Touched by an atheist

In this short video, the American sketch comedy television program, MADtv, parodies the American television series, Touched by and Angel. George Carlin even takes the Pope to heaven.


Heaven looks like Ireland without the pipe bombs.

I'd watch Touched By An Atheist. ;)
Jeff Eyges said…
Hitler and David Hasselhoff?

That's just not nice!
Mriana said…
lol I love it! Heck, I love George Carlin. Oh and hey, girls, Georgy has it all wrong. Heaven is the Chippendales. Come on, I'll show you...
My cousin was "touched" by an atheist.

But he died and went to hell.

It warms my heart.
Dave Van Allen said…
Jimmy (aka Andrew)

You're giving KC Catholics a bad name. Don't you have a floor to mop?

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