Testimony post script: Five Questions


I submitted a testimony on Aug. 7-05.

I read every day on this site and have been amazed by the superior thinking ability of some of you. I never have been able to concentrate for long periods of time on academic pursuits, but some of the regular posters here mesmerize me to the extent that when I see their names, I can't turn the computer off till I have scrutinized every word of their posts.

I have a couple of questions for you. You are probably already familiar with my philosophy, but I would like to find out whether those as smart as some of you are, agrees or disagrees with my basic assumptions about life. I have already done the natural selection thing here many times, the natural process that brings us to the top of the food chain and made us the smartest species on, at least this planet.

These are the questions:

1. If a mother sacrifices her life for her children, is that love?

2. If a man finds a mate who has all of the physical and intellectual characteristics that he desires, is that love?

3. Since we as humans have obeyed nature and multiplied to the extent that we are poisoning this planet in an effort to try to feed everybody and give them a Ford or Toyota, isn't it enough for me in my retirement years, and with my limited income, to just trust that the problems of starvation, diseases, warfare, pollution, will take care of themselves, just like they always have, by millions of people dying, and becoming fertilizer?

4. As I have become totally convinced that all religions are manmade (And pretty silly and ridiculous at that), is there something wrong with me for not having a "God Hole" in my psyche anymore, and for feeling more normal, and less apprehensive than I have ever felt since childhood?

5. Is there something wrong with me because I don't want to hurt anyone, steal anything, or lie about anything, and for me to just want to be as happy here on earth as I can possibly be, using whatever talents I possess, as long as I, obey the law, don't jeopardize the health and welfare of anyone else on purpose?

Any one! Please feel free to make any comment you like. I will not be offended, just entertained, and enlightened!

Dan (Who says no to all five questions)


Anonymous said…
1) If a mother sacrifices herself for her children, yes, I think it is love. That terrible, merciless love that would motivate her to murder anyone who would harm her children with the same utter lack of hesitation as with she would sacrifice herself for them. A mother´s love, in its purest form, is a terrible thing, feral and primal, like an animal instinct. It is glorious and wondrous and frightening. In this sense, there is no real difference between a human woman and a female polar bear.

Not that this love is a given. But of the woman who does feel it, beware.

2) No.

3) The form of your question alone suggests that yes, for you, it is enough.

But things have changed. We just might be a in a position to exert just that much influence that we do something that the planet can´t fix in time to save the life on its surface.

4) I´d say no. But that´s just me. There are billions of people who would beg to differ.

5) Again, I´d have to say no.
Ian said…
Hi Dan, let me see if I can answer your questions.

1. If it's to save the child's life, then I suppose so, yes.

2. It could be. If the man loves the woman for the total sum of who she is, including personality, talents, likes and dislikes, then it could be. Love is an interesting topic and i'm still working at it.

3. Grim, but yes. It never hurts however, to go out and do whatever you can to help others.

4. No.

5. Of course not!
Anonymous said…
1) That really depends on your personal definition of "what is love". And does the mother's sacrifice result in her death.

2) No

3) No

4) No

5) No, and your one of the few
Anonymous said…
j"is there something wrong with me for not having a "God Hole" in my psyche anymore?"

I think religion is a magnet for all kinds of diseased-ridden foulness. Religion is a whore with all kinds of diseases.
Anonymous said…
1. No its not love. Sacrifice is born of the instinctive need to preserve the community at the expense of one's self; to put the welfare of others above your your own. Would a fireman have to love a person in a burning building before he would run in to save them?

2. No. In fact, often the best relationships happen between people who have nothing in common and are totally unexpected. Love doesn't happen on cue.

3. Yes. The Earth was here millions of years before we showed up and it will still be here long after we've all gone. Death is going happen whether we worry about it or not and if humanity wants to hurry it along by investing in polution, violence and apathy then so be it. The real shame of it all is that there are so many other species that are going to down with us.

4. (Ah ha! Trick question!) One would have to buy into a belief system in order to make an objective determination about something being "Wrong". So it all depends upon which subject view point you are coming from. Personally, I think you're OK!

%. Again, right and wrong are subjective view points. But how how could there be anything wrong with having the characteristics that you've described.
Anonymous said…
Hi Jess, my post is in response to your post in particular. Im keen on knowing how your spirituality works for you, as I believe fully that a person should figure out what is specific to them.I have been a pagan all my life, with the exeption of a stage where certain people insisted that I cannot go on like this....that I am lost. This resulted into a short but horrific foray into fundamentalist madness that I got out of in a hurry, but it was a learning experience all the same. Now at least I can say I stood at the edge of the abyss, had a look inside and ran like their beelzabub himself was after me!!!
As a pagan, I believe, as u do that everthing has a soul. That what we believe in must be tangible. For me the fact that we live on Mother Earth alone is substantial enough reason to be spiritual.
As a pagan I feel the Divine Feminine as a guiding force. This is also not to be construed as a "feminist" thing, which it certianly isnt. Patriarchy has been detrimental and destuctive to both genders. Just look at the Bush/Blair war partnership,& the generations of warlike men b4 them.
"War is a result of patriarchal religion." No argument!!
We remember the Earth as a better place when MOTHER NATURE was held in high esteem. Things will only get better once we get back to our roots!
Bright Blessings to all.
Anonymous said…
1. If a mother sacrifices her life for her children, is that love?

It COULD be but not necessarily. Obviously, it depends on the situation and what exactly you mean by sacrifice. Sacrifice her physical life, as in, martyrdom? Or as in forgoing her education and career for her children? Either way, I’d put myself in my children’s frame of mind first before making any kind of decision. I’d see what they would want and what would make them happiest overall and how they might feel as adults regarding the decision I made. Then I’d make a decision. But if you mean not having a career, again, that depends. But I would go so far to say that a mother who works full time does NOT love her children less than one that stays home. I am one of those women and I am TIRED of those Stay At Home Mothers who make comments about how I should not be working. I love my children very very much.

2. If a man finds a mate who has all of the physical and intellectual characteristics that he desires, is that love?

Those qualities alone does not equal love. Love is chemistry and we don’t know the formula. Sometimes we have no control. Not to be a nerd (even though I am) but I shall take a quote from the Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV series: “Love isn't brains, children, it's blood...blood screaming inside you to work its will. I may be love's bitch, but at least I'm man enough to admit it.” Hey, it’s true.

3. Since we as humans have obeyed nature and multiplied to the extent that we are poisoning this planet in an effort to try to feed everybody and give them a Ford or Toyota, isn't it enough for me in my retirement years, and with my limited income, to just trust that the problems of starvation, diseases, warfare, pollution, will take care of themselves, just like they always have, by millions of people dying, and becoming fertilizer?

No. I’m not saying you should rise up and go on marches every day, attend protests, and spend most of your day trying to save the world from mankind but I think we all have a social responsibility that we shouldn’t sweep under the rug. Everyone SHOULD (doesn’t mean WILL) do what they should to help. If you’re a Richie-Rich, donate your money. If you’re eloquent, write letters and articles. If you’re able-bodied, volunteer a few hours a week. I don’t think that’s taxing for anyone and absolutely necessary. Sure, there are exceptions but if you CAN, you should.

4. As I have become totally convinced that all religions are manmade (And pretty silly and ridiculous at that), is there something wrong with me for not having a "God Hole" in my psyche anymore, and for feeling more normal, and less apprehensive than I have ever felt since childhood?

There’s nothing wrong with you. I feel the same way; liberated, free, much more at ease with life. Perhaps this is how we were meant to feel until someone had the “grand” idea to invent religion. Actually, I don’t want to say that I’m a true atheist, I’m not. I think there COULD be something out there but does that mean we need religion? I don’t think so. I don’t think we’re meant to figure it out.. what happens after death and all the innerworkings of the world. Most of the world religions have done far more harm than good and IF there is a god out there, I wouldn’t think he/she/it would think that’s a good thing; all the wars and atrocities committed in the name of god.

5. Is there something wrong with me because I don't want to hurt anyone, steal anything, or lie about anything, and for me to just want to be as happy here on earth as I can possibly be, using whatever talents I possess, as long as I, obey the law, don't jeopardize the health and welfare of anyone else on purpose?

Nope. We need more people like you. This is exactly what we need to achieve, to create a Utopian society. Unfortunately it will probably never happen.
Anonymous said…
Leonard, Ian, infidel666, Jess, Anonymous, tigg13, Rhiannon, love2all, UberGeek (Don't worry I've been called worse than "Dave"), and Deamond.

I guess what I'm trying to address is the problem of "When we cannot believe in fairy tales anymore, what's a person to do?" How are we to think? What is normal? Indeed is it even possible to go through life not having faith in something? Should all of our faith be in ourselves? Should we assume that God lives in us? That we all are part of God? That God is Everything?

I do know that when I was a kid I pretty much felt that "everything" happened for the good, and left it at that, and felt good about it.

To put it another way, when I was a child I just felt that whatever created us, knew what it was doing, and now that I realize all religions are made up by men who, just pretended, to know the answers to the great puzzling questions, about where we came from? And what created us? and How should we live our lives, I am back to that same kind of childish faith in my creator.

I don't worry about the big questions as much, because I now know, that NO ONE, has the answers, and NEVER did.

God, whatever God is, is going to do whatever God want's to do and I don't think it wants us to spend our whole lives worrying about it!

I put the "Love" questions first, because we tend to try to replace a belief in a mystical being with a sort of "Mooshy" faith, in the impossible to define, quality of love.

Dan (Who is damn well gonna live till I die)
Anonymous said…
The questions bring a philosophy I have on Love. Love is an emotion that we try to make tangable in order to survive as the human race. Love is what you make it, therefore it's different for everyone. Because it's different, unattainable, conditional, and always changing, it is not real. Anything that is real would have to be defined clearly. It would have to be the same all the time.
Then comes the illusion perpatrated by the pushers of love. They try to say it's the same for all. Christainity trys to use the few Greek words they know and say there are different loves. Christianity denies love to anyone who does not do it their way. That is why there is no such thing as love. Love is a word we use to describe not killing each other.

1. If a mother sacrifices her life for her children, is that love?

It may be defined as love by her. If she did not do it, it would not mean she did not love her child. Again, love is whimsical.

2. If a man finds a mate who has all of the physical and intellectual characteristics that he desires, is that love?

To him it is love.

3. Since we as humans have obeyed nature and multiplied to the extent that we are poisoning this planet in an effort to try to feed everybody and give them a Ford or Toyota, isn't it enough for me in my retirement years, and with my limited income, to just trust that the problems of starvation, diseases, warfare, pollution, will take care of themselves, just like they always have, by millions of people dying, and becoming fertilizer?

I must be insensitive because I could only laugh.

4. As I have become totally convinced that all religions are manmade (And pretty silly and ridiculous at that), is there something wrong with me for not having a "God Hole" in my psyche anymore, and for feeling more normal, and less apprehensive than I have ever felt since childhood?

It's not wrong in my eyes, but other would disagree.

5. Is there something wrong with me because I don't want to hurt anyone, steal anything, or lie about anything, and for me to just want to be as happy here on earth as I can possibly be, using whatever talents I possess, as long as I, obey the law, don't jeopardize the health and welfare of anyone else on purpose?

I think that is noble. I would like to do the same. But...I don't believe in god, therefore, I am a moral relativist. Hurting people is what we all do indirectly (that is a long story). There may be times in life where someone needs a red nose.

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