Why I Am Not A Christian Anymore

by Evid3nc3

I explain my life as a born-again Christian, my deconversion, and my life as an atheist. In the deconversion section, I will show how evidence, reason, and experiences related to prayer, morality, deconverted Christians, the Bible, and my relationship with God Himself all lead to my eventual inability to believe anymore.

The author of this series of videos (Evid3nc3) is a PhD candidate in Intelligent Systems (a sub-discipline of Computer Science); his focus is on evidence-justified beliefs and their argumentation as a means of conflict resolution both in computational and human systems.

This 11-part video series simply continues to get better and better with each new section. Take the time to view the entire series. You'll be glad you did -- webmdave


Dave Van Allen said…
Look forward too it!
Dave Van Allen said…
I'll watch them all.
Dave Van Allen said…
Although this series is not even complete yet, it is the most elegantly crafted and well thought-out presentation of deconversion from Christianity I have seen on the internet so far. It is hard to fathom the amount time and effort that went into making such high-quality videos. I strongly recommend it to any thinking person, whether you are religious or not.

For those interested in watching the whole thing, you need to be on the actual Youtube site to access the links to the rest of the videos.
Dave Van Allen said…
So articulate and well thought out. An excellent piece of work.
Dave Van Allen said…
The videos are most excellent! I'll look forward to viewing the parts yet to come.
My journey as an unraveling believer began about 2 years ago when I encountered a sect of Christianity that seemed to have taken the simulation to new heights, but in actuality had been as it was for nearly 2000 years. The experience was with the Eastern Orthodox Church. This is Chritianity before Luther and before the Catholic church. Origins of it's development around (300 AD). It was in this ancient church that I thought I would find the truest expression of Christianity because of it's unchanging thread through history. What I found was a church full of extra Biblical tales, ritual, super saints, superstition and idolotry. After experiencing this, I began to question all Christianity. If millions of people could take their beliefs down such bizarre roads at such an early time in the history of the church, then I have to believe it might all be simulations to explain our desires and existance. Taking a step back, I started to see some of the same biblical discrepancies talked about in the videos.
Thank you for recording somehting that I tend to find difficult to express.
I'm just starting to accept that my examinations and reasoning and tthinking outside of the belief in a personal God is not just OK, but a good thing for me.
Dave Van Allen said…
After watching all 11 videos I am amazed at the similarities of his story to mine.

I am very excited to hear the rest of his story as he continues to finish up the videos over the coming months!
Dave Van Allen said…
When he finishes I want a DVD copy of the entire production!
Dave Van Allen said…
Evid3nc3, excellent EXtimony!

After watching the first eleven segments, I am impressed and craving more. The visuals complimented your gentle and concise narration well, without distracting from your spoken message. You would probably do very well as an author, for a shy person you present your information convincingly.

You were fortunate to have met the professor, it is inspiring to deal with superior intellects, especially those who possess the degree of humility he demonstrated. I know that a journey to the local library is in my near future, as you have inspired me.
Dave Van Allen said…
Really interesting and well done. The last part available to watch was on simulation right? Definitely interested in hearing the rest. I love that professor too. How gracious of him to look out for your best interest as he engaged you in this conversation and kind of him to not resort to putting down or mocking what I'm sure he considered your idiotic beliefs. Humble and kind-hearted to not steam roll you with his superior knowledge..a true teacher..one who facilitates and inspires learning. I'm looking forward to the rest. The background music really enhances the video.
Dave Van Allen said…
Terrific stuff.
Dave Van Allen said…
Same here; it is definitely something I would want to view multiple times.

Also, I need to correct myself: you actually do not need to be on youtube to view the other videos. Oops.
Dave Van Allen said…
Really good production and presentation. Over 15 years ago, I decided I would produce a video of my for my own funeral. Seven or eight years ago I decided I would do all the speaking on video. (I don't want some preacher who doesn't know me saying a bunch of trite and probably inaccurate cliches and crap.) So your videos are not only good in the information, but you have given me some great ideas and motivation to get on with the project. This is very interesting to watch. I look forward to the rest of the series.
Dave Van Allen said…
Kind of reminds me of another favorite, Julia Sweeney's "Letting Go of God" only not funny and with a more relaxing narration. I am very impressed. What a wonderfully non confrontational message.
Dave Van Allen said…
Well you were right webmdave, this was an excellent montage of the journey from devout christian to agnostic to atheist. I am looking forward to the final episodes! Please post them here. We do appreciate your hard work in keeping this website current and relevant.

With much appreciation,

Dave Van Allen said…
Hi Marilyn -

While deconversion is not for the faint of heart - lots of family and relational issues to deal with - we have found that the cliched sayings of fundamentalist chrisianity are most fully understood once you leave; born again, unconditional love, eyes being opened, etc. are all things that will happen once you leave the mind control of religion.


Dave Van Allen said…
thank you.
thank you.
thank you.

where's the rest?

this so sounds like to story of my life. i have just started my path to enlightenment AKA deconversion.
Dave Van Allen said…
Excellent! Thanks webmdave!

This was a great example of why I come to this site. It is a vault of treasures that are worth more than anything the church ever had to offer! How can you put a value on knowledge?!

Terrific, simply terrific!!!

XPD (Ex-Pastor Dan)
Dave Van Allen said…
I am very sad for him. I am an ex-atheist that has become a believer. I understand where is coming from and I pray that he would once again turn to God. God loves all of you even if you dont love Him. I am not saying this to start an argument but to tell you that I care about the man who wrote this video and for all of you. We can debate logic and science all day but one day death will take us all. Where will you go?
Dave Van Allen said…
Joe - Did you watch all of the Videos? Why would someone who has gone through years of agonizing, soul-searching and research to come out of christianity (who never wanted to come out, but was defending it) just 'turn back to God' because you said a prayer?

I think you are a deluded liar. Unless you mean that you were an atheist in the sense that we are all born atheist. I don't buy it!

Come back to reality, Joe. Come back to sanity. Come back to TRUTH. Come back to Atheism.

I will pray to the Madrona Tree outside of my window for your 'salvation'.

XPD (Ex-Pastor Dan)
Dave Van Allen said…
Where will I go, Joe? Exactly the same place that you and the sundry Christians, Muslims, Jews, Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists, pagans, atheists, agnostics, dogs, cats, ladybugs and skinks go. We will all simply cease to exist as "ourselves" and the stuff that makes up our physical bodies will eventually become something else.

A supernatural after-life paradise is highly unlikely, and in My opinion not worth seeking. Live your life, learn lots of new things, explore your surroundings, help others when you can, and don't get too attached to whoever you think you are.
Dave Van Allen said…
Really good production and presentation. Over 15 years ago, I decided I would produce a video of me speaking, to be played at my own funeral. Seven or eight years ago I decided I would do all the speaking on video. (I don't want some preacher who doesn't know me saying a bunch of trite and probably inaccurate cliches and crap.) So your videos are not only good in the information you present, but you have also given me some great ideas and motivation to get on with the project. This is very interesting to watch. I look forward to the rest of the series.

Both my parents died recently, my sweem Mom four years ago and my Dad in July '08. So I have a little more freedom to actually say what I need to say. Thanks for posting this.
Dave Van Allen said…
Same here; it is definitely something I would want to view multiple times.

Also, I need to correct myself: you actually do not need to be on youtube to view the other videos. Oops.
Dave Van Allen said…
Terrific stuff.
Dave Van Allen said…
Really interesting and well done. The last part available to watch was on simulation right? Definitely interested in hearing the rest. I love that professor too. How gracious of him to look out for your best interest as he engaged you in this conversation and kind of him to not resort to putting down or mocking what I'm sure he considered your idiotic beliefs. Humble and kind-hearted to not steam roll you with his superior knowledge..a true teacher..one who facilitates and inspires learning. I'm looking forward to the rest. The background music really enhances the video.
Dave Van Allen said…
Although this series is not even complete yet, it is the most elegantly crafted and well thought-out presentation of deconversion from Christianity I have seen on the internet so far. It is hard to fathom the amount time and effort that went into making such high-quality videos. I strongly recommend it to any thinking person, whether you are religious or not.

For those interested in watching the whole thing, you need to be on the actual Youtube site to access the links to the rest of the videos.
Dave Van Allen said…
Although this series is not even complete yet, it is the most elegantly crafted and well thought-out presentation of deconversion from Christianity I have seen on the internet so far. It is hard to fathom the amount time and effort that went into making such high-quality videos. I strongly recommend it to any thinking person, whether you are religious or not.

For those interested in watching the whole thing, you need to be on the actual Youtube site to access the links to the rest of the videos.
Dave Van Allen said…
Evid3nc3, excellent EXtimony!

After watching the first eleven segments, I am impressed and craving more. The visuals complimented your gentle and concise narration well, without distracting from your spoken message. You would probably do very well as an author, for a shy person you present your information convincingly.

You were fortunate to have met the professor, it is inspiring to deal with superior intellects, especially those who possess the degree of humility he demonstrated. I know that a journey to the local library is in my near future, as you have inspired me.
Dave Van Allen said…
You can download the videos from You Tube and burn them on a disc. I went to www.keepvid.com and put the URL from each of the 11 videos in and saved them onto a cd.

You don't have to download any software, just put the url in the text box and hit download, then choose the quality you want to save it in.
Dave Van Allen said…
When he finishes I want a DVD copy of the entire production!
Dave Van Allen said…
When he finishes I want a DVD copy of the entire production!
Dave Van Allen said…
After watching all 11 videos I am amazed at the similarities of his story to mine.

I am very excited to hear the rest of his story as he continues to finish up the videos over the coming months!
Dave Van Allen said…
The videos are most excellent! I'll look forward to viewing the parts yet to come.
My journey as an unraveling believer began about 2 years ago when I encountered a sect of Christianity that seemed to have taken the simulation to new heights, but in actuality had been as it was for nearly 2000 years. The experience was with the Eastern Orthodox Church. This is Chritianity before Luther and before the Catholic church. Origins of it's development around (300 AD). It was in this ancient church that I thought I would find the truest expression of Christianity because of it's unchanging thread through history. What I found was a church full of extra Biblical tales, ritual, super saints, superstition and idolotry. After experiencing this, I began to question all Christianity. If millions of people could take their beliefs down such bizarre roads at such an early time in the history of the church, then I have to believe it might all be simulations to explain our desires and existance. Taking a step back, I started to see some of the same biblical discrepancies talked about in the videos.
Thank you for recording somehting that I tend to find difficult to express.
I'm just starting to accept that my examinations and reasoning and tthinking outside of the belief in a personal God is not just OK, but a good thing for me.
Dave Van Allen said…
The videos are most excellent! I'll look forward to viewing the parts yet to come.
My journey as an unraveling believer began about 2 years ago when I encountered a sect of Christianity that seemed to have taken the simulation to new heights, but in actuality had been as it was for nearly 2000 years. The experience was with the Eastern Orthodox Church. This is Chritianity before Luther and before the Catholic church. Origins of it's development around (300 AD). It was in this ancient church that I thought I would find the truest expression of Christianity because of it's unchanging thread through history. What I found was a church full of extra Biblical tales, ritual, super saints, superstition and idolotry. After experiencing this, I began to question all Christianity. If millions of people could take their beliefs down such bizarre roads at such an early time in the history of the church, then I have to believe it might all be simulations to explain our desires and existance. Taking a step back, I started to see some of the same biblical discrepancies talked about in the videos.
Thank you for recording somehting that I tend to find difficult to express.
I'm just starting to accept that my examinations and reasoning and tthinking outside of the belief in a personal God is not just OK, but a good thing for me.
Dave Van Allen said…
So articulate and well thought out. An excellent piece of work.

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