Landover Baptist Pastor Preaches to Atheists


Steven Bently said…
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Lupis Noctum said…
The ironic thing I find about parodys of funamentalist rhetoric is that it often takes a bit to figure out if it's a parody or the real thing, lol.

Not surprising I guess, since they're really just parodying themselves over and over...
Andrew Hawkins said…
Is this guy a pro-atheist speaker at the atheist rally who is sarcastically highlighting the dangers of religion?
Dave Van Allen said…
Is this guy a pro-atheist speaker at the atheist rally who is sarcastically highlighting the dangers of religion?

Anonymous said…
Reading the "letters" section of is absolutely hysterical. Makes me want to scream, Jesus Christ, people, don't you know what a f****** satire is???"

Anonymous said…
Yes, Landrover Baptist preaching is similar to Steven Colbert's approach. Hilarious!
Anonymous said…
Landover Baptist has to be one of the funniest places on the web. I love it. Esp the Womens section where you get some mp3s of fundie women talking about hell, cathylicks and homosexurals! Or the article about "Tampons - Satans little cotton fingers" Or how about "does Jesus watch me go poopy?" Or "masturbation for christian men"

It is quite simply unbelievably funny. Pastor Deacon Fred is the mutts nuts!
Anonymous said…
Duh, I knew all this. Thats why I'm an atheist!
Anonymous said…
I'm sending this via email to all my kids,.....thanks!
Their fundie mom will appreciate it I'm sure.
Anonymous said…
i grew up in he united penticostal church. sounds like my old paster...will someone put a bullet in this guys crotch!! i want to puke!!
Anonymous said…
This guy is great! This reminded me how much the church is like a dysfunctional family with an abusive daddy.
Everyone protects him because they're in denial and terrified of him.
It's so great to see people speak out and expose the horrible attributes of the bible-god!
Anonymous said…

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