Reinforcing the Fairy Tale
by Tyrone Williams
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Christians often complain that if we unbelievers don’t believe in god, then we should be quiet about it. “Why argue against god so much, if you don’t believe in him?,” they’ll quip. They are suggesting that maybe, on some Freudian level, we really DO believe, and that is why we debate and argue. (I’ll deal with this bit of sophistry later.)
Not only is this absolute nonsense, but I can prove that the exact opposite is true. And that opposite truth is that Christians are afraid to shut up about god precisely because they DON’T believe in him and they must constantly reinforce their beliefs lest they become atheists.
Think about it.
Why do Christians read their bibles daily or weekly? Don’t they already know what it says? (Probably not.)
Why do they obediently swarm to church services each week, sometimes three times a week, to hear the Word of God as preached by some stranger? Again, don’t they already know what His Word says?
Why must Christians labor all day in prayer, praise and worship, calling on His name? Does God truly need all this sycophantic toadying to stroke his ego?
And finally, why do Christians believe something “bad” will happen to them if they fail to accomplish the preceding fetishes? Wrath of god? Demonic attack? Sickness and poverty? What will happen if the good luck charm is ignored?
Christians (and other theists for that matter) remind me of the Cowardly Lion in The Wizard of Oz. While walking through the enchanted forest the Lion is panic stricken. He has just witnessed his colleague the Tin Man be punished for NOT believing in ghosts. So the Cowardly Lion rubs his tail, squeezes his eyes shut and begins to chant, “I do believe in ghosts. I do believe in ghosts. I do, I do, I do, I do, I DO! believe in ghosts!” He says this in an effort to placate the angry spirits, figuring that if he confirms his FAITH they won’t punish him for his doubts and lack of reverence.
Sound familiar?
Christians are constantly bombarded by their leaders that they MUST “continue in the faith” and “abide in Christ” lest they “fall away.” In other words, if they don’t stick with the brainwashing program, the spell will wear off AND something “bad” will happen to them. That “bad” thing is called APOSTASY. Falling away.
But what, then, does that say about faith? About your so-called strong belief in god?
As an atheist I don’t need to remind myself that there is no god. (I just get a kick out of telling OTHER people, just to watch them squirm and recoil in fear!) My atheism needs no reinforcing. It's a fait accompli. If I don't bother with any of it, then I WON'T believe.
And THAT is just the point that the preacher makes when he warns people to “abide in Christ.” People who don’t think about God, people who don’t read their bibles, people who don’t seek fellowship, people who don’t pray, people who don’t worship, people who don’t have their faith under-girded and have their spiritual batteries recharged WILL become unbelievers! They will recognize that this God fetish isn’t necessary for their lives. God will fade into non-existence, relegated to the shadows of mythology, along with Zeus and Hercules, where they all belong.
So each week these Christians run around clutching their bibles and crosses, with their eyes shut tight, heads bowed, hands lifted to heaven, chanting to themselves, “I do believe in god, I do believe in god, I do, I do, I do, I do, I DO believe in GOD!” Failure to do so is to risk unbelief and even retribution from this spiritual terrorist.
And then they have the nerve to question why WE unbelievers talk about god “so much”?
It is to laugh. If a Christian’s belief is SO strong, then why the panic to be constantly reminded that their God is real? Why can’t they simply let it go? Just believe and get on with their lives. Why must Christians constantly pray, preach, and worship? What are they afraid of? Is “God” that much of a tyrant and egomaniac that he must be acknowledged in all things, and at all times, lest he be angered and smite you? (The answer is “yes”, BTW. I’ve read the bible. I’ve heard the sermons. “God” gets angry if you don’t lick his feet.)
Or could it be that YOU must constantly fool yourself into believing something that is an obvious lie?
Again, the answer is a resounding “yes”. Failure to reinforce the fairy tale is to risk apostasy and atheism. A fate “worse than death” for the gullible sheep of god.
Once again, I’m SO glad I managed to escape that insane asylum called Religion. What a sorry way to live.
Finally, I’d like to address the opening barb that got me to thinking about all of this. To wit: “Why do we unbelievers talk about god if we don’t believe in him?”
I can think of two good reasons. (There may be more, but these are the best.)
One, if we remained silent, then you theists would claim that we didn’t exist. By our silence you would be able to make the case that non-believers either are a myth, or that we are a statistical anomaly, OR that our polite silence is our tacit admission that we don’t have a problem with god. We complain “so much” to make our voices heard. We’re NOT arguing against “god”, but against god-believers and their delusions. To remain silent is to yield the field of battle to our opponents. To remain silent is a tacit admission that we have no argument in the theater of ideas, and therefore we concede defeat to the theists. And I, for one, refuse to give them so easy a victory.
And Two, we speak and write against god-belief to provide hope for those people struggling alone with their unbelief. The life of an unbeliever is lonely and sometimes dangerous. We find ourselves awash in a sea of religious nitwits. People who consider US “deluded” because we refuse to blindly believe in their delusion. (Can you say “ironic”?) Often times we unbelievers think that we are the Last Sane Person on the planet, and we sink into despair and loneliness. That is until we find an internet web site filled with like-minded unbelievers who have the same problems with religion. We read articles and books that confirm what we’ve always believed was wrong with religion, and we take comfort in this. Now we know that we aren’t alone. Now we know that there is nothing “wrong” with us. Others are on this journey with us.
And THAT is why we “complain so much” about god. We have an obligation, both private and public, to articulate our unbelief. We dare not remain silent. We have a duty to put the religious world on notice – “Here there be unbelievers!”
Understand something. Religious people will ALWAYS try to intimidate or trick the unbeliever into maintaining a revered and “respectful” silence about his/her unbelief. It is so much easier to spread and foster the religious lie if there is NO ONE to speak out against it. If no one says, “Hey! The Emperor hasn’t got on any clothes!,” then everyone will just keep pretending and lying to themselves and each other. The make believe will NEVER end. And THAT is why we speak.
So get used to it, Christians. We aren’t shutting up and we aren’t going away. Contrary to the now trendy, comedic barb, you are NOT the Borg® and resistance is NOT useless. The more we talk about this, the more it will become self-evident that god-belief is delusional. And then one day religious people will become too embarrassed to speak of their shameful and silly beliefs in mixed company. Finally, they’ll keep such strange beliefs to themselves, like one politely withholds a fart until they’re alone.
And the more we speak against religion today, the sooner that happy day of tomorrow will arrive.
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Christians often complain that if we unbelievers don’t believe in god, then we should be quiet about it. “Why argue against god so much, if you don’t believe in him?,” they’ll quip. They are suggesting that maybe, on some Freudian level, we really DO believe, and that is why we debate and argue. (I’ll deal with this bit of sophistry later.)
Not only is this absolute nonsense, but I can prove that the exact opposite is true. And that opposite truth is that Christians are afraid to shut up about god precisely because they DON’T believe in him and they must constantly reinforce their beliefs lest they become atheists.
Think about it.
Why do Christians read their bibles daily or weekly? Don’t they already know what it says? (Probably not.)
Why do they obediently swarm to church services each week, sometimes three times a week, to hear the Word of God as preached by some stranger? Again, don’t they already know what His Word says?
Why must Christians labor all day in prayer, praise and worship, calling on His name? Does God truly need all this sycophantic toadying to stroke his ego?
And finally, why do Christians believe something “bad” will happen to them if they fail to accomplish the preceding fetishes? Wrath of god? Demonic attack? Sickness and poverty? What will happen if the good luck charm is ignored?
Christians (and other theists for that matter) remind me of the Cowardly Lion in The Wizard of Oz. While walking through the enchanted forest the Lion is panic stricken. He has just witnessed his colleague the Tin Man be punished for NOT believing in ghosts. So the Cowardly Lion rubs his tail, squeezes his eyes shut and begins to chant, “I do believe in ghosts. I do believe in ghosts. I do, I do, I do, I do, I DO! believe in ghosts!” He says this in an effort to placate the angry spirits, figuring that if he confirms his FAITH they won’t punish him for his doubts and lack of reverence.
Sound familiar?
Christians are constantly bombarded by their leaders that they MUST “continue in the faith” and “abide in Christ” lest they “fall away.” In other words, if they don’t stick with the brainwashing program, the spell will wear off AND something “bad” will happen to them. That “bad” thing is called APOSTASY. Falling away.
But what, then, does that say about faith? About your so-called strong belief in god?
As an atheist I don’t need to remind myself that there is no god. (I just get a kick out of telling OTHER people, just to watch them squirm and recoil in fear!) My atheism needs no reinforcing. It's a fait accompli. If I don't bother with any of it, then I WON'T believe.
And THAT is just the point that the preacher makes when he warns people to “abide in Christ.” People who don’t think about God, people who don’t read their bibles, people who don’t seek fellowship, people who don’t pray, people who don’t worship, people who don’t have their faith under-girded and have their spiritual batteries recharged WILL become unbelievers! They will recognize that this God fetish isn’t necessary for their lives. God will fade into non-existence, relegated to the shadows of mythology, along with Zeus and Hercules, where they all belong.
So each week these Christians run around clutching their bibles and crosses, with their eyes shut tight, heads bowed, hands lifted to heaven, chanting to themselves, “I do believe in god, I do believe in god, I do, I do, I do, I do, I DO believe in GOD!” Failure to do so is to risk unbelief and even retribution from this spiritual terrorist.
And then they have the nerve to question why WE unbelievers talk about god “so much”?
It is to laugh. If a Christian’s belief is SO strong, then why the panic to be constantly reminded that their God is real? Why can’t they simply let it go? Just believe and get on with their lives. Why must Christians constantly pray, preach, and worship? What are they afraid of? Is “God” that much of a tyrant and egomaniac that he must be acknowledged in all things, and at all times, lest he be angered and smite you? (The answer is “yes”, BTW. I’ve read the bible. I’ve heard the sermons. “God” gets angry if you don’t lick his feet.)
Or could it be that YOU must constantly fool yourself into believing something that is an obvious lie?
Again, the answer is a resounding “yes”. Failure to reinforce the fairy tale is to risk apostasy and atheism. A fate “worse than death” for the gullible sheep of god.
Once again, I’m SO glad I managed to escape that insane asylum called Religion. What a sorry way to live.
Finally, I’d like to address the opening barb that got me to thinking about all of this. To wit: “Why do we unbelievers talk about god if we don’t believe in him?”
I can think of two good reasons. (There may be more, but these are the best.)
One, if we remained silent, then you theists would claim that we didn’t exist. By our silence you would be able to make the case that non-believers either are a myth, or that we are a statistical anomaly, OR that our polite silence is our tacit admission that we don’t have a problem with god. We complain “so much” to make our voices heard. We’re NOT arguing against “god”, but against god-believers and their delusions. To remain silent is to yield the field of battle to our opponents. To remain silent is a tacit admission that we have no argument in the theater of ideas, and therefore we concede defeat to the theists. And I, for one, refuse to give them so easy a victory.
And Two, we speak and write against god-belief to provide hope for those people struggling alone with their unbelief. The life of an unbeliever is lonely and sometimes dangerous. We find ourselves awash in a sea of religious nitwits. People who consider US “deluded” because we refuse to blindly believe in their delusion. (Can you say “ironic”?) Often times we unbelievers think that we are the Last Sane Person on the planet, and we sink into despair and loneliness. That is until we find an internet web site filled with like-minded unbelievers who have the same problems with religion. We read articles and books that confirm what we’ve always believed was wrong with religion, and we take comfort in this. Now we know that we aren’t alone. Now we know that there is nothing “wrong” with us. Others are on this journey with us.
And THAT is why we “complain so much” about god. We have an obligation, both private and public, to articulate our unbelief. We dare not remain silent. We have a duty to put the religious world on notice – “Here there be unbelievers!”
Understand something. Religious people will ALWAYS try to intimidate or trick the unbeliever into maintaining a revered and “respectful” silence about his/her unbelief. It is so much easier to spread and foster the religious lie if there is NO ONE to speak out against it. If no one says, “Hey! The Emperor hasn’t got on any clothes!,” then everyone will just keep pretending and lying to themselves and each other. The make believe will NEVER end. And THAT is why we speak.
So get used to it, Christians. We aren’t shutting up and we aren’t going away. Contrary to the now trendy, comedic barb, you are NOT the Borg® and resistance is NOT useless. The more we talk about this, the more it will become self-evident that god-belief is delusional. And then one day religious people will become too embarrassed to speak of their shameful and silly beliefs in mixed company. Finally, they’ll keep such strange beliefs to themselves, like one politely withholds a fart until they’re alone.
And the more we speak against religion today, the sooner that happy day of tomorrow will arrive.
Christians are the ones who need the constant reinforcement by fellow freakers to support their delusion. That's one of the reasons I think this site and others like it are a great halfway house for those seeking to break free of that mentality. They're used to a support group stumping for Jesus, they need a support group supporting reality, which they find here.
Ever notice how they always insist that not only do they believe, but that you must also believe? The ones who don't go straight to anger exhibit a sick desperation to get you to agree with them, as if the very existance of non-believers is dangerous to their mental house of cards. They're not concerned about the state of your soul, they're concerned with supporting their own delusion.
Christians get the same advice as recovering alchoholics. They're not supposed to expose themselves to the secular world to resist the temptation to wake up just as alchoholics are encouraged to get new friends that don't drink.
Anyone want to help me put together a 12 step progam for jesus freaks? :D
Audie, I agree with you, it's getting harder and harder to tolerate the Christian agenda and rhetoric.
Lupis, count me in on the 12 step program. I am not familiar with the AA's program but we could certainly mimic it, much like the "10 Reasons Beer is Better Than Jesus" parody of the 10 commandments.
Actually, I was serious, heh. Slowly doing the groundwork on some kind of structured therapy to assist christians in overcoming their addiction to fantasy. When even the mental health industry excludes religion from its official definitions of "delusion," it's time for someone to step in...
Anyone who has thoughts towards this goal, feel free to contact me via my screen name at yahoo dot com, or leave a message on my blog that I don't use, lol
Christians have enough cognitive dissonance to deal with in everyday life nowadays that's making them cranky and militant. Things like the fact that rape and abortion have steadily been declining even though access to birth control and pornography have steadily risen. They hate that so much, they make up their own statistics! Don't even get them started on healthy, happy, well adjusted kids being raised by gay/lesbian couples, because 'that's not possible.'
I guess all I'm saying is engage in intelligent discourse (when you can) but don't go pokin' the hornet's nest with a stick!
"Does not the burden of proof then fall on the shoulders of the skeptic? Yes. And the skeptic is the first to admit this-or at least to exemplify it. "
Har har. Yep - a fucktard, for sure... -Wes.
So long as certain sects of humanity are capable of supressing logical reasoning skills in favour of smelly bullshit-lower-brain-function-bowel-movement-induced reasoning like 'faith', the rest of us will continue to have to deal with the fairytale-drunkedness of these religious halfwits well into the future. Damnit. Argh! -Wes.
Nice thread.
To Quailman,
Athiest do not punish people who believe, but believers want to convert or punish those that fail to believe what they believe.
As far as enjoying the company of other like minded people, well everyone does that. Its just that atheist fear stating their belief so its harder to find someone of like belief.
Elder Norm elder norm at hot mail dot com. Just in case you want to yell at me. : -)
Although I have to admit, I do get some personal fulfillment out of seeing fundies faces sink to the ground when I show them how foolish their beliefs are, I guess no one really wants to admit that they were wrong and now they feel naked without a Jesus to wrap themselves up in.
The best example is believing that "God is love" in spite of all the scriptural evidence that proves "God" is an amoral monster worse than Hitler and Stalin. Rather than concede the point that God cannot be love, the person will deny what his/her mind sees in the evidence. Thus we now have "dissonance" in the cognative thought process due to a refusal to believe what the brain sees.
And now I have a new one: "disconfirmed expectancy" Dig it!! I'll use it in a sentence:
The disconfirmed expectancy of the early Christians when Christ did not return in their lifetime unfortunately did nothing to dampen the enthusiasm of the early church forefathers.
Quailman, if you want people to read what you write, learn to write in a less boring, dry style.
Anonymous wrote:
Everybody ready to convert to Islam. That is going to be your fate,absent Christianty. Allah Akbar.
Oh, please. World religions are not a binary system. You CAN choose "None of the above."
They may have believed Mary was a virgin!
Jesus may have believed he was God!
Jesus may have been crucified. (murdered)
They may have believed he was sent to heaven.
What they belived over 2000 years ago, has never been verified by anyone, it's their belief that they wanted to believe.
If that is the best this wise all knowing God can do is let people believe based on presumption on what people who lived over 2000 years ago wanted to believe, just like today, the only proof that anyone has is their wanting to believe, what they want to believe.
A god nor Jesus never wrote any part of the bible, why not?
The issue of beleiving in god is personal to anyone and is at he very least a good explanation for one's existance. so beleif in something is good however ramming it down someones throat is bad.
Extremism sucks, but to down christans is a sorry excuse for your own confusion.
Islm is the fastes growing religion in the USA. Why? Islam hates the western world. they plan to conquor not with bombs but by population. This has been a theory for 30 years and it is working. look at kashmir....muslim population has grown 4x faster than hindu. now they are fighting for it to be a muslim state.
What confusion?
As an ex-catholic, I would like to know which god started creation?
Your book says let US create man in OUR image. Also, did this god create man before or after the animals. The bible is not very clear in its creation story
Also, do you think other christians outside "the one true apostolic faith"(catholicism) are saved? Or do you not believe in your creed as a catholic?
Korea has threatened America with a nuclear missle and G.W.B. is praying to Jesus to help us and to tell us what to do...:-(
How do we say Allah Akbar in Korean?
Kind? Your kind?
I'll have to assume you mean humans, since according to Genesis, God made everything after its own kind.
So if "our kind" is "human being," I wonder what your kind might be.
Hmmmm, let's see.....there's certainly no "confusion" as to what "kind" defends their belief with bigoted
Mr/Mrs. Fundonymous, the Atheist/Agnostic position---a position of neutrality---says NOTHING about "having all the answers". As a matter of fact, for our "kind" to say "we're waiting on the evidence" is much less of a cock-sure conviction than those who say "God did it!" Saying that "God" did something only adds MORE confusion, because thus far, God has yet to even be objectively defined, let alone, shown to exist.
BTW, you don't believe Allah is responsible for your existance, do you? No, because you have concluded that Allah doesn't exist. But of course, if Allah swooped down here and made his existance undeniably known, you'd be an idiot to not believe from that point on, wouldn't you? Welp, the same holds true for our "kind" and your Yahweh. We'll believe it WHEN WE SEE THE EVIDENCE....until then, we have no belief in such a being, just like you have no belief in Allah.
Stick in your memory bank..and hit "save".
I was proud in your choice of words, "waiting for the evidence." The label ex-christian means we used to have faith but don't any more. The term atheist (if you're an atheist ex-christian) means you have no belief in God. Not everybody at this site is dogmatically set on the idea "there is no god." I just prefer to say I remain unconvinced -- unconvinced that there is a god, and unconvinced that religion and faith result in anything worthwhile.
From the Wizard Of Oz, the lines are: "I do believe in Spooks! I do believe in Spooks! I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do believe in Spooks!" Not ghosts. Other than that nit-picking, it's a great post.
They learned it. They lived it. And they walked away from it anyway, because the "real deal" wasn't real enough to sustain the illusion.
You said in your podcast:
"Often times we unbelievers think that we are the Last Sane Person on the planet, and we sink into despair and loneliness. That is until we find an internet web site filled with like-minded unbelievers who have the same problems with religion."
You must be the atheist messiah. WOW. That's awesome. People come to you and you give them the truth. You give them healing. And they get to lick your boots too.
I don't agree with your assessment that Christians attend church and pray just to convince themselves of the "lie". I go to church because I get something out of it. I never feel obligated. I read my bible because I find it uplifting, not because I am afraid of what will happen if I don't. And I can't think of another Christian who is as you described.
Be honest with yourself and others about this website; this "oasis in the wasteland of religious oppression". It is not about "encouraging those who have decided to leave religion behind", it is about slander and defamation. And you know it. Posting all those articles about Christians doing wrong serves no purpose. A pastor steals money from the offering therefore Christianity is bunk and God doesn't exist? Is that how it works? If I read an article about an atheist commiting a crime does that prove atheism is wrong, and thereby God does exist?
Thanks for the opportunity to post here and good luck in your endeavors.
John Doe
First off, I didn't write this piece, although I did make it into a podcast.
Secondly, the reason I post the occasional article about pastors involved in criminal activity is to counter the Christian argument that a holy ghost is living inside Christians, magically changing them into something wonderful. Pastors, Christians, atheists, and every other artificial title under which people rally, have good people and bad people in the ranks. That's not the point. The point is that there is no MAGIC going on in the Christian ranks. Get it?
Slander and defamation would mean I am lying about what these pastors have done. Well, all I am doing is posting a fraction of the articles that come to me -- articles from reputable media outlets. And, I don't generally make a single comment one way or the other. It's just news, kid.
Now, as to your other complaints about the article, please address the author.
Have a wonderful day and may all your dreams come true.
I go to church because I get something out of it. I never feel obligated. I read my bible because I find it uplifting, not because I am afraid of what will happen if I don't...
Doe, John, (aka just another blind xtian),
I find it most interesting that you are uplifted by reading your bible.
I'm not sure how that's possible, as I find it boring (zzzz), depressing, cruel, inhumane, filled with magical myths and grand brainwashing efforts to make a person feel they are worthless and filled with evil sin.
Doesn't sound like any of those qualities would be considered "uplifting".
So I have to wonder what is that 'something' that you get out of going to church?
Now if you like the boring hymns, I guess that might be an attraction to some, but they sure put me to sleep every time.
Perhaps your church plays that special spiritual music, where the music itself calls to god and reels him in, like a fish on the line.
No, it must be the great social atmosphere that churches have, where everyone kneels/sits and stands-around (repeat that, like shampoo) sharing their own customized version of the god delusion with each other.
Yeah, I sure do miss those days.....NOT!!!
Standing on a long line at the Department of Motor Vehicles is surely 100 times more exciting than being in a church.
At the very least, the DMV doesn't require you to 'kneel' as often.
ATF (Who also thinks folks go to church, so other believers can help convince them that this mythical god is actually genuine)
"It's a personal relationship with God"
Gee Kim,
I'm sure none of us every thought of it this way before.
A "personal relationship".... Well, you don't say?
So how does that work exactly.
I can't hug god, or touch him, or shake his hand, so it seems the best I can do, is perhaps to talk to him; but of course, never face-to-face; nor by phone or even email for that matter.
So that was in the direction of; from me to god.
Now what about the other direction; from god to me?
How does that communication work exactly.
Do I get to hear whispering voices in my head or will god be using a megaphone and blasting his divine wisdom back to me?
Oh wait, perhaps I ask god a question, and I just open the bible at random and with my eye's closed, stab at the page with the sharp point of a pencil and read the verse I landed upon.
Maybe this bible book, is just a more advanced version of the "Magic 8 Ball" then?
ATF ( Who also wonders if god gives hugs back, but sure doesn't want any of those sloppy wet god kisses that the Webmaster may have once spoken about [g] )
ATF - I could surely go into detail about God and my relationship with Him and what it's all about, but if I do that, I wonder if the only responses I receive will be full of sarcasm and/or anger. If you truly want answers, I'll do my best to give them to you and pray that you find the information you're looking for. Same for all of you. If you're just looking for a good fight, let me know, b/c that's certainly not what I'm looking for.
Thanks. And again, hope you're having a nice day.
We have walked away from Christianity and are not intending to go back. If you expect us to be impressed by your subjective experiences of faith, you will be disabused of that notion in rather short order.
And yes, there is a lot of anger here. This site exists to give us an outlet for the rage we feel when people say things like...
"If you truly want answers, I'll do my best to give them to you..."
Sorry, that comes across as pure arrogance on your part. You think *you* have the answers that somehow escaped *our* notice? Please go away.
Yes, yes, I'm sure you could, however, that would be a waste of everyone's time(including your own), because whether you know it, or not/whether you accept it, or not, we, at one time, believed Christianity to be the Universal Truth. And guess what?...we believed it for many, if not all, of the same reasons you believe it right this second. In other words, we know, "what it's all about". We simply changed our minds. And regarding this "relationship"---the ones that virtually all Christians purport to have---we now realize it was one-way, which was attributed, largely, to self-deception.
Kimmi......I wonder if the only responses I receive will be full of sarcasm and/or anger.
They might; they might not. Relevance?
Kimmi...If you truly want answers, I'll do my best to give them to you and pray that you find the information you're looking for.
What you mean to say, is you'll do your best to give us your opinion, yes? Yes. And BTW, we don't need more "information"; we need evidence, of the objective type.
As for your "prayers"--all of the ritualistic chanting in the world isn't going make such evidence appear, nor will it allow us to repeat the mistake of accepting something on "Faith", ever again. "Faith" is good, for like, cheering for your favorite baseball team---it isn't good for accepting that a bunch of uneducated fisherman were given all the answers to life's greatest questions by the Creator of the Universe, some 2000 years ago. 'Just giving you the heads-up.
Kimmi...If you're just looking for a good fight, let me know, b/c that's certainly not what I'm looking for.
You....came here. You are evidently the one "looking for" something.
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