Homeless or Jesus?


Anonymous said…
All I get on the post is a blue screen with a logo - what else should happen here?

As a homeless person, and as a Christian, I too am not happy when people say, "Jesus was homeless too."

Homelessness is NOT a virtue - and Jesus went without a "place to lay His head" because he was so busy traveling the countryside preaching His message - not because he was some kind of unemployable alcoholic.

Thanks for being up the subject.
Anonymous said…
lol! made me laugh when one of the 'Jesuses' was a Mexican clerk...thanks for the laugh...
Anonymous said…
Gee, I would think homelessguy would be upset with not having a home and less worred about something on an exChristain website. If your not an ExChristian why would you even come here? Are you a troll?
Anonymous said…
First of all, that's pretty funny. (I love 'The Big Lebowski' reference!) Secondly, I don't think anyone ever said homelessness is a virtue...
Anonymous said…
Hmmm a homeless guy on a computer, homeless guys must have moved on from wasting money on booze to laptops and EV-DO. Bastards
Anonymous said…
The homeless guy on the computer!? Sounds like someone who must have come off the street and learned how to use a computer(along with its etiquette) very quickly!
Anonymous said…
The main determinant of homelessness is mental health (or lack thereof. Could this also apply to Jesus? Just wondering.
Anonymous said…
The local library is a great place for homeless to escape the outside weather and access the internet...F.Y.I.
Anonymous said…
Quoting thehomelessguy

"Homelessness is NOT a virtue - and Jesus went without a "place to lay His head" because he was so busy traveling the countryside preaching His message - not because he was some kind of unemployable alcoholic."

WOW. That is one of the most terrible and ignorant things I have ever heard. If you are homeless, you should have a better idea of the situations of homeless people than that. I should be used to Christians being the biggest hipocrites in the world but that one is just downright awful. Have some compassion dude.
Anonymous said…
That was pretty funny, but we're comparing homeless people to actors who dress up as homeless people because that's what many people today think Jesus looked like. Wasn't he really black/brown based on his geographical birthplace and line of descendents? Or did the seed of God genetically override the genetic structure associated with his lineage because more people would respect the teachings of a white man?

theoblogger said...
"The main determinant of homelessness is mental health "
Really? I (as well as every dictionary) would consider the lack of a house to be the main determinant of homelessness...
Anonymous said…
um...what's the point???
Anonymous said…
Somebody ought to compare Criss Angel"Mindfreak" to The so called miracles of Jesus.

I bet he could duplicate them all!!
Anonymous said…
jesus wasnt homeless...He was a rich sock faggot.thats why he never got married...im a homeless man and no im not a faggot and yes i have a little brain and i can use the ..c o m p u t e r .god amighty i can even spell.DAMN.
Anonymous said…
Depart from me you so called christans and yes i was homeless when i was on earth, i was borned in a cold leaking barn ,because my mother had no money and she had to have me in a cold barn.there was no room for me and my mother at the inn because she had no money..well the inn keeping must had thought my mother was a homeless drunk and thats why she had no money and had to have me on a bale of hay in a cold barn??? merry christmas everyone....
Anonymous said…
thehomelessguy.said,comment..........your are not a homeless your on few other websites!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you dont think jesus was homeless?? Read your bible..if you can read that is since your,are,nt really homeless in the frist please!!!!!!!!! A REAL homeless man in the good ole usa..
Anonymous said…
Just to be clear, according to the US Council of Mayors study individuals experiencing homelessness are not, by and large, mentally ill. The study showed that 16 percent had a diagnosed mental illness. The number one cause of homelessness is the lack of affordable housing, followed by the lack of health coverage, domestic violence, poor paying jobs, and finally, in fifth place, mental illness.

As someone who was homeless for nearly three years I would have to say that the pictures used in this quiz are sadly mis-representative of the homeless community at large.
For one thing, one third of those experiencing homelessness in a given year (or 1.3 million individuals) are children, the vast majority of whom are under the age of five. You might confuse one of these with the baby Jesus, I suppose...
Anonymous said…
I was homeless, and your a jackass...You discredit yourself and your retarded comments with the statement Exchristian. Think, man. You never were a Christian.
Dave Van Allen said…
Anonymous jackass:

It's "you're."

Just thought you'd like to know.
Anonymous said…
Anony: "Think, man. You never were a Christian."

You were never really a fetus either. If you believe you were, please provide evidence, thanks.
boomSLANG said…
um...what's the point???

Um..it's satire. But if you'd like to take it out of that context for a minute---I once had a homeless guy hold the door open for me. That's more than "Jesus" ever did, in the three decades of my believing in "Him". Which leads me to the following....

You discredit yourself and your retarded comments with the statement Exchristian. Think, man. You never were a Christian.

As I just stated, I spent three decades believing that "Jesus" was real, and that Christianity was the Truth. A belief is belief is a belief; you either believe it, or you don't. It's not like Jesus comes to your house and sews a badge on your f%cking sleeve. In other words, if you want to talk about "retarded", I think it would be quite retarded to suggest to someone that they didn't really believe what they believed. Dolt.

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