Richard Dawkins talks on Atheism

"There is no such thing as a Christian child, there is only a child of Christian parents. Whenever you hear the phrase Christian child or Muslim child or Protestant child or Catholic child, the phrase should grate like fingernails on a blackboard."


Anonymous said…
The vid won't play on my computer. Dawkins is spot on in the quote.

(A Christian)
Anonymous said…
"There is no such thing as a Christian child, "(True)"there is only a child of Christian parents. (A could be)" Whenever you hear the phrase Christian child or Muslim child or Protestant child or Catholic child, the phrase should grate like fingernails on a blackboard." It does, Its almost like saying a fetus is a child, or a fetus child. "No such thing"

What is a child in the first place?
A child is a human child, aand thats all! "Male or Female"

What is a Christian in the first place?
Roger O'Donnell said…
There is no prima-facie Christian, you muppet... there is only subsequent programming by parents....

Love and light

Anonymous said…
I'm really starting to feel sorry for C...1938. Are you a "CHILD" perhaps?

That would explain ALOT!

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