And they will know we are Christians by our...

The Deep South in the United States is frequently called the "Bible Belt." Strongly Christian, with churches literally on nearly every street corner, the powerful influence of Christian values on the life of average people is perhaps more concentrated in the southern U.S. than in any other location in the country, and maybe the world. So, what happens when the hosts of the BBC's Top Gear program take a trip to Alabama to make some friends? This video is about seven minutes long.


John B said…
UNREAL!!! That is amazing. See what religion does....
matt.f said…
While I agree that religion is whacked, I'm sure that it was obvious to anyone in that hick town that the Top Gear crew was specifically antagonizing them. They got what they came for.
Roger O'Donnell said…
I'd like to apologise for being British at this point... I'm sorry... I'm REALLY sorry for Jeremy Clarkson.
Unknown said…
Nothing to apologize for, harlequin.

There are parts of America where, if you're not a Conservative White Christian, you don't stop. Remember, these people are allowed to vote.
Unfortunately, television shows these days seem to be all about getting people to scream at each other.

You might as well just go down to the local zoo and rattle a few cages.

Top Gear is supposed to be a programme about cars!

And as for Clarkson. Talk about a hypocrite! He's well known for his racist and bigoted remarks, so he was definitely in the right place there.
Unknown said…
Er... what did they expect?

You put something supporting pedophilia on the side of your vehicle and I would hope you'd get the shit pounded out of you anywhere.

They would have been fine with the Nascar sucks, country sucks, and Vote Hillary. My friend had all that and more on her car for years. And you don't get much Deep South than Atmore, AL.
Mamawheelie said…
Er, woah. Where is this "pedophilia" of which you speak, Matt? Did I miss it? I saw "man-love rules ok". "Man-Love" is NOT pedophilia. I don't think they'd have been that disgusting as to promote something as heinous as pedophilia.

I think this was very telling, and frankly this is exactly why I would never live in the south. Ever. (Let's see... atheist living there? Practically worse than what these guys did.)
Stevie P said…
WTF? I grew up in Talladega Alabama and knew that if I came out of the closet I would be hung. However, this is 2007, I'll voice my opinion wherever. Too bad these brits were short on actually owning a pair and long on "dramatics!" Rednecks in Georgia are little if no different. Being true to ones self scares the "SAVED" into showing their true colors. While most of us do not have true choices in where we must reside, we do have a choice in staying true to who we are, meaning our sexuality and our values. I'm gay and would NEVER deny that to myself or others through any trip home in Bama!
Nightmare said…
Two things - one, this really had nothing to do with religion. Everything the Top Gear crew was "promoting" was either cultural or political.

Second, redneck scum like those featured in this video make me ashamed to live in the US. IMO, if this is the example of "rule of law" and "freedom of speech" that certain portions of this country adhere to, then the rest of the world has nothing to apologize for.

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