Trading Spouses - Margaret freaking out

Two mothers with very different beliefs traded lives, leading to a dramatic homecoming, on the two-part season premiere of TRADING SPOUSES: MEET YOUR NEW MOMMY which began Wednesday, Nov. 2 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX.

Christian Fundamentalist Marguerite Perrin of Ponchatoula, LA, and Pagan Jeanne D’amico-Flisher of Boxborough, MA, traded places to try out the ultimate life change – leaving their families to take over a clan from another walk of life.

As they met each other’s families and instilled their own set of rules, chaos ensued. Then, during the dramatic conclusion which aired Wednesday, Nov. 9 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT), viewers found out how each mom distributed the other family’s $50,000 prize and what caused one mom’s major meltdown after she returned home to her family.

If you missed the misadventure, here is the exciting conclusion: Trading Spouses - Margaret freaking out

Thanks to madamehel for finding and sending this in.


Anonymous said…
Wow, I think that clip speaks for itself. I am now sorry I missed those particular episodes of that show. Amazing that the woman in the clip seems to think that psychics and Buddah flags will destroy her family but her psychotic tyrades, and finger pointing will help.
YME said…
My sister-in-law called me while she was watching it to tell me I had to see this woman on TV screaming about religion.

I can't believe she's so good a playing it off. She acted like she wasn't some kooked out religious freak on Leno. And that bobble head was a stroke of genius. Wish I had thought of it.

She refuses to answer direct questions about her religious break down and her actual beliefs.

She sure is one piece of work. I feel so sorry for her kids.
Anonymous said…
The woman obviously has mental problems. I feel sorry for her family. Very interesting clip.
Anonymous said…
What's with her missing front teeth and 500 lbs? I have never seen that show pick out white trash to trade with before...
Anonymous said…
Yeah, I watched the whole episode. She's one sick puppy, she was mimicking the illustrious John Haggie, it's all bunch of shit, thats all any of the fundies can do is mimick either a charactor out of the bible or mimick some fat ass preacher. They all need to be in the psyco ward, but currently, it's not against the law to be mentally insane.
Anonymous said…
I love "god warriors" like Margaret, she shows how christianity poisons the mind. So intrenched in her beliefs that she uses them to hate for jesus. My wife and I watched both episodes, and couldn't believe how hypocrytical this woman and her friends were, with their holier than thou attitudes. Any person could plainly see the only "dark sided" person on that show was her.
Anonymous said…
What was that about they put her on a talk show? I missed the whole episode. Thanks.
Anonymous said…
Wow! I truly feel sorry for the children. It's apparent the youngest child was traumatized by this experience. Those kids will have emotional scars the rest of their lives.
Anonymous said…
Melody, She swapped places with an Atheist family, in which the husband had a Atheist radio talk show, so he ask her to be on the show to defend her views, but conveniently started seeing demons and unclean spirits, and had a hissey and got up and walked out, gloating in her own self-righteousness, as a real BITCH from Hades, thats when I shot a two inch bullet hole in my
John 3:57
Anonymous said…
They weren't atheists ken, they never really classified themselves, but from the show I gathered that they were pagans.

Melody, Their radio show was on love and relationships with a astrological, new age hippy, and psychic twist. The husband brought a christian psychic on the radio show and that is when she flipped out, even though the guy was a christian. She felt that all psychics were "dark sided", for that matter, she thought everything that was not christian was "dark sided".
Anonymous said…
Wow - That lady reminds me of some folks I know...

I was proud of the Atheist and his wife, though. They kept their cool while the "crazy lady" ranted. That tirade says a lot for both xians and Atheists of all kinds....
Anonymous said…
That clip was RICH!! What a nutbag!!! She sounds like a professional xian victim, accosting her kids because they didn't pray for her. She reminds me of my mother....a practicng alcoholic, paranoid schizophrenic xian.It is just great to see what jesus can do in someone's I am so glad to not be part of xianity anymore...this just helps to solidify my choice. If I had any compassion left for hate mongering women like this, I would say she needs anti-psychotic meds ASAP. Thank goodness she will pray instead of getting help and ruin everyone's life around her and perhaps turn her family away from god and all the lies.
Anonymous said…
Well, that's one way for a mother to force an us-them mentality on her children... The children are attached to their mother, and later in life, will feel guilt for associating with anyone that isn't christian, and according to her values... Well, until they are capable of becoming autonomous and forming their own set of values... she's really helped those kids out, I mean, they didn't look like they had enough "guilt" to haul around with them in life...

Oh, and... unfortunately, she is also teaching the kids, that, when the going gets tough... there's always one way out of a situation... pull the "religion" bigot card, and everyone will back away... and after she got what she wanted, she accepted the money... a common strategy...

I graduated from a bible college in the S.E. of the U.S. There was more than one christian who refused to take Mythology coursework, because they felt it was against their religion... the Southern Baptist Convention supported university, allowed the students I knew, to take "alternate" courses, outside of their degree program, to complete their degree requirements... An education is supposed to be well rounded, unfortunately, the "religion" card seems to be useful, in the promotion of continual bigotry and ignorance... I don't think the lady on the TV is as much a nut, as she is "sly" like a "fox"... She knows how to manipulate, and what "words" and phrases to use, to get what she wants...

If there were "one" job, I could hold for a week, for winning a job lotto, I'd love to be a judge in the South Eastern U.S. Everytime, someone pulled the "religion" card, in an attempt to disallow evidence, facts, etc., I would deny the motion, and ensure that "every" piece of information that could be presented would be pulled... I would love nothing more than to stifle those who live using manipulation in their lives to get what they want... especially, when they use some "other" object/god as their justification...
Anonymous said…
I sure missed this one!! Wow, I never watch these sick reality shows, but somehow wish I had seen it! I even missed the media coverage on this particular incident!

Sheesh, she is a real nutcase, perfect example of an irrational fundy and their misinformed ignorant behavior, or else she was just putting on the ultimate drama queen act.

I particularly kept watching the two younger girls and felt so sorry for them because they were utterly frightened out of their minds over their mother's meltdown! She behaved as if she were possessed with something, oh, wait, could it have been-- the holy spirit! LOL

What a lovely example of motherhood she is. Her husband and kids actually looked like they had some sense!

Sounds as though dispite her rants and raves, she came to her senses and decided the money wasn't "tainted" after all, and was good enough for her gastric bypass and other things for the family, what a crock.

Hail to the warrier of god!!! LOL

Thanks for sharing.
Anonymous said…
Hi, Mad, Dave8 and all,

I saw clips of this mutant hickabilly a few weeks ago. Why is it they always look like that? When I pull up to a car covered with jeebus stickers, they inevitably look like her. Just proves religion is for the ignorant, down trodden and mentally ill.

By the way, I have the Rose Parade on right now. The bibble babblers prayed for no rain. I prayed to the invisible pink unicorn, just for fun, that it would rain on their parade. Ha, ha, my imaginary friend is better than theirs!

Regards, carol
Anonymous said…
What's with her missing front teeth and 500 lbs? I have never seen that show pick out white trash to trade with before...

She has already exceeded her alloted lifetime of use out of her teeth. Next her whole G.I. system will fall out...Mother Nature either gives you a certain amount of years(100) or a certain amount of chews and swallows. Her children looked scared, I think they thought that she was going to eat them!

Anonymous said…
Hey Carol, MadBuni, and all,

Good to see the fundies haven't messed up the most reverred Rose Bowl games... I am sure, some fundy church is out there making an argument that there are those who follow the "football" religion :-) Take care in the new year...
Anonymous said…
I don't normally watch that show but I saw those two episodes. The poor granddaughter has been traumatized for life, and I think the second daughter, who pretty much gets treated like Cinderella anyway, will end up on this website renouncing Christianity. She'll also probably get a couple of tattoos and run away to go backpacking around Europe for a year or two, and I hope she does!

I do feel sorry for the psycho lady. How awful to live your life imagining that people who aren't just like you are out to get you.
Anonymous said…
Hey guys, my new year so far is going great, but this is my last day off. I have been off work since December 22 and it will sure as hell be hard to see 5:15 am tomorrow!!!!

I read your posts and had a good laugh. I guess I might have to start believing in pink unicorns Carol!!

I just got my email and wanted to share this with you:

Someone just sent me an email that outraged me to want to scream!!! It was regarding a new tv show scheduled in the lineup in January on NBC. The show is called "The Book of Daniel". I had no idea what the show was about, but apparently it is getting a lot of flack from the christians, and this email was forwarded from the AFA (American Family Association) asking that people call, write, and email the tv network and demand they not televise this show.
(I am going to have to enlighten the person who sent this to me)

I got myself in a twit and went directly to the website. The title of the article is called NBC Demeans Christian Faith. I read that and then started browsing around, and of course, got pissed off even more. There's all kinds of bullshit, including trying to get In God We Trust posters permanently hung in the public schools of America.

I had to get a grip and realize that I often forget how crazed and fanatic these fundies really are until I visit a website like that.

I sent an email letting them know how I felt, and that their narrow minded concepts are a danger to my civil liberties. (Don't worry, I was nice!) I'll probably get on the national list of people to phone tap now!!! LOL.

Their website is: If you want to check it out.

Wish me luck for tomorrow!

I am also going to make sure I watch the first episode of The Book of Daniel, it has to be good if the fundies hate it! LOL
Anonymous said…
Hi, Madbuni,

I do wish you luck tomorrow!

I heard about that show, Book Of Daniel. It is about some guy, possible a preacher, who sees and speaks to jeebus. The jist of it, I believe, is that he is mentally ill and it really puts a bad spin on dispicable xianity.

I'll have to check out the website you wrote to when I am in the mood and I will email them also. I doubt I will be as nice a you, though!

Regards, carol
Anonymous said…
Dave8 said: " I don't think the lady on the TV is as much a nut, as she is "sly" like a "fox"... She knows how to manipulate, and what "words" and phrases to use, to get what she wants...

SL... as a former employee of NBC and others for the past 30 years, I'd go a step further: the ad and promo and producer folk who lend their 'talent' and 'expertise' to 'create' this garbage are pretty foxy, too. No one wants to see normal... normal is boring.

So if one has to 'stage' it... well who'll be the wiser. Now the thought that so many of you buy into this----- That's scary!

Two words: Jerry Springer... he wrote the book on this kind of TV.
Anonymous said…
That was amazing, to say the least. I've seen some real fanatics in my life, but this one truly takes the cake. I guess we should all start praying for the demons to be expelled from her, huh? *snicker*
Anonymous said…
I don't care if it was staged, she scared that poor little girl to death. How sick.
Anonymous said…
Wow, that was pretty amazing. It really makes you feel sorry for her kids, doesn't it?

Crazy Christian mother goes on the rampage and screams at everyone in the house, leaving them feeling guilty, intimidated, scared, and confused. And most importantly, making them a silent, captive audience for which she assumes center stage.

Geez, that sounds familiar. Just another reminder why I'm glad "I'm out".

And I wonder what it would be like to be married to THAT. Echhh... I shudder to even think about it! I hope that husband got away from her. Good luck, buddy.

There's one mind that needs some serious help. And not the kind you're going to get from the preachers on TV.

Hmmm... I wonder what happened to her tithe? It was conspicuously absent from the credits. But from the way she talked, it was obvious that she understood the whole "seed-faith, give-to-get" concept.

Seems like she blew an awfully big chunk of that money on reducing the size of her fat ass rather than any tithe. Maybe she decided to donate some of her body weight to God instead. Get her stomach stapled for Jesus, so to speak.

And by the way, it's "dark" side, not "dork" side. Try speaking a little English every now and then, lady!

Man, I get the willies just watching that woman...
Anonymous said…
"I don't care if it was staged, she scared that poor little girl to death. How sick."

That little girl is a member of AFTRA and SAG -- and the only time she's legitimately scared is if her agent books her on a nonunion gig. lol
Anonymous said…
Listen folks, reverend Margruerite's intentions were not to experience other people's life style as based on the shows original theme. Marg's agenda was to sneak on to a TV show and prosletyze to millions in the guise of her wanting experience another families lifestyle. She is one of Jesus's little minions to spread the gospel, to fullfill the prophsey of Jesus, she's looking for that crown of glory as promised by the mythical Jesus, but the cost of such ridiculousness is the display and exposing of ones own mental insanity. May she be with her Jesus forever and ever, soon hopefully.
Anonymous said…
S.L.: "So if one has to 'stage' it... well who'll be the wiser. Now the thought that so many of you buy into this----- That's scary!"

Well, of course its marketing, and Nielsen ratings. The almighty dollar always wins, even the actress accepted the money in the end. I actually do buy into the promo though, people like being paid for what they believe is going to further their agenda. I am not sure of this woman's IQ, but, it does appear as though she pushed a message and got paid, a double pay-off.

I agree, with the fact that the daughter is less scared than being scarred emotionally and psychologically. Her child is being taught the fine art of "manipulation", and the rewards. It's not a bad business tactic, in a capitalist manner, manupulation of the market "Is", the strategy of choice by many business CEO's and business guru's. Sun Tzu would be pleased at how well the west has employed the art of war, on an economic scale...

Havin a business strategy, and employing deception tactics may be a capitalistic approach to business, but... it doesn't seem to hold up well, in a social context. Time will tell, based on the quality of the relationships these children form. They may have to attend church to get their social rewards, I am not sure anyone who is independent and looking for honesty is going to settle for an elusive relationship based on deception. Perhaps, the more shallow, will find deception adventurous and exciting to get their hedonistic fix. We may be looking at the next cigar trick-performers of the oval office in the making :-)
Anonymous said…
As always, Dave, you bring a lot to the table... and it's always a feast. The whole of my experience in the 'biz' taught me that TV & ad folk want nothing more than an audience 'groomed' to respond emotionally. I hope people realize I was being more than a little tongue in cheek in my analysis...

Still, all those years, and all I witnessed first hand have led me to assume: If it bleeds it leads and if they yell it sells.
Anonymous said…
SL? Why do you assume anything? If you have been in the "biz" then you would also know that the mayhem gets old too. Don't assume people are mindless and groomed for response. That is not true. There are people who can see through the b.s. and have figured out a long time ago that fear and mayhem keeps the little sheep in the pens... guess what? Not everyone is a sheep...
Anonymous said…
Anonymous, I would agree that not everyone is a sheep. However, the networks statistically target large groups of sheep, and give them what they want to see. Its like all those reality shows, if no one watched, the network would pull the plug, but there appears to be a need, as the shows keep going, and going, like the energizer bunny.

The art of deception, is a major business tactic and is taught in major tier one universities. Its a driving mechanism for "some" economies, and is useful to bring in new clientel... Its not illegal to implement these tactics, its seen as just doing business, and part of competition... And, because this is accepted as a legitimate tactic, "all" businesses are protected, from "for profit", to the "not for profit"...

This is a deep topic, with many implications, lets just say, deception is alive and well in the world... If one can't see reality (deep topic) clearly, they will continue to be deceived, some more than others... Someone may want to debate the merits, of an economy, which perpetuates competition through the allowance of such tactics, and how those same tactics are exploited by businesses to the detriment of many peoples' quality of life...

Strategic tactics that survive over millinea, do so for a reason... I find it amusing from a social science point of view, but sad from a humanitarian point of view, but... such is life... there are plenty of people who pay a lot of money to escape reality, and even more people willing to pay for a better reality after they die... such is deception...
Anonymous said…
I would say that by looking at the size of the proselytizing Saint Margaret, she must have sacrificed a couple whole hogs by devouring them before the show. She finally renigged on taking Satan's evil money, does this mean that perhaps she has sold her soul to the devil?
Anonymous said…
god (with a small g?... humility, right?) said: I would like to add that some people believe that professional wrestling is reality...

SL adds: Not to mention the Gaza and West Bank coverage by France 2, or our very own home grown propagandists hunkered down in Studio 33 of the CBS Broadcast Center in NYC each Sunday night. Yeah, that's right, the geriatric gas bags of 60 Minutes...

Keep in mind, they're only trying to sway allegiance. The stakes are much higher when they want to sell you household goods.
Anonymous said…
SL, I agree, staging scenes sells... and media has perfected the art of deception... They have a myriad of editing tools, etc., to create two dimensional reality...

What was the old saying, believe nothing you hear, and only half of what you see... and seeing something on TV still isn't "really" seeing the event, as the entire "context" and backdrop is missing, and potentially being manipulated... The best one can do, is get multiple sources to confirm an event... and as unbiased as possible... Still, first hand experience is the best we can do, and with as much knowledge as possible of the environment...

When someone has a vested interest to sell a product, I don't just accept their side of the story, I look for corroborating evidence from secondary sources, hence, the problem I have putting and confidence in the words of the bible... the formula is... the greater the claim, the greater the need for multiple source confirmation...
Anonymous said…
hey god_not, you'd better watch out, using the little "g", you never know which "jealous" god is going to take offense and start wrecking havoc :-) Perhaps, Prometheus, the Greek god and "creator" of man, 800BCE, will hold the christian god back... The christian god, needs to attend some anger management classes according to his behavior in the bible... ;=)
Anonymous said…
Dave8... you mentioned something a short while back that I've been ruminating over, and as much as I'd like to discuss it with you, I don't feel it appropriate to do so on these boards. It isn't in any way 'scat'alogical, as was the previous dialogue we entered into concerning an affinity for domesticated creatures -- it's only I'm sure what I have to say to you would be of no interest to anyone else, and for that matter has nothing directly to do with Margaret's trauma or any other concern posted here. How do I proceed? Give you my e-mail? Let me know, okay? SL
Anonymous said…
SL, I ruminate with others on diverging topics, via other means in order to keep sanity on threads, which seem to slide off into entirely different realms. Much the the WM's chagrin, I'm sure, we each categorize our information according to an internal cognitive taxonomical structure, and thus... we tend to talk about information we have associated to a major theme, object, or "noun". It makes conversations interesting I suppose, as it reveals a persons' environment to a degree.

Because of the fluid environment, and the ease at which a conversation can morph, I have set up an e-mail account for just those occassions; I thought, the e-mail name, was a nice dualistic paradox between evil and good... If you want to delve further on a topic, I typically check that clearing-house inbox daily. Until then, take care... Dave8
Anonymous said…
I think her eating habits speak for themselves. Didn't Paul say that gluttons won't make it to heaven? Too bad she is clueless about everything. She is a mental case and should be committed asap.

Anonymous said…
Well, I finally saw "the clip" of the raving fundamentalist.

I feel such compassion for her kids. What an awful environment to grow up in. That woman is sick. She needs help, desperately. The only thing that would be spookier is if the woman owned firearms. THE HORROR.
Anonymous said…
Wow. I was quite speechless after watching the clip. A friend of mine forwarded it to me. I wish I could watch both episodes of the season premiere to better grasp what the heck was going on. She reminds me of the scary cat-food people that used to come through my line at the grocery store. [Shudders at old memories.]
Anonymous said…
Obviously she was given a script to memorize. She is fat,stupid, ugly, and despicable, so she was the perfect person to be the preposterous example of the Christian that everyone can despise!

She does more to caution people about religion than a whole sermon about religious hypocrites could.
Anonymous said…
I'm from Louisiana and a Christian and people like this make me lower my head in shame. I've known people like this and can easily say that if they got the right person that there is no way that this is a staged act. I just wish the media wouldn't spread this stereotype, because this isn't what Christianity is supposed to be about. Jesus was the coolest person anyone could ever meet and Christianity tells us that He's who we should strive to be like. I'm sure if He'd seen this woman acting like this he probably try to cast the demons out of her ;)
Anonymous said…
blah blah...

"because this isn't what Christianity is supposed to be about."

Well, damn, you guys have been running the show for over 2,000 yrs and counting and y'all still can't get it right?

"Jesus was the coolest person anyone could ever meet...."

Jesus had a sports car and played in Saturday Night Fever. Jesus was John

"I'm sure if He'd seen this woman acting like this he probably try to cast the demons out of her ;)"

I thought god/jesus saw everything...oh I might have been mistaken. Sorry.
Anonymous said…
Jesus had a sports car and played in Saturday Night Fever. Jesus was John

Ehem..Oh, forgot to mention the chicks
Anonymous said…
south2003, I don't know that there's any call for mocking Louisiana Christian's beliefs. Just like any other large group of people, Christians are a pretty diverse body. There are a number off the deep end, like Margaret, who scream and hate and condemn anyone not like themselves, and then there those whose faith leads them to acts of great charity and compassion, like Mother Teresa or Martin Luther King, Jr. Personally, I'd save my contempt for the Margaret-type nutjobs and not lump all Christians together.
Anonymous said…
Hmmm, I am seeing an uncanny resemblance between Margaret and Osama bin Laden. Can someone ask the NSA if she has plans to bomb any foreign infidel (non-Christian) countries?
freeman said…
"I'm from Louisiana"

What part? I am from the New Orleans area. (Transplant to Fort Worth, Texas) I used to be a good catholic and still love Mardi Gras and drinking heavily to Baccus! Today, I am a deist/ bordering on atheism.
Anonymous said…
Mommy? Mommy? Is that you? Did you come back from the grave, Mommy? You're younger, heavier and live in the wrong state, but it is you, isn't it, Mommy?

Someone call child protective services and get those kids out of that house!

Fundamentalism = child abuse!

Hey fundamentalist assholes, I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!!

If any of you idiots like this one are going to heaven - I'll take HELL (you already put me through it, anyhow). Those poor kids...

F$%@-off and die!
Anonymous said…
Well, planned or not the incredibly scarey thing about this is that there ARE people out there that, in the name of their religious affiliation, are EXACTLY LIKE THAT!!! WoW !! In fact, oddly enough - I just ran into one yesterday!! (Think its a "sign"? LOL). Also I interviewed a lady to be my sitter a few years ago (got a weird "vibe" from her and decided against her) who since then I have heard ranting about the same thing - on a school kid who was telling another kid about the new Harry Potter movie!

My heart goes out to children who have to endure this. Even fundamentalists have kids too and if even ONE child is exposed to any similar kinds of things thats 200 too many for me!!!!

I agree - get child protective services and FAST!!!!!!Whether the kid is acting or not there was detriment being done to her being exposed to that c*&^. If she was an actress, then the producers need to be called on it putting a child in a situation like that. I'm sorry, but no child actress could look that genuinely terrified and not be even slightly fearful.

Just my .5 cents worth.
Anonymous said…
This clip bothered me. They replayed the show tonight and I couldn't believe exactly how psychotic this woman was. What bothers me the most is that people now take her example and generalize all Christians out of it.
As a Christian, I am a very flexible individual. According to my religion or at least the people that teach my religion believe that I should force my religion on others. However, I believe that people won't budge if something is forced on them. Instead I wait to see if they have any particular questions.
Please don't let this show make your view on Christianity jaded. Just like there are hypocritical "god warriors" there are level minded Christians.
Anonymous said…
everything about this woman erks me. She is hypocritical, hateful overzealous and narrowminded. What exactly is wrong with her? This clip makes me hope that these shows are fake.....unfortunately I'm not very sure about that. Christianity preaches to love thy neighbor, not done in this case. It also says that if you are devought you cannot be harmed by evil, so why is she so "uneasy." Watch this, learn how not to be, ever.
Anonymous said…
What would Jesus do? He wouldn't act like Margaret. Someone should tell her that the light does not fear the dark because the light is far more powerful. As a Christian I am outraged that Margaret was our representative
Anonymous said…
That Crazy Margaret is no better than the Fundamentalist Muslims making a big stir about stupid cartoons published over 6 months ago!!!!
Anonymous said…
To all of you reading, the Jesus she was speaking about is not at all The Jesus I love and serve. Jesus is all about Grace and love for all people. And that woman was a disgrace to all people who truly follow Jesus Christ. I feel sorry for her family and for her. Jesus is the ONE and ONLY Lord who will ever satisfy you. He is a loving forgiving God who wants nothing more than to know you. Thanks for listening. It breaks my heart to see a website like this. Whatever made some of you turn from the Lord, I am sorry. I pray you will find your way back. He is waiting.
Anonymous said…
Goodness, what a noise! What a blowhard that Margaret was. Did she really take the money in the end? I am so ashamed to even share a country with that monster. Her friends should be grief stricken by how terrible they treated the visiting mom. Christian values? (and they'll know we are Christian by our love, by our love. Yes they'll know we are Christian by our love) yeah right.........
Anonymous said…
All you scared anonymous scared christians, I don't blame you for signing as anonymous.....

This woman Margret, represents the agenda behind the myth of jesus and all religions.

To represent onesself as holy and superior than others that do not share their jesus belief.

The very repulsive behavior of this woman and others, she's only mimicking John Hagee, but this lunatic Hagee and his followers should be locked up in a mental asylum.

I don't care how wonderful you say jesus is/was, jesus was nothing but a fable, a hoax, there can be no god stupid enough to put on such hoax.

The bible god created the whole universe in just 6 days, but it took him 4,000 years to come up with the jesus salvation plan??? it's all a hoax, all religions are a hoax and a fraud.

We were convinced long before the self-righteous Margret came on the TV, that all religions and jesus is a hoax and a total fraud.

Do you happen to think that Saul/Paul was any more the wiser?
Imagine the IQ, the no education that these people had, 2000 years ago? what the hell do you expect coming from someone with their self-righteous IQ, watch John Hagee he's just as insane, yet he's considered by his scared followers a wise prophet.

jesus is dead and will stay dead, and has always been dead, there is no jesus, jesus died 2000 years ago, give up jesus, jesus is nothing, jesus was a homosexual.
Anonymous said…
LOL, that episode was sweet. One of the best reality episodes ever.
I hope she (Margaret) and her friends get their own reality show , titled "Desperate Housewives who happen to be religious fanatics" - a guarantee hit.

The sad part about this is ... if this occurred 300 years ago and was viewed on television. Margaret would've been deemed sane and the New Aged family would've been burned at the stake.

It's true, humans were incredibly stupid back then - but unfortunately some remain. And if we don't wipe out the ones (religious fanatics) that remain, it will be the end of HUMANANITY.

That's why i say ... Lets just NUKE the whole f'ing middle east.

Just Joking :)

... unless i know for certain it would actually work.
Anonymous said…
Oh my mistake Anthony, did Paul and Jesus help build the pyramids? this is news to me, no mention of it in the bible, was Paul and Jesus a Roman and they helped build the aquaducts? this is news to me. Did a Roman or Egyptian help write the bible? This is news to me.

Yeah they were so smart alright!! the bible writers thought that the world was flat, and that the Earth was the center of the universe, and that the sun revolved over the Earth, and that the Heart was the center of all thought and emotions.

Yea you're right Anthony, we haven't learned much either, in fact we maybe dumber as a whole, than the people that wrote the bible, because god spoke directly to them, whereas god speaks to no one these days.

Yea you're right Anthony, boy are we getting dumber by the second here in America, the next time you need medical help, don't bother with modern scientific help, just bend a knee and pray, and jesus will take care of everything.

That's it folks!!!! Just give it all to jesus and he'll take care of everything, need a pyramid built? just call on jc, need an aquaduct built? just call on Saul/Paul and he'll pray to jc for ya.

Jesus is the key, to everything, whatever the need, whatever the desire, Jesus does not care, Jesus is on duty 24/7 Jesus is just a prayer away, Perhaise his holy name, thank you jesus for the victory!!!! halleluiah....shalamalamaomfg.. I feel the holy spirit rising... I 'm being annointed by the holy spirit..shalamalamalamsweetjesus
Anonymous said…
I am a devote Catholic, I sure believe in a God, not everything that the bible has to offer, but sure sure, anyways, I would just like to take my hat off to JohnK, that read just made me fall out of my chair in laughter

Man, the world needs more JohnK's
Anonymous said…
Thank God for all the warped heads out there.
freeman said…
Anthony said,
"By the way, JohnK, do you really believe that people are so much more intelligent, sophisticated, and advanced than they were 2000 years ago? How were the pyramids and the Sphinx built? How was it that they are in perfect alignment? How did those unsophisticated Romans build those aquaducts anyway?"

Obviously the Romans and Egyptians had gods who were highly intelligent and gave their people the proper tools to build incredible landmarks that would last throughout the years!

The god of the Jews (and soon to be christians) on the other hand was not so intelligent and made his people wander around and live in desert conditions. He gave his people a life of third world status! In todays terms, the Romans and Egytians would represent the US and the Jews would be represented by Rowanda!
Anonymous said…
this is news to me, no mention of it in the bible, was Paul and Jesus a Roman and they helped build the aquaducts?

Actually, Paul was a Roman. He was supposed to bring the word of Jesus to the Gentiles.
Anonymous said…
I totally disagree!!! Paul was an IDIOT!!!!
Anonymous said…
This episode just re-aired in my area. Wow...I've sometimes reconsidered attending church again, but Marguerite certainly helped me confirm my choice against it. Her friends also treated Jeanne in a way that would make her want to become a xian, right? Mean, hypocritical, offensive, invasive, and judgemental snobs - Yeah, so very welcoming and full of "God's love". In reality, they are the perfect examples of Anti-xians, presenting themselves as believing one thing but behaving with exactly the opposite values. Jeanne & her hubby had more tolerance for them than I ever would.

Who needs the "Devil" to tempt people to the "dark side" when all these so-called xians are there to push everyone into it themselves. I pity her family, especially the kids.
Anonymous said…
"Paul described himself as an Israelite of the tribe of Benjamin, circumcised on the eighth day, a Pharisee (Rom. 11:1; Phil. 3:5), and of the "Jews' religion … more exceedingly zealous of the traditions" (Gal. 1:14 KJV).

Acts 22:25 and 27 – 29 also state that Paul was a Roman citizen – a privilege he used a number of times to defend his dignity, including appealing his conviction in Iudaea Province to Rome. Because Paul never mentions this privilege in the epistles, some scholars have expressed skepticism as to whether Paul actually possessed citizenship; such an honor was uncommon during his lifetime. The Ebionites and some Restorationists argue that Paul was a Roman who tried to convert to Judaism so he could marry or court a Jewish woman and that his conversion was denied. They state that citizenship would have required participation in the Imperial Cult, which would have been in conflict with Hebrew religious ideals. Furthermore, this view contends that Paul embraced ideas from esoteric mystery religions of the time, later superimposing them on the teachings of Jesus."

Paul claimed loyalty to two differing nations. As Judaism at the time, was association to the Jewish Nation. Paul, was a "double-agent" per se.

"A double agent pretends to spy on a target organization on behalf of a controlling organization, but in fact is loyal to the target organization. Double agents may be agents of the target organization who infiltrate the controlling organization, or may be previously loyal agents of the controlling organization who have been captured and turned by the target."

Paul, using situational ethics, chose to shift his political position on a whim, whenever is was convenient for him. If Paul actually believed in the OT, "literally", he wouldn't have preached against the laws. Thus, he chose to pick and choose in the bible what he "wanted" to believe, making the bible, "much less", than a holy book written by a god. If Paul had believed the OT was actually written by a God, he wouldn't have "changed" the oral tradition, and taught against the OT/Jewish Tanakh. Today, many christian leaders follow Paul's political strategy, picking and choosing which passages to teach from and which ones to ignore, thus, degenerating the words to less than political rhetoric or public policy.

Paul criticized the Jewish authored OT, yet, Constantine I's assigned clergy, accepted it, and added more writings to provide a NT and the canonized bible known today. If one were to actually read the bible, they'd be aware of the OT Messianic prophesies that did "not" come to pass. The establishment of a NT by the Roman Church, created two options; one-the OT prophesies were fulfilled, however, that would mean we are living in the New Kingdom at this moment, or... two-the OT God changed his/her/its mind because God just wasn't omniscient enough to know the original outcome of the Jews, and thus needed to "change" his/her/its "own" testament. Hopefully, christians in general know what a "testament" is, but typically they don't know their own bible, so, lets say the term "testament" is nothing more than a "covenant". Per the christian bible, its a covenant between a god and mankind. Now, what is a covenant; its a contract.

So, what we are literally saying here, is that an omniscient god, just couldn't negotiate their contract correctly because the Jews or Romans because they were just "too" unpredictable - now, how does an omniscient god get surprised by the future behavior of a people. Why the "need" for two testaments, if a "true" god inspired the writing and creation.

Paul, elevated himself up to god status, by choosing to preach what "he" felt should be religiously practiced. Perhaps, a god was never part of the testaments, it was just between political leaders, their writings, and those who chose to follow them.
Anonymous said…
JohnK, shut up. I'm Jewish, and even I think you're an idiot. How is your ranting any better than the evangelical Christians you claim to hate?
Anonymous said…
Okay, that didn't let me leave my name... it's Kat.
Anonymous said…
Ok Kat which part did you not like?

My rants are to expose christians for what they are, pretentious sanctimonious, self-righteous and self serving.

Now on to you Kat, you claim to
be a Jew, why is that?

Actually there is no such thing as a Jew, or christian, or Muslim, or Hindu, Buddhist, etc.

I can explain why!

When a human being leaves their mother's womb, there is no labels or titles that come with a human body, and it doesn't matter which part of the world you were born in.

We are all born Atheist's and we have no labels or titles.

We aquire these labels and titles by indoctrination. def:(indoctrinate; to imbue with any doctrine, to teach, to instruct, to impound.)

Kat all labels are self-claimed, self-appointed, self-elected self-prescribed.

By self-electing oneself a title or label, this gives the electee a feeling of superiority, like I'm a Jew, but you're a christian, and we're god's chosen people, I know you cannot see this.

By claiming a title, it cost 6 million people their lives in Germany, is a self-professed title worth one life? Not to me...

I can tell you Kat, that unless people wise up and give up titles there is going to be alot, I mean alot of people killed in Israel, what ever the population is in Israel I'm guessing 15 mil, is one life worth a title or label?

If self-claimed Jews had half of a brain they would all leave Eastern Europe, even if they were to all move to America, it would be the wise thing to do.

Kat, I know you resent someone telling you something that you've never been told, but I do this out of love for my fellow man, and you interpret it as hate, and it totally is not.

Let me explain something to you Kat and others, I went to the Mall the other night and I watched people, hundreds of people and I asked myself, which people are Jews and which ones are Christian, which ones are Muslims, which ones are Atheist's, you know what? I could not tell, not by the way they were dressed or looked, not unless they came up to me and announced that they were a Jew, Christian, etc.

Now don't come on here and tell me god knows, because he will search everyone heart, that's complete bullcrap, your heart does not store information, it stores blood.

You see Kat, you've been indoctrinated by a false belief, just like the self-righteous Margaret, you've all been indoctrinated by your family or preacher or bible, or some nonsense.

I feel I'm waisting my time, because your brain will not accept truth right now.
Anonymous said…
This woman is such a hypocrite, she made the family do whatever she wants, but when it comes time to do something the family wanted, all of a sudden she had a 'feeling' come over her. For any1 that watched it, notice how when the husband mentioned the guy was a psychic...she said "i immediately had a feeling" then later she said how she felt it since he walked in.
Anonymous said…
To Kat,
Actually Kat, 6 million Jews were not killed. It was 6 million human beings claiming to be Jews that were killed. I know this is way far over your head, but you really are not a Jew, you are a human being, self-claiming the title of a Jew.

To say one is a Jew, Christian or a Muslim, etc. is in no way proof or verification that one is, it's all selfclaimed titles by pure self-indulged ignorance.

There is no such thing as a christain, jew, muslim, etc.

There are only human beings claiming to be christain, jew, muslim.

I do not claim to be a an Atheist, I am a rational thinking human being only, I was born this way, I will always be this way.
Anonymous said…
Well JohnK as the saying goes..
"You are what you eat"

To me the Bible is nothing more than a handbook for people that have lost their way and don't know how to treat other humans the rest is just church spin to generate revenue.

Anyway this woman clearly needs to go back and RTFM
Nick R. said…
I agree with Ice ... this lady does not represent Christianity. She thinks she does - but the word of faith movement and "speaking things into existence" are not backed up with biblical teachings but from con artist like benny hinn and robert tilton.

Just as we shouldn't judge a group of people due to lunatics within the group - i.e. Muslims - but rather the different sects of the group.

Jesus didn't spend too much time on believers - He spent most of his time on those who didn't believe - i.e. whores, outcast, criminals, and the like. This lady obviously skips all that and replaces it with "God Warrior" nonsense.

ON A SIDE NOTE - I found the video very funny! I haven't laughed that hard in awhile. It is sad that it is true, but you can't help but laugh at someone who is so crazy - and on top of it all accepts the money in the end anyway. Ha!
Anonymous said…
I am truely embarrassed that this lady made a fool of her self on National Television. You guys say what you will, but let me tell you that being a Christian (follower of Christ), is not about being a freak like this lady, nor is it a religion, which some people would argue. It is a Relationship that I hope all of you will be able to experience. When you start to wonder if there is a God, and if so why would he love you, just close your eyes and you will feel him. I don't know what I would do without his love. So yes I too am anti-religion. But I am pro-relationship. Just something to think about!!!

One Love
Anonymous said…
I am truely embarrassed that this lady made a fool of her self on National Television. You guys say what you will, but let me tell you that being a Christian (follower of Christ), is not about being a freak like this lady, nor is it a religion, which some people would argue. It is a Relationship that I hope all of you will be able to experience. When you start to wonder if there is a God, and if so why would he love you, just close your eyes and you will feel him. I don't know what I would do without his love. So yes I too am anti-religion. But I am pro-relationship. Just something to think about!!!

One Love
Anonymous said…
You sound just like her to us, just not quite as eccentric as her, but you're getting there.
Dave Van Allen said…
No, Christianity is definitely a religion. Please see an article on this topic by clicking here.
Anonymous said…
it's as simple as this she ain't god dam xtian.

she's more or less (like most of these fundies) freaking devil groupies.

i bet she's never read anything about christianity but one thing the bible and guess what that's not christian text, so she don't know shit.

ignorance is bliss afterall isn't it?
Anonymous said…
Another one of these "god-fearin'" abortions who never pick up a bible unles they want to bash someone over the head with it.
Anonymous said…
Wow, that woman is really mental.
Anonymous said…
This woman is a disgrace as a mother, her children were scared to speak out to her as she ranted about "the dark side", and "astrology". At one point I think I remeber her saying "I don't want to see any stars", well in that case why not blow up the sun you Jesus freak? The sun is the largest star in our solar system.

Second, her behavor was Gawd awful, she was supposed to be a loving Christian not a bible bashing bitch which is what happened. I hope she gets what she has coming to her cause Margaret Karma is a bigger bitch then you ever were.

AND I love being a Pagan.
Anonymous said…
she is crazy and makes a fool out of her self.
Anonymous said…
I just watched this show and am completely shocked and extremely embarassed about the way this woman treated the other family. I am a Christain and I understand how you could dislike Christians after that but that was just one crazy woman, just remember that.

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