus. From the lotus was born Brahma. Brahma is the creator, in Hindu mythology. Brahma then proceeded to create the universe. Brahma created the entire universe in a little golden egg called the Hiranyaagarbha (the golden womb). Brahma created the heaven and the earth, the gods and the demons, the gandharvas and the humans, the plants and the animals, the stars and the planets and everything
else. ~
Why don't you believe this story to be the truth? (w/0 using Jesus!)
You pick the Jesus myth to live by and that makes you an atheist to all other forms of religious faith.
Faith is believing in things that are contrary to reality, like fantasy and myths.
Religion is a lie that has been
repeated over and over to produce a belief in things that are false.
Do you believe Elmo and Santa are real? Are they True christians?
Have a nice day!
Greed is your motivation.
You are alive now.
Be happy.
If we end up gravitating towards the grand forces at work in the universe, you will be recycled. Your selfish need for eternal life prevents your re-birth into the greatest realm of all existence.
Believe it, or not?
I have yet to see a Christian site bashing an athiest. If they do bash an athiest they are not in my opinion TRUE Christians.
Ha! Non-believers are bashed every time a preacher opens his mouth! You don't see this because you buy into it, too. We are told we deserve eternal punishment from god for using the brains he supposedly gave us. We are told we are going to burn in hell for all of eternity, for the utter crime of using fixed guidelines in determining the credibility of fantastic claims. But you think you're a true Christian for coming on here and trying to defend your beliefs? I'm not even sure how you go about determining who IS a "true Christian," from, say, a group of random followers. I've got a simple solution though. Because so many people who claim to be Christians use the argument "so-and-so wasn't a real Christian," they must all cancel each other out! I've come to the conclusion that there might have been only one true Christian, and he was nailed to a tree two millennia ago. So if that's the case, then you ain't a Christian either. Poser.
I imagine the life you have. What is your purpose, where do you go after death? If I am right and you are wrong. Your afterlife is certain death, your afterlife is going to be torcherous, your afterlife will be an eternity of wishing that you harkened to this comment (etc. etc.)
I'm imagining the life YOU have, sitting there self-righteously, imagining these things happening to us heathens, your eyes growing wider and wider, giggling through tears of half-pity, smugly writhing your hands together in the satisfaction that the justice of the world inside your head is being played out.
Life is a cycle. When a plant dies, it rots and returns to the earth, breaks down and becomes the building blocks for another living thing. When an earthworm dies, it rots and returns to the earth, breaks down, etc. When a cockroach dies, when a seahorse dies, when a fish dies, when a giraffe dies, when an ape dies.... And when a human dies. We're made of organic matter. Even our brains, where all of our thoughts, dreams, memories, and convictions reside. No souls. No spirits. No afterlife. Just organic matter. Once you get over the scary part about being consigned to peaceful oblivion, it's actually a rather comforting thought. You're part of an immense cycle that would be here whether or not you ever existed--whether or not Christianity or humans were ever here.
All of em' are posers, they just do not like to think of themselves that way because it reveals the truth. They all drive cars, they live in mansions, they gamble, they throw away food, they have credit cards, they want war, they kill whom they want, they condemn, they are exactly like the mythical characters of the buy-bull.
Someone once said this; Religious faith is like dressing a turd in Barbie clothes. is sad I tell ya, sad!
Poor whittle sheeple like this have lost their own mind for a big nothing in hopes of getting more, more, MORE! Visions and wishes born out of greed. *See them throwing a pissy fit because they have no control of time and no power over life itself*
Cry me a river.
On second thought, your writing skills give you away anyway, so, nevermind.
"I say this with the reason that Jesus said, the 2nd greatest commandment was to love your neighbor as yourself. I am not going to hate you because you show such positive emotion for something sick. However, I am only saying this in hopes to reach some of you. I imagine the life you have. What is your purpose, where do you go after death? If I am right and you are wrong. Your afterlife is certain death, your afterlife is going to be torcherous, your afterlife will be an eternity of wishing that you harkened to this comment, or you listened to a family member or friend that wanted to show you something greater."
Oh god .. you are so typical. Our purpose is to life a fulfilled life. And we are doing it without any myth. Imagine that!
As for the afterlife you are so afraid of, there is none. You will live a life full of fear; we on the other hand have been released to live a full life of happiness.
I am so sorry for you. You are chained to so ancient myth, how very sad for you. I hope someday you are free to live your life, but my guess is you will always be shackled with you silly little belief.
You're asking us to prove that God doesn't exist? You can't just make up some random crap and say "Well it must be true if you can't prove it wrong!" Ever heard of the Flying Spaghetti Monster? Well I ask you to prove that wrong. Oh, wait a minute. You can't. So I guess The Flying SPaghetti Monster is real, too. If you don't know what that is, go to
Oh, and by the way, just because you would rather have there be something after you die doesn't mean that there actually is anything after you die.
Nick, maybe fear and guilt keeps you believing, but most of us here have gotten over that. Life's much better on this side, you should try it.
You almost sound like a True Christian *wink*
Anyhow, Annoy is projecting on to us its short commings...screaming as if he needs to numb the pain. Chrisitianity (which is another addition) has a bad attitude. Christianity don't mind their own business and thinks it's necessary to butt into other's life. All it does is clothe you with digust for others who don't think as you do and that is a sign of insecurity.
Now, why should we prove to you that your god does not exist and that your bible is not the truth- unless you doubt it yourself? Sad to say Annoy, the only place your god exists is in your little head and as for the bible "truths" there is just enought that tells a thinking perons it just a book of folk tales:
1. Donkies don't talk
2. Pigeon blood does not cure leporsy and heal boils
3. Unicorns and dragons are not real
4. The earth is not flat
5. A woman did not come from a rib
6. There are no virgin births
7. And- a dead man remains - dead!
Guys, feel free to add to the list.
Correction, he made man and woman at the same time.
Gn1:27 And God created man to his own image: to the image of God he created him: male and female he created them.
On second thought, you may be right.
Gn2:22 And the Lord God built the rib which he took from Adam into a woman: and brought her to Adam.
Oh fuck it! It is all too confussing! A not so intelligent designer to say the least!
Bats are not birds. Rabbits do not chew their cud.
The list is endless with mind driveling crap!
When atheists can express their opinions and share their de-conversion stories without demeaning and degrading someone's religious beliefs like the above video, they'll be taken seriously. Until then, you'll come across as adolescents telling anti-gay jokes.
Yes, thank the founding fathers of this country for creating a tolerant secular nation.
Had any of us lived in England or any other part of Europe a few hundred years ago, we'd have been thrown in dungeons, or worse, for our lack of belief.
Christianity is just as cruel and controlling as any of the religions. Fortunately for us in this day and age, the nations where Christianity took initial foothold have thrown off some of the mind-numbing shackles of the cult.
No, life would not have been fun as an atheist just a few centuries ago, in any of the Christian nations.
Learn some history. The sum total of Christianity does not begin and end with your life experiences in your favorite version of the cult.
Don't be afraid for us---be afraid for yourself----for Osiris, God of the Underworld, doesn't take kindly to Muslims! ...::sizzle, sizzle::...
We Atheists are evil and we are looking to destroy all of mankind, we have pointed tails and wear red suits and have horns.
Christians hate Atheists and want them all destroyed, I tried to be a Christian once, but God and Jesus would not accept me, so I am now proud to be an Atheist.
We Atheist's are mean and evil and we worship all EVIL and we are in war against Christians and God, we align ourselves with Satan for he sends us secret messages to destruct and to maim and corrupt and destroy people's lives.
We Atheist's cause alot of preachers to commit adultry and and molest little children and commit embezzlement and murder their spouses by our ability to send mental secret messages directed by our master Satan.
For anti-Atheist blog site, click on my name above.
All Sig-Heil Satan! Lucifer our Master!
A lot of the posts by the non-Christians were pretty geared at saying Christians stereotyped atheists as being 'evil' in some form or fashion.
But by saying that Christians as a whole think of atheists in such a putrid regard, wouldn't you, yourself, then be stereotyping or limiting Christian thought?
Yeah, we all know the Bible speaks out against those who are not Christian. No surprise there. But it doesn't say the Christian body should demoralize the anti-Christian body.
Apparently, the opinions of those here who have limited the Christian view of athiesm to that of pathetic wretchedness have ill-founded theology and are basing their arguements on personal perception of the Faith without a viable conclusion as to why they reject Christianity.
If I may speak for Anonynick, I believe his reasoning for asking for proof that there is no God was so that the proof FOR God could be revealed. It's not very wise, from anyones viewpoint, Christian or not, to reject the truths of eternity without good reason. So I hope some will agree with me when I say that the arguement of Gods existance is an important one when it determines where or how all of humanity will spend eternity. Either in a terrestrial or in a celestial body.
I can get along with atheists just fine. Will I share my beliefs with them even when I know they won't listen? Yeah. Will I do it because I think they're evil and are puppets of 'Lucifers' finger? No. I'll do it not necessarily because I expect to convert them here and now, but because I'm only one beggar telling another beggar where to buy bread.
Firstly, no one's limiting any such thing. When I see an open-minded Christian, I'll be the first to admit it, however, it's not bloody likely.....after all, they are the one's with the convictions to "uphold". Can some be nicer than others?..sure, but at the end of the day, there's no "sterotype", the message is crystal clear---it's "I know the one and only Truth", and more often than not, finished with "turn, or burn".
Secondly, as for "viable" conclusions as to why we reject the "Faith"---apparently, your "Faith"---please read the testimonies here before you further commit the most unappreciated charge you can possibly commit, and that is insinuating that we've gone about things the wrong way and/or that our own reasons for rejecting it don't pass for what you deem as "viable".
estvold:It's not very wise, from anyones viewpoint, Christian or not, to reject the truths of eternity without good reason.
WHAT "truths"? Please be objective in your answer, if you answer.
estvold: I can get along with atheists just fine. Will I share my beliefs with them even when I know they won't listen? Yeah. Will I do it because I think they're evil and are puppets of 'Lucifers' finger? No. I'll do it not necessarily because I expect to convert them here and now, but because I'm only one beggar telling another beggar where to buy bread.
No---you are one skeptic telling another skeptic, what, and what not to be skeptical of, when we are only skeptical of one extra god than you.
I will likewise offer some observations.
Estvold: "A lot of the posts by the non-Christians were pretty geared at saying Christians stereotyped atheists as being 'evil' in some form or fashion."
Among the Christians who visit this site, it's a fairly common theme. Do you not think that's the case?
Estvold: "But by saying that Christians as a whole think of atheists in such a putrid regard, wouldn't you, yourself, then be stereotyping or limiting Christian thought?"
To be honest, I can't make sense of that question. In what way would I or anybody else be "limiting Christian thought" by pointing out the easily observable tendency of Christians who visit this site to regard non-believers as reprobates? (Indeed, that very word is often leveled at us.) Is that a "stereotype"? No, not if by "stereotype" you mean a judgment that is uniformly applied to entire class, because there are clear exceptions. Some of the Christians who visit here are indeed interested in an open and honest dialog, and refrain from casting aspersions toward those who disagree with them. But, I must add that they are a very small minority.
Estvold: "Yeah, we all know the Bible speaks out against those who are not Christian. No surprise there. But it doesn't say the Christian body should demoralize the anti-Christian body."
Mark 9:42 "And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea." (See also Matthew 18:6)
One possible interpretation: If I express my honest opinion about Christianity, and it disquiets the mind of a young person who professes a belief in Christianity, then I have such agony in store for me that believers might just as well do me in by any horrible means at their disposal, lest any others become infected by such blasphemy. Perhaps that is not literally "demonizing" non-believers, but it is a very ugly injunction against them. Wouldn't you agree?
Estvold: "Apparently, the opinions of those here who have limited the Christian view of athiesm to that of pathetic wretchedness have ill-founded theology and are basing their arguements on personal perception of the Faith without a viable conclusion as to why they reject Christianity."
That sentence is quite a tangle. In the interest of clarity, I'm going to restate it; please tell me if I've interpreted you correctly. I believe you are saying that some here do not understand how Christians really do view atheism, and that confusion is possibly due to a limited understanding of Christianity itself. Am I close?
Well, first of all, that's a lot of speculation resting upon speculation. Second, the VAST majority of Christians who post here make it abundantly clear that they have no understanding of atheism whatsoever. Practically every day there are numerous posts claiming that atheists reject god for selfish reasons, or that our position is untenable because it lacks "proof", or that we are ignorant, or simply do not wish to understand, etc. etc. Which brings me to my Third point: Many (probably most) of us here have rejected Christianity as a result of assiduous study, debate, and an honest appraisal of the facts. To suggest that we have a "limited undertanding of Christianity" is facile, and more than a little naive.
Estvold: "If I may speak for Anonynick, I believe his reasoning for asking for proof that there is no God was so that the proof FOR God could be revealed."
Once again, I can make no sense of that statement. Who is stopping you or anybody else from presenting evidence FOR the existence of god? Indeed, I very directly ask many many Christian posters here to simply pony up the evidence rather than engaging in various ad hominem attacks. In the very rare cases that they do offer something that they claim is evidence, it often boils down to "Just look around you", or "The Bible says so", or some such nonsense.
So, First, where is the evidence? Why don't you just spell it out?
Second, asking for evidence of non-existence is simply absurd. Can you prove to me that Zeus does not exist? Probably not. Do you therefore believe that he exists? Probably not. So, before you play the "prove he doesn't exist" game, first make sure your argument makes sense when applied to Zeus.
Estvold: "It's not very wise, from anyones viewpoint, Christian or not, to reject the truths of eternity without good reason."
That's pure question begging. The "truths of eternity"!? I agree that it would be best not to reject "truths". Who will disagree with that? But what "truths" do you speak of, and how do you know they are truths?
Estvold: "So I hope some will agree with me when I say that the arguement of Gods existance is an important one..."
Yes, of course.
Estvold: "...when it determines where or how all of humanity will spend eternity."
I can interpret your statement in several ways, and none of them make much sense. If you are using "when" as a synonym for "in those cases in which", then it's quite vacuous, for the crux of the issue is whether or not that is the case. If, on the other hand, you use "when" to imply "because", then you are simply making an unfounded assertion that is as strong as what is being discussed; hence, it's a circular statement. If there is another way to interpret what you said, please point it out.
Estvold: "I can get along with atheists just fine. Will I share my beliefs with them even when I know they won't listen? Yeah."
Something tells me that you confuse "disagreeing" with "not listening".
Estvold: "...I'll do it not necessarily because I expect to convert them here and now, but because I'm only one beggar telling another beggar where to buy bread."
Sounds humble enough, but I have no way of knowing what that actually means in practice. If you are told by someone that they do not wish to discuss religious matters with you, would you honor their wish? If they explained that they have studied your religion extensively and rejected it, would you respect their decision? You may not be branding non-believers with terrible labels (at least not overtly), but that alone does not mean that your approach therefore is ethically or socially justified.
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