Dear Believer
by Dan Barker Dear Believer, — You asked me to consider Christianity as the answer for my life. I have done that. I consider it untrue, repugnant, and harmful. You expect me to believe Jesus was born of a virgin impregnated by a ghost? Do you believe all the crazy tales of ancient religions? Julius Caesar was reportedly born of a virgin; Roman historian Seutonius said Augustus bodily rose to heaven when he died; and Buddha was supposedly born speaking. You don’t believe all that, do you? Why do you expect me to swallow the fables of Christianity? I find it incredible that you ask me to believe that the earth was created in six literal days; women come from a man’s rib; a snake, a donkey, and a burning bush spoke human language; the entire world was flooded, covering the mountains to drown evil; all animal species, millions of them, rode on one boat; language variations stem from the tower of Babel; Moses had a magic wand; the Nile turned to blood; a stick turned into a snake; witches, ...
But good try.
1.Something now exists.
2.No-thing does not produce something, then...
3.Some-thing must have always existed.
The bible is full of scientific accuracy, that no man at that time could of possibly have known. Not to mention 800 prophecies.. and the 300+ prophecies of Jesus Christ. I hope you people open your eyes and let God in your life.. nothing makes him more angry when his evidence is all around us and yet people deny his excistence.
And how about a credit for the anyonymous female narrator? (or did I miss it? I looked for it...)
2.No-thing does not produce something, then...
3.Some-thing must have always existed.
As these three statements stand, I have no problem with them.
I don't see why having a self-existent universe is a problem for anyone. To suggest that there is a magical deity who is self-existent is to admit to the possibility, or even necessity, of the existence of self-existence.
Well, to say that the universe could not be self-existent, but that a god could be self-existent is, well, contradictory. To add in that the the complexity of the universe is somehow proof that it can't be self-existent, while putting forth an impossibly complex god, who supposedly is self-existent, is even more contradictory.
Christians don't seem to understand that they can't have it both ways. Either it is impossible for something to be self-existent, or it is possible, and in fact, normal.
Since I assume we can all agree that there is a universe — a universe we can test with our senses and other tools — and we can also agree that there is no testable evidence for a god, the clearest and most concise conclusion to make is that the universe is simply self-existent.
Admittedly, the universe being self-existent is a difficult concept to grasp. Yet, Christians have no problem simply accepting without question the concept of an invisible, untestable, and supposedly incomprehensible deity.
Consider these quotes:
1: "You can never understand God. You must just accept that He exists on faith. Doubting God could be detrimental to your eternal soul. (You must also have faith in the concept of a soul.) Don't worry, all will be revealed after death in heaven."
2: "It is difficult to comprehend that the universe is self-existent, but that's where our present evidence seems to point. Let us continue to explore our natural universe to better understand how it all works. As we discover more, we can adjust to our findings."
Which of those two quotes seems most likely to be the one that will lead us to the truth?
What God?
"Evolution is a Theory."
....AND it's a fact. Creationism is neither. Abra cadabra! LMAO!
"God has made himself known through creation.."
SuperGod made Herself known through creating Baby Yahweh.
"The bible is full of scientific accuracy, that no man at that time could of possibly have known."
Flat earth? Geocentric earth? Immovable earth? Firmament? Camp ground in a whale's tummy? Talking vegetation? 1 + 1 + 1 = 1 ? Oooo..I'm feeling smarter already! LMAO!
"Not to mention 800 prophecies.. and the 300+ prophecies of Jesus Christ."
'Hear-ye, hear-ye...One day you shalt fight thine enemies.'
(arbitrary amount of years pass)
SEE!!!!I told you!...I'm a prophet! LMAO!
"I hope you people open your eyes and let God in your life.."
I hope you people close your bibles and let reality in your life..
"..nothing makes him more angry when his evidence is all around us and yet people deny his excistence."
Yes!..Shazam HATES that!...don't deny his "excistence", or he'll make you ride around in his country camper for eternity! lol!
So why do they care? Mass murders occur all over the world yet no one cries out, especially the fundies. So why constantly bug the non-fundies to get us to convert????
I am sure it is something to do with convincing themselves that they are right. Or some such. Me, I just feel sorry for them. Talk to me, fine. Preach to me the junk you chose to believe with out thinking is just plain rude. :-)
Elder Norm
First of all, if you're so secure in your beliefs, then why did you come to an ex Christian site to try to enforce your beliefs onto people that made this site only to get away from them?
Secondly, that equation made no sense at all! How could you for one second assume, and state your assumption as fact, that something had to exist to begin the entire existence of everything? Where you there at the time of the birth of humanity, or the universe for that matter? Now I’m not saying that what you are saying isn't possible, just that if you are going to come to a site where the people are open minded to several different possibilities, don't state your beliefs as facts that are to be know by all, that's just the kind of thing that these people don't like, and the reason they made this site to begin with!
Third, of course many prophecies are going to come true after thousands and thousands of years. I bet that if I were to say right now, "In the next couple of thousands of years there will be a great depression!!" or something along those lines, well one thousand years is a long time!
Last but not least, don't try to argue against the guy that just stated all of those things that suggest that your belief system is inaccurate, until you have enough explanations to fill every single hole in your bible that were presented by this mans argument.
no one man truely 'knows' what is true about the beliefe or disbeliefe of god. but at the same time we all 'know' that what we believe is correct. i just wish that one day people could have compleate tolerence of other people and let others be at peace with themselves unlike the numbnut equation person.
there will never be a time where people can prove what they believe is true, they can just believe it untill the day that they die.
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