What really happened to the Titanic?

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Anonymous said…
i think you should take that video off it is really offencive
Anonymous said…
i dont like it. how could you do something like that, i find that really offensive


i dont think anonymous would be outnumbered, u will be! every1 h8's u! this is supposed to be a factual site not a joke! what r u doin u fool!
Anonymous said…
i dont like that vido because of the way it is that is sick to the people that realy care about the people how was killed in the titanic
Jim Arvo said…
You are so articulate, Anonymous.
Anonymous said…
"i don't like that video because of the way it is that is sick to people who realy care about the people how was killed in the titanic."

.....and i don't not like it wen parants let there 6 year old childrens play on the computre wen they aint home!

Anonymous said…
yes it rocks
Anonymous said…
this it the most redickuless ting i av eva seen u av no respect 4 da people that died on the titanic coz u r takin da piss out if it shame on u !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Steven Bently said…
The only reason that the Titanic sank is because someone told the crew that it could not be sunk, and they were stupid enough to believe them.

Just like the bible, someone says it's true and it's all a lie, but are you stupid enough to believe the lie?

People tend to put credence in other people, instead of proven facts.
Anonymous said…
that was so fuuny
yeah thats probaly what happened
and fuck the other people who find it offensive
Anonymous said…
this site is wicked:p harrh harrh!

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