Train up a child... the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not soon depart from it. — Solomon


Lupis Noctum said…
Horrible, but no different that what's going on in churches, schools, and homes right here in the good old USA. Brainwashing and indoctrination in unreality while the forming mind is still working out reality...
Steven Bently said…
Yeah keep people screwed up in the head and you can control them!

That's the only purpose of the bible ever to have been written, is to keep people fucked up in the head!
Anonymous said…
I'm apalled. Simply apalled...

They even admitted that it is important to teach this crap while they are still children...

Still children, incapable of skepticism and not yet understanding that you can't believe everything that you hear. It makes me sick.

I was brought up in a christian home and I was taught hate propaganda from my parents too, that liberals and atheists worship satan (these are only vague memories) Now I'm leaning toward the former and definitely the latter. Hail Satan!

I'm tired of people teaching children that other people are evil because they have different beliefs. It's just ensuring a future of war for our children.
Anonymous said…
Just like a Christian kid..... scary

Ian said…
Hello. This is God.

Stop brainwashing children in your various methods of belief and faith. Really, I mean it. You're not doing the world any good by making a new generation of children who cannot use thier minds, cannot think rationally and reasonably, and cannot think of anything but what they are told.

I want my children to think, to realize what works and what doesn't work. Some beliefs are benefical, some are harmful. Many of the beliefs in your popular religions are very harmful and limit the limitless creativity and thought that humans posess. I gave you a brain. Use it and realize that producing a generation of people who are brought up with closed minds will do the world no good.

Let people think. Let them make up thier own minds. Don't brainwash them (as you call it) into following a doctrine and believing that other humans can be less then human, and that some groups are worthy of death and degration.



P.S. Stop with all the warfare and threats in my name. I'm getting tired of that.
Anonymous said…
That was *SO* fucked up.
boomSLANG said…

Hello, this is NOT God.

Stop brainwashing children in your various methods of belief and faith. Really, I mean it. You're not doing the world any good by making a new generation of children who cannot use their minds, cannot think rationally and reasonably, and cannot think of anything but what they are told.

I want people to think, to realize what works and what doesn't work. Some beliefs are benefical, some are harmful. Many of the beliefs in your popular religions are very harmful and limit the limitless creativity and thought that humans posess. You have brain. Use it and realize that producing a generation of people who are brought up with closed minds will do the world no good.

Let people think. Let them make up their own minds based on facts. Don't brainwash them (as it is called) into following a doctrine and believing that other humans can be less then human, or more than human, and that some groups are worthy of death and degration.


Member of the human race.

P.S. Stop with all the warfare and threats in a mythological being's name. I'm getting tired of that. Additionally, stop writing cute little messages on your church marquees and signing "God" to it, as if one exists.

boomSLANG said…
As far as America goes, wouldn't it be great if children could be prohibited from exposure to religious indoctrination until they became a legal adult?... much in the same way they're prohibited from porno, cigarettes, guns, alcohol, etc? No, it wouldn't stop the brainwashing altogether, of course, but it's a pleasent thought thinking that you could actually turn people over to law inforcement for f%cking up an innocent child's mind, much in the same way you can turn someone in for f%cking their mind from sexual abuse. Really, where's the line between raping a minor, and teaching a minor a doctrine that condones the rape of a minor? Why should that bullsh*t be acceptable? 'Just a thought.
Dave Van Allen said…
My only comment to this: Jesus Camp
Anonymous said…
"My only comment to this: Jesus Camp"

Exactly my thinking.
Anonymous said…
Wow that is just terrible to be teaching kids such hate at such a younf age. Well, it's terrible to teach hate at any age, but you get what I'm saying. And the fact that these kids don't even understand what they're being told, they're just repeating it because they get praise when they do so. Then they just keep repeating it over and over their whole lives and eventually they actually believe this bullcrap to be true. It's just so unbelievable.
Anonymous said…
I'm obviously missing a video or some such. Anyone got a link?
Anonymous said…
Got it now!

Frightening. The fact that the same thing is happening here sucks the hope right out of a person...

I agree with Boomslang; let's not teach little kids any of this crap!

I had to go through years of cognitive dissonance to rid myself of the Bible.
Anonymous said…
How disgusting and tragic. Islam is without a doubt the world's most hate-mongering, detestable religion. I could not even watch the entire clip.
Anonymous said…
this truely is fucked up. I think more sex and slighty harder up the bum should do the the trick for now trick, oh whats going on I havn't got a clue what anyone means
Anonymous said…
Jesus fucking christ! my 3 1/2 year old sings songs about the itsy bitsy spider... i don't think he could even comprehend something of this magnitude... creeps me the fuck out! (yea, he has said fuck) and so have my other 4 kids...
Anonymous said…
Words that rhyme with fuck! Just change the first syllable!

buck, chuck, cluck, duck, luck, muck, puck, ruck, stuck, struck, tuck, truck, yuk.
Anonymous said…
Words that rhyme with fuck! Just change the first syllable!

buck, chuck, cluck, duck, luck, muck, puck, ruck, stuck, struck, tuck, truck, yuk.

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