Michael Moore vs. Fred Phelps

Michael Moore goes after Fred Phelps with his gang of gay men.


Anonymous said…
Too bad there is not a sodomy mobile for every on of Freds hate events.

Anonymous said…
Hot guys. If only I were a man...This makes me wanna get a sex change and ride the big pink bus of freedom! :D
YME said…
The world would be a horrible place without homosexuals. I wonder if god hates homosexual cats and dogs too? Well, either way god doesn't hate them enough to save Fred and his family from being taunted by a gange of homosexual men who sing pretty well. ; ) BTW, AtheistMommy loves fags!
Anonymous said…
I didn't even know sodomy was illegal in the united states. What about separation of church and state since the law is clearly biblically based?
Anonymous said…
Christians = The biggest intolerant hypocritical bigots on the face of the earth...THAT being the only thing about their beliefs that can actually be proven.
Anonymous said…
Too bad V for Vendetta isn't true. All those homo fags should be rounded up and killed by way of scientific testing to further prove evolution. Michael Moore is an A$$ but I must agree, that paster is quite the dip head.

Sean the non-American Irishman. Also a proud member of the Irish Republican Army 8-)
Anonymous said…
Ah, homophobia... is there a more pathetic thing?

The distant moon of Europa, which orbits Jupiter, is covered in ice, but underneath the ice is liquid water, because the moon´s core is active - because of tidal forces caused by the giant planet it orbits. Deep in these lightless and relatively warm, but still very cold oceans, there live blind, featureless worms that feed on bacteria, which feed on chemicals from "black smokers" on the ocean´s bottom. These worms grow very slow and live long, although they have no sense of time since there are no seasons in the lightless, slimy silt on the bottom of thaticy ocean.
Now, there worms of course excrete as well. And there is a species of even smaller and more featureless, sessile organism which feeds on the faeces of these blind, pale worms.
And even these humble, eyeless critters that eat the shit of worms, think homophobes are pathetic losers.

Anyway... more power to Michael Moore. I wish more people would go out and get silly like he does. The more powerful the court, the more desperate a jester is needed.
Anonymous said…
"All those homo fags should be rounded up and killed by way of scientific testing to further prove evolution."

The stupid, it hurts! Take it off! Take it off!
Anonymous said…
God doesn't hate gays,..She's just mad that they found a loop-hole!!
Anonymous said…
Typically I don't like Michael Moore, but I LOVED this. Way to go, MM!
Anonymous said…
Michael Moore does it again. The guy has an acute sense of the absurd and has no qualms about putting himself out there to expose the blatant idiocy of various positions. Was the "sodomobile" a bit over-the-top; you bet. But sometimes it takes one outrageous act to shed light on the absurdity of another.

Fred Phelps and his gang clearly have some serious issues of their own; as offensive and annoying as they are, I don't think they are a real threat to anybody aside from the grieving families they victimize (for which they deserve to be locked up in an asylum, if you ask me). The real threat, in my opinion, is the blatant religiously-motivated claptrap that finds its way into political discourse, and is so frustratingly difficult to eradicate once it has taken root. Case in point: The various "Protection of Marriage" acts rest upon absolutely nothing (at least nothing I have been able to discern) more substantial than religiously-condoned bigotry. What unthinking sophistry to suggest that marriage would become "meaningless" if the same privileges were to be extended to same-sex couples.

As I've said many times, within a century this will all be a non-issue. People will look back at this era with the same disdain that we now feel toward those inexplicable and embarrassingly recent times when women did not have the right to vote and blacks had to sit at the back of the bus. But, if history is any guide, Christians will one day proudly proclaim that it was by their initiative that same-sex marriage became legitimized. Mark my words; it will happen.
TastyPaper said…
Brilliant! I wish I could be there to see the looks on the xtians faces when that bus rolls into town!
Anonymous said…
Does that go for the "christianity" too? Will it be a non-issue one day?We can only pray,...........................
In the name of science ,....amen!
breakerslion said…
"Christians = The biggest intolerant hypocritical bigots on the face of the earth...THAT being the only thing about their beliefs that can actually be proven."

You forgot "...paranoiac delusional bigots...with a passion for minding other people's business that can only be called deliberately insane."

Other than that, good job!

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