The True Christian
By billybee
According to recent statistics, there exists approximately 4,684 different denominations, groups or sects of Christianity in America.
I think it fair to assume that most -- if not all -- of these different and distinct faith-based groups possess what they believe to be a substantially clear understanding of the book they present as an authentic message from the single most powerful being in the universe.
There exists approximately 4,684 different denominations, groups or sects of Christianity in America.Understandably these various groups consider this message (when correctly understood) to be the most important collection of ideas to which the human race has ever had access. Therefore, it is not only their strong desire, but it is their duty and obligation to see that this message is delivered to all human kind.
The method of transmission of the message is extremely varied. The components of the message are extremely varied. Usually, however, there is one factor that appears to be common among most (if not all) carriers of this special proclamation. That common factor is a nearly universal mind-set that their group has the best, most correct and truest understanding of the message. This not-so-subtle attitude of superiority may remain mostly unspoken by the group members, but then at other times, this faith-fed confidence will surface, causing rise to division and mistrust between the groups of people who might actually be seeking the same ultimate goal.
When a Christian religious leader, like Dr. James Dobson, accuses Barrack Obama of not being a "true" Christian, Dobson provides himself as a perfect example of the person described in the previous paragraph. Dobson, in my humble opinion, could be unintentionally contributing to the erosion of the religion that he mistakenly believes he is trying to protect and nurture.
I will assume, of course, that Dobson and the members of his flock might strongly disagree. As for the other 4,683 possible points of view, I will not even begin to speculate.
According to recent statistics, there exists approximately 4,684 different denominations, groups or sects of Christianity in America.
I think it fair to assume that most -- if not all -- of these different and distinct faith-based groups possess what they believe to be a substantially clear understanding of the book they present as an authentic message from the single most powerful being in the universe.
There exists approximately 4,684 different denominations, groups or sects of Christianity in America.Understandably these various groups consider this message (when correctly understood) to be the most important collection of ideas to which the human race has ever had access. Therefore, it is not only their strong desire, but it is their duty and obligation to see that this message is delivered to all human kind.
The method of transmission of the message is extremely varied. The components of the message are extremely varied. Usually, however, there is one factor that appears to be common among most (if not all) carriers of this special proclamation. That common factor is a nearly universal mind-set that their group has the best, most correct and truest understanding of the message. This not-so-subtle attitude of superiority may remain mostly unspoken by the group members, but then at other times, this faith-fed confidence will surface, causing rise to division and mistrust between the groups of people who might actually be seeking the same ultimate goal.
When a Christian religious leader, like Dr. James Dobson, accuses Barrack Obama of not being a "true" Christian, Dobson provides himself as a perfect example of the person described in the previous paragraph. Dobson, in my humble opinion, could be unintentionally contributing to the erosion of the religion that he mistakenly believes he is trying to protect and nurture.
I will assume, of course, that Dobson and the members of his flock might strongly disagree. As for the other 4,683 possible points of view, I will not even begin to speculate.
CLICK HERE to read the entire article.
Yes, sweet irony!
The philosophy that claims to be immovable and "unchanging" has clearly changed, and continues to change, and thus, this progession could eventually lead to a strain of Christianity that is so anti-exclusive, so culturally passive, that it could feasibly end up being something as casual as a life-style choice(not in our lifetimes, of course).
But again, the irony is that it's those fundamentalist Christians who defend the bible by maintaining that it is the Universal unwaivering "truth", who are the catalyst for Christianity's "make-over".
Reasonable, intelligent adults don't have any choice but make their own version of Christianity, or deny it altogether, both of which are what we see happening before our very eyes!
(thanks Barrack "Oprama"!)
...And 1 out of 1 atheists still don't believe in the absurdity of christianity. 1 out of 1 atheists believe you are a delusional asshole. 1 out of 1 atheists know you are trying to reel in people to your floundering blog and, from this site, 1 out of 1 atheists have enough sense not to support your infantile and delusional blog.
A while back I addressed what the characteristics are of a True Christian, if you are really interested in seeking truth. Or are you seeking like minded people for validation of your beliefs?
Oh shit, this is a piece of cake.
Um, why of course, they aren't True Atheists! Thus, it's no skin off the True Atheist' position, whatsoever. You know...they never really lacked belief to begin with? Or so it goes.
The Christians that are letting you all just take over our education system and such are going to be in a huge surprise when the get to heaven and Jesus says "I never knew you"
Dr. Martin Luther King's quotes that said it best was:
"The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict."
God help us all. Pick a side Christian, the time is near.
Lol. Forgive me, but I fail to see what "point" it is that "I've made" that either helps the Christian position, or hurts the Atheist position. In other words, Starvin' Marvin, so-the-fuck-what even if there really were a small percentage of "closet-believers" out there who don't know the definition of "Atheism", which of course, is the lack of belief in conscious, invisible beings...aka 'Gawd'. For all you know, they are "closet Muslims"; "closet Buddhists"; "closet Deists", or closet believers of some other religion.
You ignorantly continue...The existence of real atheists out there, figures of 5%, are much lower then that. So the people out there [who] are claiming your religion of secular humanism is actually closet believers.
Let's say it's 1% Atheist, okay Einstein? Now, firstly, truth is not determined by popular vote, as seen when we consider that the majority of the world's population at one time believed such things as the earth was geocentric, and that illness was caused by evil spookies. Secondly, you are extremely naive if you think that if the world were eliminated of Atheists, that you and your Christian brethren's problems would be over. I mean, come on, you can't even decide amongst yourselves who the "True Christians" are, or what your Holy handbook says. Not-to-mention, the fast growing, ever-anti-Christian Islamic "Faith" that you have to share the planet with.(until one of you decide to blow it up)
Quote: "The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict."
Um, the present day "great conflict" is between the montheistic super-Faiths. Honestly, do you think our "Christian Nation" is fighting "Islamic Atheists" right now? Are Catholics fighting "Protestant Atheists" in Ireland?
~ What reason won't cure, death will.
Did you read that 1 out of 5 atheists still believe in God
It might make sense for a doubting xtian to keep on proclaiming their god belief, just to maintain the status-quo of their lifestyle, to keep the xtian friends they have formed, to keep the peace within their family etc.. Many ex-xtians did just this very thing, until they could stand it no longer.
Why would a doubting atheist proclaim there is no god, while believing that god may exist?
It's not like we have "churches of atheism", where one might be excommunicated for having a doubt about god not existing.
Such a person would not call themselves an "atheist" but might chose instead the terms agnostic or deist, therefore, wherever you found that information, they are misinformed.
Now please go back under your rock while pondering what you've just been told in comments here....thanks
ATF (Who still finds it hard to believe that Dan still can't face reality, after all the many things he's been taught right here by various members)
P. S. We need the Dans of this world. They help our cause by showing their ignorance, just as earlier pointed out about Dobson.
And DAN thus Spake:
The Christians that are letting you all just take over our education system and such are going to be in a huge surprise when the get to heaven and Jesus says "I never knew you"
First, the big surprise is going to be when they die and find out there isn't anything beyond death. Oh, wait, they'll be dead, too bad there won't be enough time for a "WTF???" moment to slip in...
Second, when it comes to "taking over" our schools, I think the Fundy Flat-Earthers are more guilty of that, i.e. Dover and that Jindal idiot in LA.
Our schools are already producing some of the dumbest people in the world, so having to waste short resources and time on teaching the Xian faerie-tale will just hasten the coming of the Idiotcracy...
If I were Jesus, I wouldn't want to know you, either.
By the way, the Happy Heretic is back writing articles. Her July 2008 column is on this topic.
Nice to see you submitted your fine article to exC. Great stuff my friend.
It's beyond comical to see infighting amongst so called "Christians" as to who is correct.
I read a little of Danny's blog and he is one of those guys who claims Catholicism to be a false religion. Everyone thinks they have the inside track whether it be James Dobson or Dan Marvin.
Not everyone's version of the Christian faith can be right, but they can most certainly all be wrong.
Get a clue Dan, you are one deluded mother fucker. I think you come to this site because you have serious doubts. Why the hell else could it be.
xrayman(who once again has his name appear WTF?)
"nobody knows what happens when you die
nobody knows what happens when you die
believe what you want
it doesn't mean you're right
and that is a fact of life..."
A fairly simple point, and quite impossible to argue (if you try to, please read lines 3 and 4 again).
I'll go first. I am an atheist. I do not believe in god.
Let's see if Dan is right. Will one in five of us profess to believe in an imaginary friend?
Today McCain is courting guys like Franklin Graham because the 'Moral Majority" is defunked and Dobson is a shell of what that movment use to represent.
Christianity is evolving quicker than you can say;"No more purgatory".
hi to xrayman & resonate11
Who's next....?
You remember the question don't you dan?
Isn't your fanny still red from the last time you were here?
The safeword this time, danny, is pumpkin.
"Did you read that 1 out of 5 atheists still believe in God?"
So. How many people who believe in a god don't believe in a god?
"I have something about it at my new blog called Debunking Atheists"
Just filled with all kinds of goofy christian apologetic claptrap too. But, I will not post there uninvited. Even if I did I might get deleted for being too "crass" and "antagonistic".
"... if you are really interested in seeking truth. Or are you seeking like minded people for validation of your beliefs?"
Are you serious? Haven't you been paying attention? You have been asked many times to tell the truth and what we get from you is unsupported assertations, biases, faulty logic, and lies. And thats only what you give us when you decide to not ignore the questions being asked to you. You wouldn't know the truth if it bit you on your freshly spanked buttocks.
So...have you had enough yet?
Ok, let's settle this once and for all. Let's take our own poll. How many atheists on this site believe in god? ... Will one in five of us profess to believe in an imaginary friend?
I am an atheist. I do not believe in god.
First of all, I would like to congratulate you on the birth of your new son. I am a father myself and I know what being a parent means.
I was raised as a Southern Baptist. All it did was cause me years of mental anguish and resentment towards my parents for doing it to me. The cycle of sin, repentance, guilt, unanswered prayers, and low self-esteem, was simply too much for me to handle.
At the age of 19, I bailed from Christianity and joined the world of reason, where things are governed by natural laws and the choices of humans. Becoming an atheist was like being released from prison. Atheism was the best thing that ever happened to me.
I hope you reconsider your intentions of raising your children Christian. Children have very vivid imaginations, and often have trouble distinguishing reality from imagination. Instilling them with images of a suffering Jesus, a fear of demons and eternity in hell can truly inhibit their emotional development - as it did mine. It has taken years for me to get over the brainwashing that I received as a child.
I remember my grandmother telling my mother, "Raise your children with Jesus and He'll be with them all theirs lives," which is tantamount to saying, "Brainwash them when they're young and they'll never be able to get over it." Thanks, Grandma!
Do you want to do this to your children? Do you want them to be unable to distinguish fantasy from reality? Do you want to stunt their emotional growth?
As for my children, they will be raised on science, history, and literature. I will not expose them to any religion whatsoever. If, after they get older, they want to explore religion, I will let them do so - with my remonstrations. It is their prerogative, but no brainwashing will go on in my house.
I hope you will reconsider.
So by this small poll at this blog over 90% of you do not claim atheism and have a belief in God. That sure is great news thanks for playing along.
BTW I did a post about where Atheists should live to feel more at home since the US has the least percentage of atheists. Where do atheists congregate and feel at home?
That's just like saying that since you don't post everyday on the Rapture Ready website that you believe in a god, then you're an atheist.
Welcome fellow unbeliever!
P.S. It's difficult to tell if your trying to be funny or if you're actually this stupid. From the content of your blogs, it becomes clear that you are, indeed, that stupid.
Plus you have answered the question that I posed earlier, Do atheists have a sense of humor?
Keep your hands to yourself ya perv.
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