Passion of the Christ - 2

Launch in external player


Anonymous said…
These things take too long for my 56k modem to open. Christ is a myth anyway.
Anonymous said…
I can't get this to work. Even in an external window.
Anonymous said…
I got it to work. Funny. Was this from the Family Guy? It looks like the same cartoon drawings. I'm sure this is just one more confirmation of the decay of society that they'll be preaching about in the cults this Sunday.
Dave Van Allen said…
It's a large file. If you don't have a broadband connection, then you might as well forget it.

Even if you have a fast connection, you might have to wait a bit.

Anonymous said…
That is damn funny!!!
Anonymous said…
for those having trouble playing the clip.its a divx derive clip,so you have to download the divx codecs and the player and run in real player. had to download the clip webmaster full declosure here,to see the problem was. will delete ask to. the clip was dam funny though had a fifth element meets die hard meet the passion of the chris your whore (satire there)
Anonymous said…
My eleven year old and I saw it together - we thought it was hilarious. Great stuff.
Anonymous said…
My eleven year old and I saw it together - we thought it was hilarious. Great stuff.
Anonymous said…
Fairly funny but certainly not worth the wait.
Anonymous said…
It only took me 8 seconds to download.
Anonymous said…
Yep, it's from Family Guy all right. The episode titled "North by North Quahog" where Peter steals Mel Gibson's latest film.
Unknown said…
jim lee you are extremely dumb, all of you will burn and be tortured in hell for eternity if you don't repent right now. stop being dumbasses, jim lee you're retarded and you'll surely burn if you keep believing that trash.
Astreja said…
Reggie, why do you think that tales of Hell are actually true, rather than just some archaic poppycock that some sadistic control-freak priests dreamed up? Do you honestly believe that a being capable of creating planets would bother to torture anyone?

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