By Kevin Parry I am not an expert on the Bible, but there are some things in that book that I find incredibly disconcerting, especially when it comes to God’s moral conduct. It is often said that a leader who is worthy of respect is a leader who sets an example. When I read through the pages of the Bible, I become more convinced that if the God of the Bible exists, he is the type of leader I will not follow, simply because he sets an example that at times I find morally objectionable. I’ve written this post in the realisation that I could be mistaken, that it is possible that I’ve missed something. If so, please let me know where I’ve gone wrong. One of the arguments for the truth of Christianity, put forward by various apologists, including CS Lewis, is that all humans are endowed with a moral sense of right and wrong. Due to the fact that this objective, moral sense exists, there must be a Moral Law Giver (i.e., God). For arguments sake, let’s accept that this divine moral sense exis...
i dont think anonymous would be outnumbered, u will be! every1 h8's u! this is supposed to be a factual site not a joke! what r u doin u fool!
.....and i don't not like it wen parants let there 6 year old childrens play on the computre wen they aint home!
Just like the bible, someone says it's true and it's all a lie, but are you stupid enough to believe the lie?
People tend to put credence in other people, instead of proven facts.
yeah thats probaly what happened
and fuck the other people who find it offensive
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