Not so great minds


The really sad thing here is that most "religious nuts" won't see anything wrong with most of these quotes.

What is even more upsetting (about some of these), is where they quote political leaders who believe god is TELLING THEM WHAT TO DO!!

So how long will it be before we elect some intelligent, non-religious person, as president?
Will it be in our lifetimes, or century's from now; that is if these nuts don't wipe out civilization first.

Anonymous said…
ATF Said:
"What is even more upsetting (about some of these), is where they quote political leaders who believe god is TELLING THEM WHAT TO DO!!"

It's nothing more than pure "Manipulation" my friend.

Politicians telling people what they want to hear, (Or at least telling naive christians what they want to hear).

Jorge Dubbya Shrub (George W. Bush) is a prime example.
Atheist Easter Bunny wrote:
It's nothing more than pure "Manipulation" my friend.
Politicians telling people what they want to hear, (Or at least telling naive christians what they want to hear)


I've had those thoughts often as well.
Meaning, are they just giving lip service to the believers; in the interest of self-preservation in politics, or do some really believe god has spoken to them?
The former is a LIE and the latter is well, just toooo scary to think about.

Now let's suppose that folks like Pres. Bush are just doing the lip service, show&tell thing.
Put yourself in this man's xtian shoes for a second.
He's no doubt a xtian (of some kind) and he's our President. The president of such a powerful country on this lonely earth, that this god is said to have created and put his creation upon.

If you were him, wouldn't you be asking yourself why god isn't making some kind of direct contact with you. You as the president of this country I mean, and not an individual.
I say this because most claim this country is a xtian nation, under god no less.

How COMMON was it in the OT for god to communicate with the many leaders of his favorite tribes, especially when they were fighting against god's enemies.
So it makes sense to me that this god/jesus should be talking to our President, and Bush must be thinking the same thing and wondering why god isn't.
Well, that is assuming of course, that Bush isn't hearing those little god voices in his head that some fundies here claim happens with them.

Just a thought for you AEB

ATF( who noticed we are being confused with each other at times...LOL)

p.s. Hey AEB, you're not by chance, my long lost 5th cousin, twice removed? [g]

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