Jesus Will Survive


Anonymous said…
Oh my! Very funny, and WHAT an ending! Thanks for sharing the video clip.

Anonymous said…
this has to be the best thing i have even scene i would love to see more.
Anonymous said…
Thank you webe.Thats most excellent.It's more than funny it's hilarious.Thank you thank you thank you.
Even less cryptic and amore wildlee ediflying vine than a funny walk.
That will do me for a burning bush.
many thanks
Anonymous said…
I have to say I have had fun with this video, sharing it with friends. What a hoot! The bus nailing jezzus was so unexpected, it made me jump. (well, maybe the umpteen cups of coffee had something to do with it too)
Anonymous said…
uhhhh ha ha,,, funny, hilarious, I am sharing to other sites.
Anonymous said…
Superb! and yet they could have done so much more with this than end it the way it did. it speaks much, but could have said so much more......
Anonymous said…
You folks might want to check out
for some rational discussion and resources
Anonymous said…
Just found this video and don't know if you might want to start a thread on it.. it is along the same lines of hilarity.
Anonymous said…
it was not funny,but however you dont know what you re doing:) the man who has no faith ,is the poorest man,with no dream,and no hope.ARMOR of
Anonymous said…
We laughed a lot, but Abby says we're going to burn in hell.
Anonymous said…
OMFGS! This is the hit of the year at LiveJournal! I made a graphic to link to it on my user info page!
Alot of people are already using it! HAHAHAHAH
The guy that played Jesus has some major guts to do that. Please give him my warmest regards and admiration!
Anonymous said…
It's not bad for a start, but I really would like to see someone making a similar movie starring Muham-mad. Now that would be really courageous. This is only childplay
Anonymous said…
This is a video of the actor really being killed at the end you realise...
It just gets me - every time - one of the funniest wind-ups ever. A touch of genius, and courage, went into this tiny but perfect production.
Anonymous said…
was that "jesus" really owned by the bus? or was that a clever fake?

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