Jesus Pan

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Okay, this video is over a year old, and technically this pan has nothing to do with the Jesus Pan that is now for sale. But both are hilarious.

Order your Jesus Pan today:

Also check out this article: Breakfast with Jesus.


Steven Bently said…
To answer ladysidhe, No!

All images of Bibilical
Charactors, Saints and God's and creed's and commandments are all totally exempt from it's own creed's and commandments.
Anonymous said…
Hey all,

Just checking in to say hello to everyone! I haven't been posting, but I do check in almost every day to read the articles and posts. I have been reading a lot of books (right now I am into Dennett's Breaking the Spell, very good btw), and following the political arena so I can try to vote responsibly this year! (why do I torture myself? Good question).

I have been enjoying the new people coming in, and am glad to see South still posting, and Brigid is back!!! Hi girls, you continue to comment in your usual brilliant and special way that warms my heart and makes me glad to be an atheist. Love to you both! I hope all is well. Give Mistress a big wet kiss for me Brig.

Ok, on to my purpose for posting:

I live on a hill overlooking a little city in the burbs, and have been walking for exercise. This provides me with much needed solitude where I can think and commune with what little bit of nature contractors haven’t raped. The sky, the stars, the moon, the sunsets, the sunrises, are just beautiful from my viewpoint, but guess what I don't see?? I don't see god or jezbus in the clouds, the virgin mother in the stars or the trees, nor do I think to myself that a god had to create any of the beautiful sights I see just because they exist! I think of this world we live in as a scientific mystery that is being explored over time by brilliant women and men who go practically unnoticed because humans still insist in believing in superstitious bullshit.

The guy with the Jesus face in the pan is looking for a fast buck and his fifteen minutes just like all the other hoax sightings.

Why doesn't Jesus, Mary, or God just appear in "person" if they have a message, instead of showing up in breakfast food or a pan? COULD IT BE BECAUSE THEY DON'T EXIST???????? LMAO!!!

After everything I have been through to shed my religious chains and get free, I realize when I take my walks that I have arrived at the most pleasant and peaceful time in my life.

Peace to you all, the MadBuni
Anonymous said…
I don't know, but it doesn't look like jesus to me. It looks more like a pirate - maybe Captain Hook or Long John Silver. Of course, if you turn your head a little, it bears a striking resemblance to Juan Valdez.

I hope some dumb fundamentalist pays a billion dollars for this holy cookware. Hold on just a minute! That reminds me - I seem to recall having a crockpot that has the image of the holy ghost's butt crack on it some where out in my garage. I wonder what I could get for it?
Anonymous said…
The idea of “The Good Shepherd” has always left me wondering. I remember when I was just 5 years old when I came across this jesus dude for the fist time in my life!! (good going) .I was at my friends’ house and she had this pic up on the bedroom wall of a benevolent looking fella, clean shaven with hands outstretched, long coiffered shiny locks,the bluest eyes, milk-white skin only outshone by his luminesant gown.The kind of picture that is the furthest thing from the truth, the sort of catholic icon poster image. In fact a truer version would have been someone with wild, ratty hair, swarthy complexion from years in the desert sand &sun, brown eyes, hook-nose & beard, dressed in dirty ragtag cloth. He was not alone, as back in the day there was many a wannabe who claimed a similar virgin birth and son of god status. Instead, we have this sanitised image to already start working us over from the time we’re critters. We are told that we are really like a silly flock of sheep that needs to be led. Strange analogy that?
Our lord & saviour comparing us to sheep. That’s very telling. Sheep have never been the brightest bulb on the xmas tree, one little collie-dog can control hundreds at a time without breaking a sweat!! And when it comes to slaugher time, they all run enthusiastically to the gallows, like lemmings over a cliff. Come to think of it, even our friend jesus was also as a lamb to the slaughter. His dad deemed it necessary, so as to frighten and control the rest of the sheep that have IQ’s the size of their droppings. But do not dispair of this sad tale, this does not have to be your fate, there are many who simply cannot be brainwashed. Those who constantly question and look for answers, not accepting the tripe that’s dished up, not falling for the scare tactics.
Anonymous said…
The idea of “The Good Shepherd” has always left me wondering. I remember when I was just 5 years old when I came across this jesus dude for the fist time in my life!! (good going) .I was at my friends’ house and she had this pic up on the bedroom wall of a benevolent looking fella, clean shaven with hands outstretched, long coiffered shiny locks,the bluest eyes, milk-white skin only outshone by his luminesant gown.The kind of picture that is the furthest thing from the truth, the sort of catholic icon poster image. In fact a truer version would have been someone with wild, ratty hair, swarthy complexion from years in the desert sand &sun, brown eyes, hook-nose & beard, dressed in dirty ragtag cloth. He was not alone, as back in the day there was many a wannabe who claimed a similar virgin birth and son of god status. Instead, we have this sanitised image to already start working us over from the time we’re critters. We are told that we are really like a silly flock of sheep that needs to be led. Strange analogy that?
Our lord & saviour comparing us to sheep. That’s very telling. Sheep have never been the brightest bulb on the xmas tree, one little collie-dog can control hundreds at a time without breaking a sweat!! And when it comes to slaugher time, they all run enthusiastically to the gallows, like lemmings over a cliff. Come to think of it, even our friend jesus was also as a lamb to the slaughter. His dad deemed it necessary, so as to frighten and control the rest of the sheep that have IQ’s the size of their droppings. But do not dispair of this sad tale, this does not have to be your fate, there are many who simply cannot be brainwashed. Those who constantly question and look for answers, not accepting the tripe that’s dished up, not falling for the scare tactics.
Anonymous said…
grilled heathen beware
Anonymous said…
Could this be the holy grill, I mean HOLY GRAIL

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