I'm an agnostic because I'm lazy
By Dano
I have boiled my theology down to one sentence: NO ONE KNOWS WHAT GOD IS.
So,my answer to most questions about God is "I DON'T KNOW AND NEITHER DOES ANYONE ELSE."
I don't exclude the possibility of a supreme intelligent force behind the creation of the universe, but I see no evidence that it cares one way or another what I do or think, or that it ever interferes with the course of my life.
UNLESS, it made me in such a way that I would care, which of course it did.
I know a lot more about what I don't believe though.
I don't believe in the Christian God, because I could never believe in a God that got his shorts all in a knot about what I believed. If he didn't like the way I believe, he, being omniscient, could have made me to believe differently when he made me. And, being omnipotent, he could reorganize the neurons in my brain any time he wanted to.
This pretty much makes the Bible nothing but a book about mythology for me, which I find to be extremely boring.
And as far as there being a God that is omni-benevolent, all we have to do is see the world as it really is to answer that one.
Why should the creator create a system of evolution wherein the biggest, strongest, meanest, and smartest survive and get to do all of the reproducing, and let this system of natural selection go on for four billion years without intervening, and then suddenly give a shit about one species of ape, and what it thinks?
Really now, "I made you so you must love me or I'll French-fry you forever and make it hurt as much as I can." Don't sound like a lot of benevolence there!
Methinks it's the smart ape that cares about himself and created God in his own image.
Anyway, I like my lazy man's religion. I really don't like to get into arguments about it when all I have to do is say "describe your God, define who he is, or what it is." And, of course, no one can do that, except me.
It is the force that made me, (maybe), and that's all I know about it
-- Dan, Agnostic
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I have boiled my theology down to one sentence: NO ONE KNOWS WHAT GOD IS.
So,my answer to most questions about God is "I DON'T KNOW AND NEITHER DOES ANYONE ELSE."
I don't exclude the possibility of a supreme intelligent force behind the creation of the universe, but I see no evidence that it cares one way or another what I do or think, or that it ever interferes with the course of my life.
UNLESS, it made me in such a way that I would care, which of course it did.
I know a lot more about what I don't believe though.
I don't believe in the Christian God, because I could never believe in a God that got his shorts all in a knot about what I believed. If he didn't like the way I believe, he, being omniscient, could have made me to believe differently when he made me. And, being omnipotent, he could reorganize the neurons in my brain any time he wanted to.
This pretty much makes the Bible nothing but a book about mythology for me, which I find to be extremely boring.
And as far as there being a God that is omni-benevolent, all we have to do is see the world as it really is to answer that one.
Why should the creator create a system of evolution wherein the biggest, strongest, meanest, and smartest survive and get to do all of the reproducing, and let this system of natural selection go on for four billion years without intervening, and then suddenly give a shit about one species of ape, and what it thinks?
Really now, "I made you so you must love me or I'll French-fry you forever and make it hurt as much as I can." Don't sound like a lot of benevolence there!
Methinks it's the smart ape that cares about himself and created God in his own image.
Anyway, I like my lazy man's religion. I really don't like to get into arguments about it when all I have to do is say "describe your God, define who he is, or what it is." And, of course, no one can do that, except me.
It is the force that made me, (maybe), and that's all I know about it
-- Dan, Agnostic
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I also like thackerie's Lethargitarian denomination. I suppose I'd join if I could find the strength to care.
I agree that no one knows the answer to the riddle of life, neither theist nor atheist. I also find the stridency of fundamental positions on both sides rather off-putting, but I do rather like the mental gymnastics given by fundy trolls when they stop by -- better than day-time soap opera.
So I agree Dano, if The Big Guy exists, he doesn't give a hoot about me and what I do here, and that being the case, I needn't bother myself thinking about him.
"............, but I do rather like the mental gymnastics given by fundy trolls when they stop by -- better than day-time soap opera........"
Yea, me too. They are so easy!
It's like they have a sign around their neck saying "Make fun of me.
I am hopelessly indoctrinated into a cult that believes in magic and miracles, and a lot of other imaginary shit,and they have taken away my ability for critical thought"
Dan, Agnostic
Back then who wouldn't have wanted people to bow down to them and worship them, bring them food and sacrifices and tell them how wonderful they are and if anyone crossed them, cast them off into a burning hell.
Very primitive indeed, what gets me is that, there are people living today that think there is a God just like that living in the clouds above and judgeing everyone as they live.
What can we do to change their minds? Absolutely nothing! People that still believe that nonsense have deep mental issues.
Steven Bently
Dano said:
So,my answer to most questions about God is "I DON'T KNOW AND NEITHER DOES ANYONE ELSE."
Lorena adds:
That's exactly why I refuse to say I'm atheist. Because I just don't care enough to spend hours and hours reading evolutionary manifests and god-denying philosophy. As you put it Dano, I am too lazy. But who knows, maybe one day I'll do it.
It seems to be an easier way to live one's life with having to worry about all BS
the fundies worry about.
Agnostic (reluctantly atheist leaning).
I'm an Agnostic, too, meaning, I don't know if a "God" exists.
And you're right---NO ONE knows if a "God" exists. However, I don't know if I'd quite classify myself as "lazy" and/or passive on the matter, because if the "knowledge" was available, I'd definitely seek it. But of course, such knowledge is not available, so I remain an Agnostic by default; an Atheist by choice..i.e..an "Agnostic Atheist".....meaning, one who does not/cannot not know if a "God" exists, but who doesn't believe that one does.
However, you are still able to look inside yourself and search for a belief. If it's there, you're a theist. If no belief exists, you're an atheist. What you know or don't know has nothing to do with it.
But you claim to know an awful lot here, when you say NOBODY KNOWS X.(Or will ever know?) If you indeed KNOW nobody knows, what's the point in believing?
"But you claim to know an awful lot here, when you say NOBODY KNOWS X.(Or will ever know?) If you indeed KNOW nobody knows, what's the point in believing?"
Dan replies:
If someone has come up with an adequate definition of God, other than the prime mover, or creator of the universe, I have never heard it. Maybe I have just, not been reading the news enough.
What is your definition of a hypothetical God?
Some say that to know what God is you would have to be God. I pretty much agree with that.
Dan, Agnostic
God damn it pisses me off when a slef rightious Christian will say he absolutely knows the truth. At least none of us are afraid to utter the phrase, "I DON'T KNOW."
Dano you should write a book. Your writings are always so simply briliant and thought provoking.
I wonder how different I am from a liberal christian view of God.
"Let's see, I'm a (quasi-agnostic, quasi-theist, atheist). I know only a little about God, but there is so much I don't know. The only part I do know is that God is the prime force of the universe. I am also an atheist towards all other gods other than the one I know very little about.I wonder how different I am from a liberal christian view of God."
Dan replies:
If a liberal Christian says that he DOESN'T KNOW WHAT GOD IS, then the only difference is just the Charade that he performs, pretending that he does.
Dan, Agnostic
They claim they don't know, but they also claim that THEY know what everyone else doesn't know.
Total knowledge!
Another thing that is hilarious is that after telling me there is no God to tell me what to do, THEY want to tell me what to do!
Atheists KILL me!
From what I've read on here atheists aren't claiming to KNOW anything, and certainly not claiming to know what other people don't know.
From what I've seen on here, atheists don't believe in God. That is different from claiming to know there is no god. That's it. Anything you add to that is just you adding your own stuff to it.
"All you non-believer douche bags will rot in Hell!!!"
I feel your pain!
Instead of declaring yourself a "basic anus", why don't you become a fundamentalist penis? At least you might run across a fundamentalist vagina and live happily ever after.
Dan, Agnostic
OK Blair, I repent.
Allah is the one and only God, and Mohammed is his prophet!
Dan, Agnostic
I would say Blair is the epitome of someone who doesn't have enough to do.
He is going around answering people, who have just stated that they have "No comment"
Dan, Agnostic
I would say Blair is the epitome of someone who doesn't have enough to do.
He is going around answering people, who have just stated that they have "No comment"
Dan, Agnostic
There they go again!! I told you our brothers in christ are better than a soap opera.
To Blair and all other brothers/sisters in christ who know the final and absolute truth: will I need sunscreen when I arrive in hell?
That's me in the spotlight, Losing my religion
Good grief, another theist with a reading comprehension problem? Okay.... everybody together, now---"Atheism isn't about what one knows, or doesn't know.... it's about non-belief in invisible flying undead spooks..i.e.."gods". Okay children, it's time for our naps.
Blair: Total knowledge!
Total ignorance!!
Blair: Another thing that is hilarious is that after telling me there is no God to tell me what to do, THEY want to tell me what to do!
Excuse me?....'telling you there is no God? Um, you're "telling us" there is no Poseiden; there is no Osiris; there is no Mithra; there is no Allah; there is no Quetzacoatl. 'Pot callin' the kettel black, Jack. Furthermore, while I really couldn't give a sh*t less wHaT you do, on the other hand, if you admittedly need a "Divine babysitter" to keep you from murdering and raping, then yes, it's probably best you stick with your holy hand-book.
Blair: Atheists KILL me!
And to think, we're not even commanded to kill. See how efficiently "reason" works?
Come on guys keep shoving.
"Its great to see this on a website that has had atheist leanings"
A site that has had atheist leanings? That is one fucking funny statement. Yes this site founded by and operated by an athesit does tend to lean that way now and then since most of us here are ATHEISTS !!!!!!!!
Jim Earl
You lost me. This is a web site. Those who read and/or post comments here do so of their own accord. When I see Christians posting what they believe here, I often reply with questions and/or alternative opinions. If they don't like what I say, they are free to explain why, or they can go away, or they can simply continue posting their opinions, completely oblivious to me and others (at least for a while).
So, I can make no sense of your comment. Sorry.
Just because the name of this website is Ex-Christian. Net, doesn't give you the right to shove your disbelief down my fucking boy's throat,
Just like, because my home has wheels doesn't mean it's a 18 wheeler.
Give the boy a break, he's only had a few years to figure it out!
Dan, Agnostic
I agree with Bill. When are you gonna write a book?
"Dan, you said it better than I could! But then, you often do.
I agree with Bill. When are you gonna write a book?
I'm just 71 and haven't figured out what I want to do with my life yet. I would write a book about religion, but it wouldn't contain anything you couldn't find on this website on any given day.
I do like to be sarcastic though. Seems to me that making fun of them (The fundies) is more effective than debate. Too many of them care more about debating Christianity, than living it.
My brother used to always say "The only thing about Christianity is, so many Christians are so UN Christian"
Are you a vegetarian?
Dan, Agnostic
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