Ricky Gervais Live (The Book Of Genesis)


Anonymous said…
Very funny. I'd like to see more comedy like this about the utterly ridiculous stories in the bible.
Anonymous said…
Holy cow, this guy's brilliant. Is he playing in the states anytime soon?

Anonymous said…
"He created the heavens and the earth ... in the dark. Brilliant!"

I have to say: I would pay a lot of money to hear this guy in person.
Anonymous said…
I've heard this guy on FTR, very funny.

This flash file really needs a preloader. I've yet to see anything.
jimearl said…
I'm still scratching my head over that last post.
Anyway, I have a magnet on my fridge that states: Yes, I found religion. I found it to be completely worthless. I also have a t-shirt that has the message about there are no gods, no devils, no angels, only our natural world. (etc.) I don't wear it out in public often but did wear it to Lowes last week here in South Carolina and no one noticed it. At least no one commented on it.
I can't watch the video either but will search the internet for this guy. Thanks for sharing it.
Anonymous said…
What a foolish ignorant man, I hope learns better before he meets his maker!

Anonymous said…
Anonymous/William said: "What a foolish ignorant man, I hope learns better before he meets his maker!"

His maker?....oh, you mean his mom and dad? Yeah, I'm pretty sure they've crossed paths. lol. Dork.
Anonymous said…
Hey William,

You should have paid attention to the video; you may have learned a thing or two.

Ah! I almost forgot. You already know it all. You don't need to learn anything. Forgive my stupidity.
Brilliant. I do not see how people believe the bible as truth.
Anonymous said…
Hasn't anyone heard of Ricky Gervais? He's hilarious. Check out his show on the BBC called the Office. http://www.bbc.co.uk/comedy/theoffice/

Don't confuse this with the version that was created for American audiences on NBC (http://www.nbc.com/The_Office/) which was also produced by Ricky Gervais.

Personally, I don't think the American version is any good. The original is much much better. Why do TV executives think they need to change something for american audiences?
Anonymous said…
I found Jesus on vacation the other day, he was in a wax museum in Kentucky.
Anonymous said…
I find this halarious..

btw... what's the problem with the divorce analogy?? I got the reference... but then again, my parents didn't force me to attend church.

huh? How many people would attend church if they wern't forced to attend as childern? Sounds like good christian parents are guilty of child abuse... wonder if we can make that a reality??

-purplejesus... no affiliation with any soul ripping agency.
Anonymous said…
If you like this sort of thing, then may I recommend the fabulous Eddie Izzard, and particularly the Circle tour that he did. If you see me post on the forum here you'll notice that's where I've got my sig from. Personally, I think he's better than Ricky Gervais, Eddie's a bit more humanitarian which I really appreciate.

The full extract from my sig (which I had to edit to make it fit is:

Jesus: Then I did the last supper and I gave them some wine and I said drink this wine, it is my blood!

GOD: You said WHAT?

Jesus: I said: "Drink this wine it is my blood". I was trying to make a ceremony.

GOD: But that's vampirism, a vampiric thing: "Drink my blood!" You've got pagan things right there on day one of the new religion!

Jesus: Oh! Sorry!

GOD: Why didn't you just say, "Drink this wine, it's a Merlot"?

Jesus: Oh, yeah!

GOD: Did you say anything else?

Jesus: Well, what do you mean?

GOD: Well, after you said the wine thing, did you say anything that might have screwed things up for ever and ever?

Jesus: [sheepishly] No.

GOD: Nothing at all?

Jesus: [sheepishly] No.

GOD: Nothing about bread?

Jesus: [sheepishly] Yes.

GOD: What did you say?

Jesus: Well, I said eat this bread... it is... my... favourite! Because it was hot and it had all the crinkly bits in it and I loved it and...! Alright, I said it was my body, okay!

GOD: That's cannibalism! You have got vampirism and cannibalism right at the beginning, oh, and you died on Easter the biggest pagan ceremony in the history of ever! You're going to celebrate your death in a different time each year depending where the moon is, for God's sake! If they don't work out that's pagan I'll just eat my hat!

Jesus: Dad, don't worry! No one's going to work it out for 2000 years until a transvestite points it out in New York.

GOD: Oh, alright.

Jesus: Well, what would you have done?

GOD: I'd have done cheese and wine! Cheese and wine goes together better. "Eat this cheese, it is my body!"

Jesus: But it's Judea, Dad, cheese melts!

GOD: Alright, eat this cheese, it is my central nervous system, alright! Alright, alright, eat these chicken drumsticks, they are my legs! Eat these carrots, they are my arms! Eat this tomato, it is my head! And eat these oysters, they are my kneecaps!

Jesus: If you do that, Dad, your holy communion is going to have priests going around with lots of trays going, "Who ordered the body of Christ, then?"


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