Marcus Brigstocke on Religion

English comedian Marcus Brigstocke rants about religion.

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Aspentroll said…
This guy's hilarious. He sums them all(the desert spawned religions) up perfectly.
Anonymous said…
My dream is that I live long enough to see religions treated the way they deserve to be treated, with laughter!! Jim Earl
Anonymous said…
Simply brilliant...two thumbs way up!!
Anonymous said…
I sent this on to thirty people. FANTASTIC!
SEO said…
Hello all, I found this link from another poster on the the Richard Dawkins site. It's the comment page for Marcus Brigstocke where you can leave a happy note to offset his hate mail.
Anonymous said…
Unknown said…
Terrific truths told like they should be told! Plain talk and oh, so right!
Anonymous said…
Nice to hear someone telling like the rest of us would like to. It is about time we stood up for our rights.
Anonymous said…
This guy is smarter than 99% of people I know. Way smarter. And funnier too.
Anonymous said…
You know, religion is the man made rules and regulations one does gymnastics through to belong to a particular group of people. If you look , it was "religious people" that killed the "Messiah". I tend to believe that there is a Creator, that He is love, that He wants HIS creation to thrive, but can't stand men or women that try to oppress and rule over HIS creation. Hence, He gets P.O.'d and we all suffer. Try loving a person, not because they can do something for you, but that you can do something for them. Then you know you truely love, because you don't get anything back in return. In other words, sacrifice your comfort for someone else and see how good you feel.

Thank you.

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