The real truth about the Roman Catholic Church

NOTE: This is not a child or work-friendly video.

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Aspirin99 said…
I wonder what the purpose of this video is - Humor? Awareness raising?

It's difficult to use the rape of children as humor - I'm not saying it can't be done, but, in my opinion, Louie CK misses the humor mark on this one. He hits the shock value, which is a little humorous. David Spade might be able to pull off this topic as humor a little better. It's a tough one.

If he did it for awareness raising - props for that.
Aspentroll said…
Wow, it's a wonder You tube
allowed that one. I guess humor comes in different forms. The Pope would poop his holy pants if he saw this.
Maybe he should see it and evaluate his whole concept of the church. There is obvious problems within the Catholic religion for something like this to appear. As for me, I thought it was hillarious and maybe a sign of things to come?
jason said…

This can't be humor!

It is a genuine interview isn't it?

I believe this to be the absolute truth!!!!

Nvrgoingbk said…
Fucking (pun intended) hilarious!
Anonymous said…
This Video is closer to the truth than it seems. Belief in God for Roman Catholics is an optional extra and as a bedraggled refugee from the RC Church I know about the "dirty old priests".
Anonymous said…
Haha... A bit full on, but funny.
Joe B said…
Gaiman couldn't have written it better. Bravo.
sailerfraud said…
Here's what I learned about Christianity.

Catholic = Fuck the underaged boys.

Protestant = Fuck the underaged girls.
Nvrgoingbk said…
LOL Sailerfraud, LOL
sailerfraud said…
Catholics and Protestants have many differences, but their sexual preference for a certain underaged gender sure must play a big factor.
Anonymous said…
I hope that no one ever attempts to post a degrading video about Islam at You Tube, because that would be bigoted. Molesting children is so much worse than blowing their bodies apart on a school bus right after yelling, "Allah is great!"

So please, if you're reading this, don't hurt the feelings of Muslims, because we're non-white, from poor countries, and we practice a religion of peace. We'll only kill you if you offend us, or hurt our feelings. Stick to degrading those Catholics. They're so much more evil than our freedom fighters.
freethinker05 said…
Dear Mohammed,I like muslims and christians, Its just your stupid religions I can't stand.You know good and well, if you had been raised by american parents, you yourself would be a christian, and for christians, if they had been raised by muslim parents they would themselves be muslims. That is, only until you realized all religions is just a myth. Peace
Dave Van Allen said…
Hi Mohammed,

Do I detect a bitter, angry little Christian out there?

You're right: Islam sucks too.

There, better?
sailerfraud said…
Whatever their sexual preferences between Catholics, Protestants, non-Christians, etc...

All religions and denominations have one thing in common. They target and scam the elderly to build their finances.
Dave Van Allen said…
This is sick. You will answer some day for this. I feel sorry for you.
Dave Van Allen said…
A little OTT, perhaps, but it seems to have touched a nerve!
Dave Van Allen said…
Hey Disney,

It appears you live in the world of fears... you need to visit the other worlds :-)

Dave Van Allen said…
Disney, tell your imaginary friend to bring it on, right here and right now.
Dave Van Allen said…
you people will all burn in hell, may god have mercy on you. But if you don't repent when you burn remember that you are only reaping ecxatly what you sowed.
Dave Van Allen said…
It's okay, I'll be sure to point and laugh when you're burning in Jahannam (Islam's equivalent to Hell). After all, you would be reaping 'ecxatly' what you sowed.

(Consider this: if you aren't convinced by the threat of punishment in Islam's hell, why should we be convinced by the threat of your God's hell?)
Dave Van Allen said…
LOL! I like your parody. Great fundie impersonation. You've got the threat of hell-fire, poor grammar and fractured punctuation down pat in just two (or is it supposed to be three?) sentences. You even threw in a misspelling. Tip: Next time, be sure to type "God" with a capital G like the real fundies do.

BTW, who are you really?
Dave Van Allen said…
But if you don't repent when you burn...

Well, what if we do repent? Will we get out of hell? Because if the answer is no, there isn't much of an incentive, is there?
Dave Van Allen said…
Seetlakgosi, International Troll of Mystery: "you people will all burn in hell, may god have mercy on you."

Whoever taught you that rubbish should be locked up for child abuse. Your beliefs, whatever they may be, appear to have made you into an extremely unpleasant person. Wherever did you get the idea that we would want to become anything like *you*?
Dave Van Allen said…
Again, where is comment? How long to post and censor it? I use no profanity, maybe thats what i missed>

Dave Van Allen said…
Pablo - When you post a comment without being registered, it takes a while before it will show up.

Please register and continue to post, I like the way you think. I was a christian for over 40 years. My family has roots in Pentecost, Baptist and Mormonism. I was an ordained minister for 5 years and spent most of my adult life in ministry of one kind or another.

To answer your question, "Is there no end to human folly, to human ignorance and fear?"..................Not until we end Religion in all of its forms. As Christopher Hitchens so aptly puts it, "Religion poisons everything!"

Thanks for your insights and Welcome to Ex-Christian.Net

XPD (Ex-Pastor Dan)
Dave Van Allen said…
Fuck all religions. Including Bullshit Islam! Fuck the dogs who worship lies and a black rock, fuck the filth that comes from stealing one set of lies and creating another set=Islam. What a fucking stupid joke Islam is. Fuck the Koran, fuck the Bible, fuck those muslim dogs, those jewish whores and christian filthy pigs. Fuck them all. FUck You forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blow this planet up in the name of all your false and violent religions already!
Dave Van Allen said…
Whatever their sexual preferences between Catholics, Protestants, non-Christians, etc...

All religions and denominations have one thing in common. They target and scam the elderly to build their finances.
Dave Van Allen said…
I hope that no one ever attempts to post a degrading video about Islam at You Tube, because that would be bigoted. Molesting children is so much worse than blowing their bodies apart on a school bus right after yelling, "Allah is great!"

So please, if you're reading this, don't hurt the feelings of Muslims, because we're non-white, from poor countries, and we practice a religion of peace. We'll only kill you if you offend us, or hurt our feelings. Stick to degrading those Catholics. They're so much more evil than our freedom fighters.
Dave Van Allen said…
Catholics and Protestants have many differences, but their sexual preference for a certain underaged gender sure must play a big factor.
Dave Van Allen said…
Gaiman couldn't have written it better. Bravo.
Dave Van Allen said…
Haha... A bit full on, but funny.
Dave Van Allen said…
This Video is closer to the truth than it seems. Belief in God for Roman Catholics is an optional extra and as a bedraggled refugee from the RC Church I know about the "dirty old priests".
Dave Van Allen said…

This can't be humor!

It is a genuine interview isn't it?

I believe this to be the absolute truth!!!!


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