My Interview on Hannity & Colmes re the Decalogue
By Daniel Morgan Here is the video on YouTube . I wanted to point out a couple of things about the interview for clarification. I was contacted by FoxNews and asked if I would be willing to do this segment. I was not involved in any way with this story before, or besides, this small interview. I am not a lawyer, although they pitted me against one and tacitly framed me that way. The name of our group was mangled by Sean. It's the "Atheist, Agnostic and Freethinking Student Association" at UF. Oh well... I have never been to Dixie County ( map ) before last night. I have never spoken with anyone from Dixie County about the issue before last night. Thus, I am not "actively soliciting" any lawsuits. However, I would like to see someone from the area with the courage to challenge this illegal action on the part of the Dixie County Board of Commissioners . Sean said it was different than AL, and more "in keeping with" the KY and TX cases, although the...