Televangelist Robertson Likely Possessed By Satan

by Valerie Tarico

It appears that televangelist Pat Robertson is in the thrall of Satan, according to spiritual warriors, Drs. Valerie Tarico and Marlene Winell. "It's the only possible explanation," said Tarico. "How else can we make sense of his repeated attempts to humiliate both God and Christianity in the wake of recent natural disasters."

Tarico spotted what she saw as a suspicious pattern after Robertson's recent remarks about Haiti. As people lay dying in the rubble of Tuesday's tragic earthquake and nations around the world scrambled disaster experts, Robertson spoke to the Christian Broadcasting Network's "The 700 Club:" "Something happened a long time ago in Haiti, and people might not want to talk about it," "They were under the heel of the French. You know, Napoleon III, or whatever. And they got together and swore a pact to the Devil. They said, we will serve you if you'll get us free from the French. True story. And so, the Devil said, okay it's a deal." Robertson summed it up: "Ever since, they have been cursed by one thing after the other."

Could this be the work of any old run-of-the-mill demon? "Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven," said Tarico. "When Robertson blamed the Katrina disaster on God, and said He was punishing those poor gray-haired Black people for the sins of their gay neighbors, I thought it might just be human error. All we like sheep have gone astray, you know. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. But suddenly, when I read Robertson's remarks about Haiti, it was like a light blazed down from heaven and a voice spake saying, 'Behold, the Father of Lies.' I picked up the phone and called the only person more familiar with these problems than I am, Dr. Marlene Winell. She confirmed my worst fears."

We spoke with Dr. Winell in her Bay Area office. "Demons need a host, and they can jump from one person to another," she explained. "We know this because Jesus cast demons out of a possessed man and into a herd of pigs. The pigs drowned themselves, the same kind of self-destructive behavior we are seeing in Mr. Robertson. It is possible that he was infected at or around the funeral of Dr. Jerry Falwell. In hindsight we can see that Dr. Falwell was possessed by a similar--possibly the same-- demon."

Back in 2001, when the U.S. was reeling from the Twin Tower bombings, Falwell horrified Christians around the world by blaming the disaster on gays and woman who have had abortions. "The abortionists have got to bear some burden for this because God will not be mocked," Falwell said on The 700 Club television show. "And when we destroy 40 million little innocent babies, we make God mad. I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America. I point the finger in their face and say, 'You helped this happen.'"

Could this be the work of any old run-of-the-mill demon? "I doubt it," said Winell. "Those remarks were broadcast to an enormous audience. Probably tens of thousands of people were turned off of Christianity and the Christian God. I think this is an organized media strategy by Satan himself. We're talking about Beelzebub, the Father of Lies. He's a marketing genius. This is the snake that sold Adam and Eve an apple in trade for paradise."

Winell went on to remind us that "Sarah Palin, as a prominent Christian could easily have been possessed by Satan, like Roberts, but she is deeply vigilant about spiritual warfare. She had the foresight to allow an African Minister to pray over her for protection against witchcraft. Now would be the time for Palin to help Robertson. With her connections, she could arrange an exorcism and then get him the same protection treatment." **

Our reporter pointed out that similar comments have been made by Islamic leaders about natural disasters: "A Saudi professor at Al-Imam University said the devastating tsunami that killed over 150,000 people was Allah's punishment for homosexuality and fornication at Christmastime."These great tragedies and collective punishments that are wiping out villages, towns, cities, and even entire countries are Allah's punishments of the people of these countries, even if they are Muslims," said sheik Fawzan Al-Fawzan. "

Both Tarico and Winell saw this as confirmation of their hypothesis. To quote Tarico, "'Anyone who listens to Reverend Hagee knows that Muslim leaders are controlled by Satan himself. And now you tell me they have been using words that are virtually identical to those of Falwell and Robertson?! Fawzan Al . . . It sounds a lot like Falwell, doesn't it. Look no further."

**Friends of Sarah Palin interested in helping Pat Robertson and defending the honor of Christianity can post this article on her wall at


Marlene Winell is a psychologist and writer in Oakland, California. She is the author of Leaving the Fold: A Guide for Former Fundamentalists and Others Leaving Their Religion. She has a psychotherapy practice and works with people recovering from toxic religion. Valerie Tarico is a psychologist and writer in Seattle, Washington. She is the author of The Dark Side: How Evangelical Teachings Corrupt Love and Truth, and the founder of


Dave Van Allen said…
Horror of horrors! Is it not high time that we bult special Hospitals for such people who represent their god of evil? Then again, it looks like the deity of the Old Testament is very much alive and well - de ja vue! How sad and nauseating. These people all worship such a vindictive, bullying deity - where is Freud to help us out? SICKENING theology from deluded emisarries of GOD IS LOVE (sic).
Dave Van Allen said…
OMG this is so hilarious! I love it!
Dave Van Allen said…
Hmm. If this could be rewritten to omit the atheist sources, or to insert a false attribution, maybe we could get this to go viral on the internet. I certainly have people who spam me with religious crap. If we can get this into the "religious crap" email spam stream, maybe it will catch on!

Anybody up for writing a version of this that does not quote anybody recognizable as an atheist?
Dave Van Allen said…
nice to know there are people that want us to go back to the bronze age (or at least mentally) as fast as possible.
Dave Van Allen said…
lol That was funny and very creative.

I think Pat Robertson has some sort of new geriatric mental illness, sub-heading dementia. Only this one has delusions of grandeur. Oh I've got is! Some demon is eating away at his brain and must be released via holes in the head. lol Just kidding. I would never really want to see anyone go through such a primitive and superstitious procedure.
Dave Van Allen said…
Please tell me this is satire. It's early and I haven't had my coffee yet.
Dave Van Allen said…
Are Tarico and Winell for real? This is a comedy, surely? "Satan", "demons", "Beelzebub"? Hahahahahaha!

I think tens of thousands of intelligent people will get turned off Christianity when they read this rubbish!
Dave Van Allen said…
Don't panic. Drs. Tarico and Winell are atheists and frequent contributors here.
Dave Van Allen said…
Bravo, Valerie. Your argument makes at least as much sense as those of the Bible's scribes.

I can hear some detractor in the Bible Belt sniping, "Her words are clever, but I bet you she can't turn a shepherd's staff into a snake. So there!"
Dave Van Allen said…
My family and I were displaced and financially affected by Hurricane Katrina, so I take offense when people claim we somehow "had it coming" for the sins of America (or New Orleans). We got off relatively easy-I imagine these insults would be greatly magnified in people who lost everything.

My ex-mother-in-law said that Mary was interceding for us but "more prayer was needed to avert the tragedy" or something like this. Yes, I even have attended the mass where one of the "children" (now adult) tells us what Mary is saying to us through him. I expected to feel something in that room or a imperceivable sensation as I knelt for 20 minutes, but nothing. Just a pain in my knees.

The Xtian nature of God always confounds me; "God is love." "God is slow to anger and abounding in kindness." And yet when something awful happens--a fire, a hurricane, or earthquake--"He works in mysterious ways." That makes no sense. What makes even less sense is when people attribute these natural disasters to his anger; they are called NATURAL by their very definitions-not God's vengeance.

If one is to follow the flawed logic here, I assume that all nations lying on a fault-line, sitting by a large body of water/volcano, or near mountains can expect the wrath of god to be has nothing to do with the proximity to dangerous geography, right?
Dave Van Allen said…
This is great, Valerie. My only fear is that some people might read it and miss the fact that it's satire.
Dave Van Allen said…
Some things simply cannot be made idiot-proof, but that's no reason to deny the rest of us a good laugh.
Dave Van Allen said…
this must be satire, but the danger should not be overlooked. people with god on their side can commit atrocities with good conscience, and we should fear that. they feell as though they have some divine right which can make such things as natural disasters, genocide, and inhumaninty in general seem like correct decisions.. anyways, my heart reaches out to all hated by said televangelist... except for the dirty sinful gays. XD
Dave Van Allen said…
Yes, and some of the best satire I've seen yet, because I got it. lol I don't usually get satire, but I got this one. :)
Dave Van Allen said…
I agree with WizenedSage. Valerie and Marlene are fine, just clowning around and poking fun. :)
Dave Van Allen said…
Nope. Some Bile Belters are having a conniption over it, I'm sure. lol
Dave Van Allen said…
I don't know. I don't usually get satire, but I got this and thought it was a riot. :)
Dave Van Allen said…
Yes, it is satire. Coming from the source, I would not take it too seriously. Just laugh, which is what it is meant for- a good laugh.
Dave Van Allen said…
This is too awesome for words. Well done~!
Dave Van Allen said…
Robertson is a caricature of himself. This latest idiocy is just a confirmation of it. It also confirms that the people who fund his 'ministry' are brain dead but otherwise ok.
Dave Van Allen said…
(Pounding on the desk.) I've been saying this exact thing for thirty damn years!
Dave Van Allen said…
We need to perform an Exorcism on Brother Robertson!

Dear Father God Jesus, We ask thee in your Holy Name to remove Satan and his league of sinful angels from the confines of Brother Robertson's sick and deluded mind. We know he has constant thoughts of the same sex and molestation of little children constantly flowing in his sick and perverted mind. We know that only through the name of JESUS can we remove the evil and wickedness that dwells in Brother Robertsons demented mind...Out with you Devil!....Come out you bastard, Satan!!! Spill out that ole demon!!! Thank you JEBUS!!!!

How anyone can take that jackass serious is beyond me!

You can bet he won't go down there to Haiti and get his pretty fingernails dirty or his pretty shoes dirty either or mess up his pretty beauty parlor hair out of place up either.
Dave Van Allen said…
oh baby you better believe i had a chuckle or two, but the sad part is that some poor misguided SOB believes this guy. IDK, it is just something in the back of my mind. ty 4 da feed.
Dave Van Allen said…
Yeah, I have seen maps showing the fault lines in Haiti. That quake was bound to happen sooner or later. Of course, god put the fault lines there--probably right after Haiti made that pact with the devil.
Dave Van Allen said…
You missed the part where he said, "True story!" How would he know unless he was there, right? ;)
Dave Van Allen said…
Here is another perspective on the tragedy in Haiti.

How is this for delusional? This is well worth reading, for it show you how much contempt modern Christianity really has for the individual. This Pastor actually says all humans deserve to die!

This is a key excerpt:

Evil and suffering constitute prima facie evidence that there is a God. The fact that we even care about such things in the world argues strongly for the existence of God...

How is that for a load of BS. Christianity defines particular activity as "evil" and then claims that its existence proves God exists.

BTW, this is the same guy who wants $130 million to build his temple in downtown Dallas, Texas. I will be shocked if he finds enough saps to pay for his temple.
Dave Van Allen said…
Thanks! We figured all you spiritual warriors would recognize the truth in this the moment you saw it.
Dave Van Allen said…
As I was watching the news yesterday, one of the headlines they said to draw viewers in was "Haitians and their unshakeable faith." I watched the broadcast and was astounded in a sense how all over Haiti, groups of people who have been devastated by the earthquake were in the streets with their hands raised and tears in their eyes singing worship songs. In one sense I understand people wanting to draw together and sing, but why do people (not just Haitians) feel so compelled to worship after a tragedy? I'm aware many of the people don't believe that God caused the earthquake, but I'm pretty sure they believe in an all-powerful God who could have prevented it or at least help alleviate the suffering that they are enduring at this very moment. He "could" supernaturally rescue the children and others who are trapped in the rubble, yet He does not. And yet..people are still inspired to worship this apathetic God. In not so recent news a little girl had been abducted, raped, and then murdered. Family, friends, and neighbors were gathered outside of the house after this news had been revealed, held hands, and sang "Jesus loves me." I don't get it. But then, I put myself in their shoes in the face of extreme devastation. I'm sure there is a longing to get outside of oneself in a sense and I guess maybe worship and prayer is a tool to do that with. What is the "logical" response to that need and longing when devastation has occurred and you in some way need to detach? I'm curious because I wonder how I would fulfill that need without recoiling back to the only method I've been taught and know, especially when the masses around me would probably be doing that.
Dave Van Allen said…
Half of me thinks it's a bonding activity, something to do as a group, for a temporary reprieve from the suffering around you.
The bitter, cynical, and generally more accurate half of me thinks it's along the lines of, "Please God, we love you. We didn't mean to make you angry. Please don't hit us again; we don't like it when we make you hurt us."
Dave Van Allen said…
"BTW, this is the same guy who wants $130 million to build his temple in downtown Dallas, Texas. I will be shocked if he finds enough saps to pay for his temple."

After that comment, he'll probably raise twice that amount in the next week. He's giving his flock exactly what they want to hear; make them feel better without having to think too much.
Dave Van Allen said…
I can't explain it. Even when I was a kid I'd be uncomfortable being around people who were singing god's praises after a tragedy (a 6-year-old girl died after a 4-year battle with leukemia. If a god allowed this beautiful child to suffer all her life, only to let her die of pneumonia after a successful bone marrow transplant, it does not deserve praise!)
Dave Van Allen said…
With all this talk about Pat Robertson, I was reminded of the days when he teamed-up with Anita Bryant. Remember her? She was the former Miss America and later a spokesperson for Florida orange juice. The she and Pat Robertson when on a big "kill the queers" campaign. As a result, she was fired as spokesperson for Florida orange juice and replaced by a talking ham sandwich. Can you imagine a more humiliating career blow, being replaced with lunch meat.
Dave Van Allen said…
I would rather listen to the sandwich, for sure. She really made me mad back then!
Dave Van Allen said…
Anita Bryant also got a pie thrown in her face at a press conference.

Here it is:
Dave Van Allen said…
Anita Bryant also got a pie thrown in her face at a press conference.

Here it is:
Dave Van Allen said…
I find his comments revolting. Telling people we all deserve death because we are stained with sin from our very conception is morbid. Imagine the psychological impact on a child after being told he or she is going to Hell unless they repent and accept religious doctrine as truth without being given any proof.
Dave Van Allen said…
That was great. I had forgotten about that. And then someone with her says, "Let us pray for them." She and her ilk were trying to "get rid of homosexuals", as she put it---and they think it is the homosexuals who need to be prayed for.
Dave Van Allen said…
Thanks for the link, I had never seen that before. Nice how they stopped to pray for the guy--as we know, that fixes everything...
Dave Van Allen said…
imagine?! I don't have to imagine it. I lived it!
Dave Van Allen said…
And let us not forget oh-so-holy Ms. Bryant, the defender of the
family, divorced her husband Bob Green in 1980. Aren't Xians not
supposed to do that? Maybe if she had paid more attention to her
marriage and less time persecuting those whose "crime" was simply
having a different sexual orientation it might have worked out
Dave Van Allen said…
As Chef from South Park would say, "Stan, God feeds on our tears. He needs them to live."
Dave Van Allen said…
Dr. Tarico's Book "The Dark Side: How Evangelicals Corrupt Love and Truth" is an awesome book if you haven't had a chance to read it. I got it a couple of months ago and rather enjoyed it!
Dave Van Allen said…
The concentration camps of the God's Dominion Party would be populated not only with gays and Jews but also with people like you and me: atheists, agnostics, humanists. Not to mention, there would be plenty of camps for the Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox Christians, Jehovah's Witnesses, Scientologists, Mormons (unless the fundies formed an alliance of political expediency with them), pagans ... the list goes on.
Dave Van Allen said…
Thank you, I will! I've just finished reading Jesus Never Existed ( fantastic book! Must be time for another. :)
Dave Van Allen said…
This is true and I feel dreadfully sorry for them, the problem is, that poor misguided SOB maybe my mother. I rather not think about that.
Dave Van Allen said…
You can absolutely bank on it. Don't doubt it for a nanosecond. This is why they are so dangerous.
Dave Van Allen said…
You're welcome and it was great. lol
Dave Van Allen said…
lol That was funny. Slapstick, gotta love it. :D It could have been worse, so Anita should be glad that was all she got.
Dave Van Allen said…
Nah, let us pray for them. Pray that they evolve and act like real humans instead of hateful people. lol Pray thee that ye get intelligence which rids thee of thy delusions.
Dave Van Allen said…
lisa, it just goes to show you how very deep the delusion is.
Watching CNN today, and watching the Haitian's give praise to " God ", and thanking him ( ! ) just reinforces my dismay over just how powerful that " Jesus drug " really is. It's just sad.
Dave Van Allen said…
And they can't see that God, any god, had nothing to do with it. What is there to thank a god for? It seems to me a bit selfish to thank such a deity for their lives and their family's lives when so many people died from the quake. Praying for survivors also seems a bit selfish, esp when the survivors need to be thinking about possible survivors buried under rubble and working to save their lives, not their souls. Such prayers seem not only selfish, but futile, esp when they need to be putting their very human effort to help others.
Dave Van Allen said…
Actually I believe it was her husband, Bob Green, who said something about forgiveness/prayer and then later off camera punched the pie thrower in the face.
Dave Van Allen said…
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...loved it.
Dave Van Allen said…
They'd definitely team up with the Mormons. All that money!
Dave Van Allen said…
If it is also in the Huffington Post (this one is), I often Facebook it so my church friends might read it...because I know they won't if the see the link to
Dave Van Allen said…
Hilarious! I like being able to post the Huffington Post link of this on my Facebook wall without being concerned that my old church friends would delete it and me if I put a link to it on this site. Thank you :>)
Dave Van Allen said…
Mriana....I know. I always wonder about the hold that belief has on people who praise & thank "God" after that "God" has allowed their lives to be ruined. Is it out and out fear of "God", that he may do them in too, down the road, if they don't kiss his feet ? It's late now, and my brain is getting a little foggy, but even in the light of day, I still can't figure it out or understand this " praise & thanks "
Dave Van Allen said…
To be honest, I can't figure it out either. IF it were a human abuser, they'd have him/her behind bars or at least divorcing him/her. It makes no sense at all.
Dave Van Allen said…
Great satire !

I always enjoy reading your contributions to this website.
Dave Van Allen said…
Ah... Pat... who never made it out of his pubescent mid-life crisis; he chose to be a professional bully, because it's unfair for people to have meaningful lives, if he can't.
Dave Van Allen said…
That sounds about right. Hahaha
Dave Van Allen said…
Obviously he put them there 6010 years ago when he created the world. Duh. You should lnow that! But since he is omniscient he knew the little basterds would make a pack with satan so he prolly put in a few more for good measure.

Damn pat is a fucking idiot. If people 200 or whatever years ago made a pack with satan why didn't god kill those people then? The flawed logic of the megalomaniacal xians scares me.
Dave Van Allen said…
I got on my knees and started praying for pat robertson's exorcism the moment I read this!
Dave Van Allen said…
I think it has to do with the pyschological effects of religion. Going into a trance like worship state where you focus entirely on god is a negative coping mechanism that people use to take their minds off of the here and now.

In short, they take a trip to la-la-land.
Dave Van Allen said…
Dang, I forgot the omniscient thingy.
Dave Van Allen said…
I must confess it took Tackerie's question to completely reassure me...
Dave Van Allen said…
Well, let me assure you, I don't, as a rule, get satire. Part of what helped was me knowing the source of the humour. Knowing what I know of Valerie and Marlene, it was easy for me to spot that they were joking. Not sure if that helps you any though.
Dave Van Allen said…

The xian mind-virus, from which PR suffers is not a geriatric mental illness, but can strike at almost any time of life.

Sad, but true.

Dave Van Allen said…
Yes, but it is subtly different or changes when manifested in geriatrics.
Dave Van Allen said…
I see. I was unaware of the geriatric variant strain.

I suppose it makes sense, as certain entrenched, but previously suppressed opinions/beliefs are expressed as the bitterness of failure colours their feelings of worthlessness and strengthens their anger at their god's lack of real interest.

Hence, they feel the need to create ludicrous and logically impossible scenarios as PR has recently done.

Yes, the syndrome becomes clearer and more inevitable in the geriatric/senile xian, the more I think about it. Thank you for bringing it to my attnetion - I look forward to reading your paper on the subject when you publish.


Dave Van Allen said…
lol And let us not forget, a more profound belief in an afterlife due to imminent death coming for them any day.
Dave Van Allen said…
As I understand it, he was going to destroy Haiti when they made
that pact with the devil, but he was so far behind schedule with his
mass annihilations in other parts of the world, he didn't get around
to it until this year.
Dave Van Allen said…
Dave Van Allen said…
My immediate reaction when reading this was. "So is this the same demon which possessed samuel when he told Saul to kill every single amelekite, or the demon which caused Jesus to curse entire cities for that matter."
Dave Van Allen said…
That is what you might call a strong motivator, I suppose.
Dave Van Allen said…
Did anyone ever consider the possibility that Pat is actually an undercover atheist who is trying to kill Xtianity from the inside while making a ton of money at the same time? Brilliant strategy, but if it's true i hope he's secretly sending some aid to Haiti to make up for his hateful speech.
Dave Van Allen said…
Hey Joe,

With your musical prowess and my past association with con-men preachers and evangelists, I'll bet we could put together a real money making ministry (hey, 3M ministries....catchy).

We could be multi-millionaires within months!

Of course we would have to become completely, despicable pieces of shit.............yeah, I guess I'll pass.

How's it going in China?

XPD (Ex-Pastor Dan)
Dave Van Allen said…
Certainly! What already delusional elderly person wants to just out and out die, instead of living forever and ever, with their beloved sky-god?
Dave Van Allen said…
Thanks for the laugh. I needed to hear a fresh perspective.
My mom's convinced Satan is using the media to make Christians look bad. After all, the only time they quote Robertson is when he's says something insensitive. When he's says something smart (she didn't give an example) they ignore him. See it's all part of the media's liberal bias against Christians! This just proves Christians are the real victim here (as always).
Dave Van Allen said…
Oh, I agree 100%. These so called Christians (especially Evangelists) are leading this country down the path of destruction. Their right-wing, Republican, pro-Corporate (i.e. pro money) yet anti-social reforms for the good of the people go against Christian values. They're teaching Americans that money is more important than a human life! (1 Timothy 6:10 - "the love of money is the root of all evil") And per Biblical history, just as GOD chastised Israel, he chastises this country as well. Just look back through American history. But in my opinion, things are only going to get worse.
Don't believe me. Believe the word of GOD!
Dave Van Allen said…
After going over Palin's many public responses to the media, I'm thoroughly convinced that she's possessed. Pay close attention to her wordings within her comments. She tries desperately to sound intelligent yet her sentences come out sounding like legal mish-mash. If you look back at her educational record, she never attended enough schooling (let alone got decent grades) to learn half of the 'big' words she attempts to use in her comments.
Everything she says sounds like an attempt to 'mask' or 'cover over' what the actual question was that was posed to her.
She constantly tries to divert the attention via her comments with deception. And yes, I know that is a typical politician 'thing'. But Sarah does it in a manner that is so above stupidity that one wonders... is she 'really' saying that?
Dave Van Allen said…
AMEN !!!!!

Also -- why do these “Evangelicals” (who, by the way have hijacked
the Christian ‘Faith’ in America from those who most would call
'the TRUE Followers of Christ' — making it into a “religion” of
both ‘worshipping-mammon and legislating-morality’) seem
to arrogantly think that God is so ready and willing to “punish
America for all the aborted babies” — and YET also somehow
manage to believe that God is (perfectly accepting of and)
NOT at all willing to “punish America for any of the …?

1) American Indians murdered for their land;

2) People (of all “races”) held in slavery (chattel,
indentured-servitude, debt, wage, etc.) in the nation;

3) Abused and exploited vulnerable people
(children, women, elderly, sickly, poor, etc.)

3) Rape and destruction of the ecology
(not to mention corporate-welfare
at the expense of the most needy);

4) Miscarriages of justice in the courts;

5) etc. and so on.” ?!?!?!?!

Why do they honestly (and arrogantly — not to
mention ‘unscripturally’) think that God is ONLY
concerned with the things that “bother them”?!?!?!

In my opinion — those aborted fetuses will have a long line
GROUPS IN AMERICA) to stand behind — before they get
their chance to present their “demands to God for justice”.

Also — why does it seem that the very same people who are
against gender right’s, reproductive rights; sexual rights;
work wage rights, education rights; social rights; equality
rights; etc. — often seem to have ‘no problem’ at all with
the many other SAD FACTS ABOUT AMERICA (such as
the past slavery/segregation-system; the destruction of
98% of the indigenous-people of the land; etc. and so
on -- NONE OF WHICH the nation, as a whole, nor
any of it's leadership has EVER repented of; asked
God to forgive/pardon; or attempted to 'make amends').

Seriously … talk about cherry-picking of ‘abominations’!

They are simply Unbelieveable !!!!

Dave Van Allen said…


If Christ walked the earth today - those so-called
Evangelical "christians" would be the-first-in-line to
shun, persecute, discriminate against & crucify Him
-- "after all (they'd say to each other) ... He's asking
for it ... just look at the kind of people He has the
gall to see as call His friends, to care about and
openly associate with -- fornicators, adulterers,
non-religious people; the disabled, poor people,
foreigners, immigrants, gay people, single people,
women, people with kids; & maybe even worse."

Never in my life have I witnessed a more non-Christian
(i.e. non-'Christ-like') and more 'anti-Christ' (i.e. against
Christ) group than the infamous Evangelicals (who have
literally hijacked that particular 'faith'; raped it of it's true
purpose; robbed it of it's truths; & maimed it to the point
that it's unrecognizable as anything associated with Christ).

They are about the worst, most hypocritical people that I
have ever encountered -- and to answer their question of
"What Would Jesus DO?" -- I can tell them one thing that
I am sure He would NOT do and that's associate Himself
with the Evangelicals found in the U.S. & western world.

Dave Van Allen said…
That is what you might call a strong motivator, I suppose.
Dave Van Allen said…
You missed the part where he said, "True story!" How would he know unless he was there, right? ;)
Dave Van Allen said…
Thanks! We figured all you spiritual warriors would recognize the truth in this the moment you saw it.
Dave Van Allen said…
As I was watching the news yesterday, one of the headlines they said to draw viewers in was "Haitians and their unshakeable faith." I watched the broadcast and was astounded in a sense how all over Haiti, groups of people who have been devastated by the earthquake were in the streets with their hands raised and tears in their eyes singing worship songs. In one sense I understand people wanting to draw together and sing, but why do people (not just Haitians) feel so compelled to worship after a tragedy? I'm aware many of the people don't believe that God caused the earthquake, but I'm pretty sure they believe in an all-powerful God who could have prevented it or at least help alleviate the suffering that they are enduring at this very moment. He "could" supernaturally rescue the children and others who are trapped in the rubble, yet He does not. And yet..people are still inspired to worship this apathetic God. In not so recent news a little girl had been abducted, raped, and then murdered. Family, friends, and neighbors were gathered outside of the house after this news had been revealed, held hands, and sang "Jesus loves me." I don't get it. But then, I put myself in their shoes in the face of extreme devastation. I'm sure there is a longing to get outside of oneself in a sense and I guess maybe worship and prayer is a tool to do that with. What is the "logical" response to that need and longing when devastation has occurred and you in some way need to detach? I'm curious because I wonder how I would fulfill that need without recoiling back to the only method I've been taught and know, especially when the masses around me would probably be doing that.
Dave Van Allen said…
Half of me thinks it's a bonding activity, something to do as a group, for a temporary reprieve from the suffering around you.
The bitter, cynical, and generally more accurate half of me thinks it's along the lines of, "Please God, we love you. We didn't mean to make you angry. Please don't hit us again; we don't like it when we make you hurt us."
Dave Van Allen said…
Certainly! What already delusional elderly person wants to just out and out die, instead of living forever and ever, with their beloved sky-god?
Dave Van Allen said…
nice to know there are people that want us to go back to the bronze age (or at least mentally) as fast as possible.
Dave Van Allen said…
To be honest, I can't figure it out either. IF it were a human abuser, they'd have him/her behind bars or at least divorcing him/her. It makes no sense at all.
Dave Van Allen said…
Great satire !

I always enjoy reading your contributions to this website.
Dave Van Allen said…
Horror of horrors! Is it not high time that we bult special Hospitals for such people who represent their god of evil? Then again, it looks like the deity of the Old Testament is very much alive and well - de ja vue! How sad and nauseating. These people all worship such a vindictive, bullying deity - where is Freud to help us out? SICKENING theology from deluded emisarries of GOD IS LOVE (sic).
Dave Van Allen said…
OMG this is so hilarious! I love it!
Dave Van Allen said…
Hmm. If this could be rewritten to omit the atheist sources, or to insert a false attribution, maybe we could get this to go viral on the internet. I certainly have people who spam me with religious crap. If we can get this into the "religious crap" email spam stream, maybe it will catch on!

Anybody up for writing a version of this that does not quote anybody recognizable as an atheist?
Dave Van Allen said…
This is hilarious.... also, check out my video on the subject:
Dave Van Allen said…
This is hilarious.... also, check out my video on the subject:

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