Atheist Delusion

Written and animated by Edward Current


Anonymous said…
surely there was a missing space in the title...'A Theist Delusion' but I think we can forgive the typo and thanks for the laugh...
Anonymous said…
So much effort for such a shitty purpose...
Anonymous said…
I love this title because Atheism is a delusion. Atheism leaves people lost and hopeless. Jesus gives purpose to life and he can give each of you true life. Please repent! This website is for the wicked and the lost.
Anonymous said…
Haha, well done, Eddie. Well done!

Oh and, Mark, just in case you didn't catch it, the flash presentation was 100% facetious, demonstrating the ridiculous logic often employed to support Christianity. But I guess you probably use all those same arguments that atheists laugh at.
Anonymous said…
Wow, this video has changed my mind completely. Thank you very much for posting this video here. I can't believe that the truth was right in front of my face. Seriously, I feel abit embarrased for having such questions and doubts about The Universe. Because of this video, I am no longer AGNOSTIC...I profess my new belief...from now on I am ATHIEST...Thank you very much for helping me change my mind...What an eye opener this was. Oh yeah, in the so called bible(should be spelled buybull) it states that the Law is still in effect, so go burn an offering and let God smell the sweet burnt flesh.
Anonymous said…
Thurisaz, or rather thurisaz, has a good point. Creating the universe, Man and all that must have been a huge task and when you look at the result it is very hard to see why God bothered. I mean, the universe is OK, I suppose, but not marvellous, and Man is a very feeble joke.
I guess he, or rather He, must have been really bored to have gone to all that trouble. It's depressing to realise that we only exist because a deity had nothing better to do one afternoon.
Anonymous said…
thurisaz: What is shitty about confronting the truth? This is mild ribbing compared to the colossal lies fundamentalists heap up about atheists.

mark martin: One day you´ll understand.

anonymous: The video is an ironic take on fundamentalist "logic", but the message is, of course, atheist.

Me: I like this. It is a bit sarcastic, but not overmuch. :)
Anonymous said…
lol, that was a friggin awesome vid.
Anonymous said…
I cannot believe you atheists will argue with a book!!!

If the Bible says that God created the Earth in just six days then it has to be the truth.

Jesus was undoubtedly the smartest man to have ever walked the face of the earth.

What Jesus believed;

he believed that the world was flat

that the Sun revolved over the earth

that diseases were caused by demon possession

that angels and devils existed

he was the virgin birth son of god

that he was god

that you needed faith to believe that he was god

you could move mountains with faith

that he would return soon in that century to claim his victory

that the heart was the center of all thoughts and emotions and he had no knowledge of the brain

that god lived above in the clouds and hell was below

that depending on what you chose to believe god will either send you to heaven or hell

as written by the bipolar Saul/Paul
Anonymous said…
I love it! It reminds me of Stephen Colbert's "The Wørd" segment on The Colbert Report.
Yukkione said…
Martin thinks Atheists are "lost and hopeless". Well, once I became an Atheist I then HAD a purpose, because the univese had to be examined, it wasnt just some consruct made to torture and test me by some god who was frickin' insane with jealousy, ego, and narsicism. I became something other than a drone who's sole purpose is to take things at face value as presented by a Bronxe Age fairy tale. As for hope, I have hope because I have a say in my destiny. I no longer think it's in the hands of some celestial Mullet sporting dick head.
Anonymous said…
This isn't sarcasm or facetious, it's the genuine article from a simple minded poster boy for fundamentalist beliefs. I'll bet there are more christians who believe in evolution than in biblical claptrap.
Ian said…
Is this for real? The tone of voice and arguments put forth just seem to be begging to be taken as a parody.

However, if it is for real...then this is hands down the least convincing, most head shaking in pity presentation i've ever seen. If it's a satire, which I pray it is, then it's brilliant.
Anonymous said…
Ian, surely you cannot be that dense.
Deacon Barry said…
This is excellent satire. If you look at the images, they give a totally different meaning to the words ie the arrows going from God to the Bible and back again, and "Absolutely unbelievable".
The beauty of it is, you could show this to a fundamentalist, and he would enthusiastically agree with it and not realise he was being subtly mocked.
Anonymous said…
That was hilarious :)
TastyPaper said…
Absolutely brilliant.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Just in case anybody missed that this was a satire (a really good one)...

"Edward also sometimes makes animated cartoons and videos, largely for's Contagious Festival. His latest project is the satire 'The Atheist Delusion'." ~ From Eddie's MySpace page.
Anonymous said…
This website is for the wicked and the lost.

So what are you doing here?

But seriously, when satire isn't recognized by the very group it targets, you know THAT is some good satire.
Anonymous said…
If you have any doubt about whether this is satire, or not, look at the end credits--Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins---can't get any more concrete than that!!
Anonymous said…
Mark Martin said...
I love this title because Atheism is a delusion.

Atheism is a philosophical position.

Atheism leaves people lost and hopeless.
Guess again, as an atheist I am neither lost nor hopeless.

Jesus gives purpose to life and he can give each of you true life.
Then why in the 12 long years I was in the cult, did he not do so?

Please repent! This website is for the wicked and the lost.
Anonymous said…
Bo-Howdy, I like this, because it's good satire, and it reinforces my question of what happens 2,000 years from now when somebody finds a copy of A. A. Milne's "House at Pooh Corner"...
"It's an OLD Book! We must try to live like this Pooh character. Come, everyone, let's go find hollow trees to live in and a brook to worship with Poohsticks!"
Anonymous said…
XD I love it!
Rafael said…
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Rafael said...
God’s creation of man is different from His creation of all other things. He created man in His own image.
So Rafael,

If this is true, then let me ask you some questions.

1. Does god have a penis?
2. If so, what does god use it for?

3. If 'man' is made in god's image, then in who's image are women made?
Does your god have both male and female parts?

4. If god is not of this earth and resides 'outside' the universe, then why would god need arms, legs, hands with fingers, feet with toes and when god speaks, does he use his mouth and tongue like we do.

Just exactly which parts of us are made in god's image, hmmm.

ATF (who thinks we have yet another brainwashed fundie here, who likes to vomit their crap onto our site)
Dave Van Allen said…

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