My history of cinema teacher is now damned to hell

By Ian

A few hours ago, my history of cinema teacher, according to fundamentalist doctrine, cemented her place in hell for all eternity. She is now, according to doctrine, damned for eternity, condemned to a place of eternal pain, torture, and, if you believe it, fire. She will be eternally separated from God, never again to see her loved ones, to see her friends or family.

She is a kind, cheerful individual who isn't afraid to joke around. She's really a nice, good person who by no means should go to eternal punishment. But alas, according to Christian fundamentalists, she's now damned for eternity.

I don't know if she's a Christian or not, or if she has accepted Jesus as her lord and savior. After what she did, she'll definitely need it.

How do I know that she's damned? Well, go take a look at this survey (warning: Fundamentalist christian ideas ahead designed to scare you, induce guilt, make you feel like a rotten individual, so on and so forth. In other words, typical stuff. Proceed with caution).

If you take the survey (It would be a good idea not to do so), and if you're an honest person, you will no doubt answer truthfully that yes, you have been envious of things others have, that you have had sexual fantasies about women you don't know, and that you've lied about others. What does this bible-themed site have to say about that?
The Bible says if you have broken even one of the commandments you are guilty of breaking all of the law. You, Satan, are a sinner and the punishment is death, an eternity in hell... but wait!!

Before you ask, I entered Satan's name as a joke. But take a closer look at that statement...

The Bible says if you have broken even one of the commandments you are guilty of breaking all of the law.

Doesn't that seem a little odd? If you break even one law, you've broken all of them. That's comparable to saying "Because you've spoken slander about that person and harmed their reputation, you are guilty of slander, murder, theft, grand theft auto, resisting arrest, taking marijuana, taking drugs, harboring illegal immigrants, plotting to assassinate the president..." etc, etc. This type of justice is insane. Yes, you may have committed slander, but you certainly are not guilty of possessing drugs or plotting to assassinate the president. In our society, would it not be a bit crazy if someone broke one law and was thus charged with breaking every single law in the books? That would be insane.

If God is perfect and just...would he really use that same type of justice? Wouldn't his system of justice be better then our own, human made system of justice? Wouldn't it be more fair, more just, and would be reconciling? Wouldn't that make more sense?

One christian friend of mine once told me that the reason we have to accept Jesus is because no faults are allowed in heaven. I have commented on this before, but I will say it again. Wouldn't a perfect God be better then we are? Wouldn't this God be more just?

Doesn't the God found in the bible, in this fundamentalist survey, seem like a really sick, sadistic individual who mercilessly slams down damnation for breaking even one law? Wouldn't a perfect God be...better then that?

The God found in that website (the one with the survey), is without a doubt a man-made invention designed to control people and scare them. No perfect, loving God could possibly condemn people to an eternity in hell simply for making one mistake. And don't pay attention to what fundamentalist apologists say, for there is NO reason to justify it. None whatsoever.

In a way, it's amusing how that survey ends with this:

Now go into the world and live as one who has been rescued from the flames of hell by a merciful Creator! Warn those who rebel against God and bless those who persecute you for it. Take every opportunity to be a blessing to those around you. Live Holy lives because God is Holy.

This holy and merciful creator condemns people to eternal hell for making a single mistake? Well, the christian bible does warn about idols...

You're probably wondering why my teacher is condemned to hell. The answer is...she joked to a student about "God help you if you sign up to re-take a quiz and don't show up! Oh my lord!" And because she took holy, loving and merciful God's name in vain (Lord), she's now going to be ripped apart by demons for all of eternity, as well as possibly be barbecued and roasted alive for all eternity.

And now the big question...does anyone with a rational mind see the problem here?


Anonymous said…
well i took that stupid survey and of coarse i am guilty to them , but what i posted in their "IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO LEAVE A COMMENT" is this .. i hope you enjoy it cause i enjoyed shoving their belief to them ...

"You shall have no other gods but me. most christians are GUILTY of this,since the GOD is the father(creator).. not Jesus.

"You shall not make unto you any graven images."
Most Christians are GUILTY of this ,since you wear a cross and have pictures of angels and jesus (anything above so is below )

"You shall not take the name of the Lord you God in vain."
Most christians are GUILTY of this, since though the centuries christians has procequed non believers using their GODs name.

"You shall remember the Sabbath and keep it holy."
Majority of the christians are GUILTY of this, since the SABBATH is SATURDAY not SUNDAY.

"Honor your mother and father."
Majority of the Christians and even Jesus is GUILTY of this since majority of the Christians do not HONOR THY MOTHER AND FATHER .. even Jesus didnt honor his mother MARY.

"You shall not murder." Maority of christians are GUILTY of this , since they support a war to kill innocent people and i am sure some christians has actually killed an animal or a bug or a spider.

"You shall not commit adultery."
majority of Christians are GUILTY of this, since alot of Christians are divorced and remarried( this is also considered adultery)

"You shall not steal."
Majority of Christians are GUILTY of this, since you support a war which steals other people lands and resources and i am sure your preacher has stoled from his worshippers.

"You shall not bear false witness."
I Majority of Christians are GUILTY of this, since you just Judged me on your stupid survey and well you people judge gays,and single mothers,Poor People, people of other religion ( when you havent a clue what their belief is really about).

"You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor."

majority of christians are GUILTY of this,since they are jealous if a person have a better life and is happy for being themselves or being a non christian.

so really how many of you christians are really going to your lovely hell that you have been saying to alot of people in your life.. oh by the way jesus isnt happy with you all.Since majority of you christian are NOT ALLOWED to JUDGE Non Believers. So Guess what you Christians have broke more then one Law so i guess you will burn in your hell .. and jesus doesnt save hypocritics ..

have a flaming day ..
Anonymous said…
Ian you always write the worst lies about christianity. Have you no life? I mean seriously. You are one angry being. I feel sorry for your spouse (if you have one). You are one rotten dude. Geees I mean seriously I hope people don't read your garbage and take it to heart. You really need to do some soul searching. The fact is Christ is ready and waiting for you to come back. Jesus is Lord and Merry Christmas to you once again!
Anonymous said…
The survey said I was guilty of murder. I never said that!
Anonymous said…
Mike, what "lies" are these you speak of? I assume that you do have proof that they're actual falsehoods and not merely differences of opinion...

...Because you're a True Believer™ who would never, ever bear false witness.

(Yeah, right.)
Ian said…
Well Mike, I used to be a christian, and only after I left did I realize how much fundamentalist evangelical christianity uses fear and threats to keep one in line. Writting these helps me heal. Yes, I do get very angry at times. Sometimes very, very angry, but that's part of being human.

As I said before, writting these articles helps me heal. Expressing your emotions and your thoughts, letting anger and hate pour out of you, can be very healing. And without people like us, your own faith would never be looked at. If this site and others like it did not exist, you would never examine your own faith. It is by questioning, by going beyond what is comfortable for us, that we grow and evolve.

I currently do not have a spouse, seeing as I am still in college. People are free to ignore what I write, but I feel the need to show people that fundamentalism is not all it's cracked up to be. Would Jesus, if he does exist, want false teachings to be shown to others so they can think and realize that something may be wrong in the faith? Would a perfect God want harmful and wrong doctrines to be realized as such, then discarded?
Anonymous said…
Mr. Godfrey,

All I can say is re-read your post to Ian. Look at it critically.

Do you personally know Ian? If not then how can you judge him and call him "one rotten dude" based on a few postings?

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and everyone has the right to think their opinion is the correct one. Personal attacks are not warranted.

Anonymous said…
I took the survey and of course flunked. I was especially impressed in the Flash presentation that followed that most of the buildings in heaven look like giant butt plugs. LMAO
Anonymous said…
You are wrong Ian!

Hours ago, my history of cinema teacher, according to fundamentalist doctrine, cemented her place in hell for all ___(The word Hell and the word Eternity are not in ther original Scriptures, they are man's additions)____ eternity. She is now, according to doctrine,____ (Not according to Biblical Doctrine, Human doctrine maybe butr not God's)____ damned for eternity, condemned to a place of eternal pain, torture, and, if you believe it, fire. She will be eternally separated from God, ___(The fact is, "Ian" we are all separated from the God of the Heavens at present)___never again to see her loved ones, to see her friends or family. (Read: 1. Timothy.4: 10). "then think"

She is a kind, cheerful individual who isn't afraid to joke around. She's really a nice, good person who by no means should go to eternal punishment. ___( She's not)"___ But alas, according to Christian fundamentalists, she's now damned for eternity. "(Christian Fundamentalism is "Apostate", No Truth in it)" Jesus never spoke the word Hell, He spoke in Greek or Chaldee, or Hebrew, No english involved...
Get with it Ian. Study to show yourself approved unto God, and quit listening to bull-shit or as the Apostle Paul would say bull-dung...
Anonymous said…
Mike Godfrey said...
"Ian you always write the worst lies about christianity. Have you no life? I mean seriously. You are one angry being. I feel sorry for your spouse (if you have one). You are one rotten dude. Geees I mean seriously I hope people don't read your garbage and take it to heart. You really need to do some soul searching. The fact is Christ is ready and waiting for you to come back. Jesus is Lord and Merry Christmas to you once again!"

And Mike Godfrey is a liar,

There are over 40 Christs alive today mike, which one is waiting for me to come back? and back to where?
(given that a christ is a generic greek nobleman)
Anonymous said…
Not that that survey is useful anyways, but I find it interesting that the questions are worded as, "Have you ever done this..." or, "Have you ever done that..."

What a ridiculous and unrealistic set of standards! So even small children who haven't yet been fed this crap go the hell for breaking one of these rules one time? Or someone in some poor country who has never even heard of Christianity is doomed to be punished, just for their ignorance? Or if one time in your life you even think about having sex with someone to whom you are not married?

Geez, anyone who believes in the tenacity of these rules and believes that they follow them perfectly is a hypocrite. It almost seems pointless for me even to be posting about this, just because of how ridiculous it is.
Anonymous said…
Everybody would fail this test. Everybody. But thats how the fundies get you. Everybody has done some of those things at one time or another. Why becouse we are human and thats the way "god" made us. How nice of god to make us so flawed and then say but you can do this and you will be saved. All you have to do is believe in a Holy sky daddy. Good person... but dosn't believe in god, goes to hell. Bad person but does believe in god, goes to heaven. I think I'd rather go to hell. Luckily there is a 3rd. opption. We Die. The end. And of course thats the only logical thing happening.
Anonymous said…
D Lauier,.."there are 40 Christs alive today,...yea,and there are at least 17 Christs before Jesus who laid claimed to many of the miracles and traits he possessed.

The word "messiah" also means "anointed one" or king, which was not a big deal back in those days.

All kings were called "messiah"
There was no connotation of deity/divinity in this name.This is a total fabrication of latter day Christians.
Anonymous said…
i love how this mike guy keeps coming back for more! har har har!
Anonymous said…
OMFG, I took the test and at 1:45 I flat-lined and I made it through to Heaven. I saw Billy Graham and Benny Hinn sorting through mountains of cash and Jesus and Mohammad were keeping each of their 72 virgins charmed, God was sitting on top of a big pile of diamonds. There's no Mcdonalds, no pizza, no beer, no fun or laughter. Please I'd rather be in hell!
Anonymous said…
That is why Christ is so great! None of us pass the test! DUH! I hope you guys come back to Christ and leave this bitter website alone. I could sit here and show all the evidence in the world to you and your webmaster and it would never even sink in. The truth is Christ is Lord People. Wake up before it is too late. Don't be confused like your dear webmaster and his followers JC Samuelson, Boomslang, Freedy, Ian, and the rest of these dellusional people. It's not worth it. Christ is LORD! Once again Merry Christmas to you!
Anonymous said…

Please share with me the evidence.

I don't want to be confused.

Anonymous said…
Duh, all have sinned and fall short of the glory of gawd, hello? Most of us know that already on this site.

It's the oldest sales pitch in the universe; set the mark up for failure (are YOU a sinner? OF COURSE you are!) and then sell him the solution to all his problems (Jesus.) Except you really only solve the "problem" that was so thoughtfully provided in the sales pitch (eternal damnation.)

So, eternity is neatly wrapped up, (so they say) but the "solution" is woefully inadequate for the duration of the mortal existence.

Go sell it somewhere else, we don't want any.
Anonymous said…
Oh Dear dear Mike Godfrey please please show us, "The truth is Christ is Lord People" please show us atleast one bit of evidence."

I beg you I'm here with my heart wide open waiting to recieve Jesus into my heart. My heart aches severely for Jesus!!

Please Jesus I beg you to enter my heart, I need you Jesus, oh how I need you Jesus.

Jesus-Jesus where are you?

I want to be saved from Hell today this instant, now!!!

Please Jesus don't let Mike G. look like a liar, let him show us his evidence for your existance.
Anonymous said…
Yeah Mike just show us some evidence that Jesus ever existed, then we'll all gladly convert to christianity tonight.NP
Anonymous said…

If you think this website is so bitter, why do you come here? We have given you all the evidence in the world and it still hasn't sunk in. The truth is not Jesus Christ. Wake up before you die and have wasted your life chained to some imaginary guy. Don't be confused like Ted Haggard or your pastor and his followers or the rest of those delusional people. It's not worth it. Christ is not LORD! Have a wonderful winter!
Anonymous said…
Hi all, I'm the web developer for the survey this post is about. Thank you much Mike for your support and for going out into the world to stand up for Christ.
Jesus has saved me, set me free from so much sin and given me such great reward it's the least I can do to go onto the web and share what I know of him and invite others to join me.
The survey is not itself a judgement of you, but preparation for what will take place when you die. Whether we broke the 10 commandments or not is not relavent, because we've all broken commandments before. Anyone here that is honest will admit that. The only thing that matters is what we do with Jesus. Do you think he was a prophet? Do you think he was a 'good guy' but nothing more? Do you think Jesus was God, come as a child to save us? If the latter then God will look past anything wrong between you and Him and the blood of Jesus will cover that sin. That's all I've come to say. I will not argue any other point or say any more.
Anonymous said…

"I could sit here and show all the evidence in the world to you and your webmaster and it would never even sink in."

All the evidence in the world, eh? I'd be very interested to see this evidence. Care to share it?

You know, I think it's really funny though. You're the one who believes in talking animals & vegetation, angels, demons, and men rising from the dead, and you're saying we are delusional? Somebody needs to lay off the magic mushrooms there, guy.
Dave Van Allen said…
Hi all, I'm the web developer for the survey [...]
The survey is not itself a judgement of you, but preparation for what will take place when you die. Whether we broke the 10 commandments or not is not relavent, because we've all broken commandments before. Anyone here that is honest will admit that.

OK, I admit I've broken the 10 Commandments.

Now, if I'm lucky, I'll live to 85 years old, or thereabouts, and undoubtedly I'll have broken the 10 Commandments a bit more. Assuming I continue at my present rate of sinning, I'll have secretly lusted in my heart for a few thousand women or so, possibly masturbated, told a white lie or two, and lost my temper a few times.

Murder, theft, actual adultery, bearing false witness against someone, coveting... none of these things particularly tempt me. However, regardless of my level of debauchery, I'm wondering why I would deserve to be horrifically tortured in the pits of a burning hell for all eternity because of breaking the 10 Commandments?

I haven't committed any crimes, and even if I had committed crimes, I'd go to prison and serve my time, and eventually be released, depending on the severity of the crime. Yet, because I am a normal human male with some natural weaknesses, I should be tortured for eternity? How does torturing people forever make sense to any modern person? If God is love, wouldn't he want to reform people? Wouldn't he want to meet out a just and fair punishment -- one that fit the crime?

If I live to be 100, I just can't imagine what I might do in the next five decades that would consign me to a fiery pit of horror as a just punishment.

The Christian god is just too primitive in his understanding of justice. He'd fit in good with Bronze Aged people, but he's a bit outmoded.

Thanks anyway.
Ian said…
Web developer of that survey:

Well, I appreciate how you're polite and won't try to argue your points (the world needs more people who act like that), but preaching for Jesus can be a very dangerous thing. There's a quote I once read that said "Why is it that those who are born again makes you wish they were never born in the first place?" I used to be a bible following christian, but after a while, I began to look at other methods of spirituality and discovered that they worked better for me and helped me reach my full potential.

I am still a believer in God, just not the god presented in the bible. I still believe in a spiritual side of life, and that the best way to live is with compassion and forgiveness, not hostility and threats. The more and more I look at fundamentalist christianity, the more and more riddiculious and cruel it becomes. The survey I talk about is threatening in it's tone, which is so typical of fundamentalist christainity these days. It threatens you and warns you, even though they can't prove that we are judged. All they have is a book to go off of. Oh yes, they do have near death experiences, but the vast majority of those talk about a loving, caring, and forgiving God who doesn't care about religion or religious doctrines. Furthermore, the vast majority of these experiences feature no judgement whatsoever, just a review of life. The only person who did any of the judging was the experiencer, not the beings they met, or even God.

Fear and threats will NOT work in the long run, nor will they help people become better. Compassion and understanding are what works.

And for the annonymous who said "you're wrong Ian", I am referring only to the fundamentalist viewpoint in this article, not the moderate or liberal viewpoint (which is desperatly needed in this day and age).
Anonymous said…
>Mike Godfrey
Geees I mean seriously I hope people don't read your garbage and take it to heart.

Hate to disappoint you, dude. Ian's posts are given serious consideration. Yours, however, are sent directly to the loony bin.
Anonymous said…
If God is so perfect, how could it be possible that he could create something imperfect (us) at all?

And as for the survey, I wonder how many of them Christians that made this could take this survey right now and *honestly* get a perfect score? I bet if they do, they are lying.

If you had followed all these rules, you wouldn't survive in the real world very long. Others would smack you around like a lame sheep and have their way with you, leaving you either dead or wishing you were dead. Or you'd end up with psychological and/or phsyical problems for life.
Anonymous said…
Mike Godfrey said...
"That is why Christ is so great!"

Which christ please??

"None of us pass the test!",
Because thats the way its designed,

Same to you asshole

"I hope you guys come back to Christ and leave this bitter website alone.",
You hope I go back to some greek nobleman I never met? Are you implying something?

What "bitter website" are you talking about,?

'I could sit here and show all the evidence in the world to you and your webmaster and it would never even sink in.'
Yes it would actualy,, Or even If you showed ANY evidence, it would "sink in" quite easily, just as your idiotic lies "sink in"

"The truth is Christ is Lord People.",
yes christ is lord, Hattamoto is lord, Bey is lord, Grand Duke is lord,
And your point is ???

"Wake up before it is too late.",
I'm awake already, Too late ? for what??/

Don't be confused,
dont worry, I wont be, despite your feeble efforts.

"like your dear webmaster and his followers JC Samuelson, Boomslang, Freedy, Ian, and the rest of these dellusional people.",
Its not MY webmaster, Its this sites webmaster, and he has no followers, None of the people you named are followers, and none of them are delusional people, In fact they seem tohavea rather firm grip on reality

"It's not worth it.",
whats not worth what??
"Christ is LORD! Once again Merry Christmas to you!",
Hattamoto is LORD! please pull your head out of your ass and comb the shit from your hair!
Anonymous said…
Wow! I am sooooo hell-bound.

I've been found guilty of everything except worshipping graven images. (Good thing! I'm not even sure what a "graven" image is.)

Of course, the main reasons the site says I'm damned, doomed, and utterly depraved is:

• You do not believe that Jesus is the son of God.

• You do not love and serve Jesus.

• You do not believe Jesus is the only way to heaven.

Yep, guilty on all counts and DAMN proud of it! If heaven will be full of people dumb enough and judgemental enough to believe fairytales, like the creator of that rigged survey, I'll take hell any day.
Anonymous said…
Ian, why do you continue believing in that stupid phrase "god"?

Isn't there a better way, to describe what you feel and think about life and the universe itself?

May staying on this side help you figure out...


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