There is no doubt in my mind that there is not one true Christian on the planet, and I can prove it. There are several signs of a true believer that are very plain in the Bible. Unlike many of the passages of the Bible, these particular verses are very plain and nearly impossible to misinterpret or take out of context. Let's consider these statements supposedly written by the Apostle John, otherwise known as the disciple whom Jesus loved, as he quoted his master and his God: 1) John 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments. 2) John 14:21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him. 3) John 15:10 If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love. This seems pretty plain to me. If you love the Lord, you keep his commandments. Simple! John the Apostle emph...
There is a growing move around the world silence the right of an honest person to question bullshit and it is being sold to the sheep as anti hate crime speech. It works perfect for the puppet masters because they accidentally found this to a great way to silence those who challenge and question bullshit. Ironically the people clamoring for this noose are liberals who are supposed to be the champions of free speech because they think it will be only used against the people they .. well… hate.
But all my heroes , (none of them perfect but all of them courageous) from Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine, to Robert Ingersoll, all the way to George Carlin (peace be upon him), Pat Condell and James Randi in modern times would all be guilty of hate crimes for no other reason than challenging people to think rationally and calling people out on their bullshit.
I just want to alert my fellow ex to be aware of how hate crime speech laws are increasingly being used to silence your right to rationally inquire into anything.
Never allow anyone to take away another’s right to peaceful and rationally challenge bullshit wherever they hear it no matter who may be offended. Somehow it is being spun that rational thought may lead to violence so better to silence anything offence before someone gets hurt. What bullshit.
Ironically, most of my heroes now, are people whose writings deeply offended me back in my Buy Bull days. I was shocked, outraged, oppressed and dehumanized by their hate speech cleverly disguised as rational inquiry. I’m sure grateful they weren’t silenced.
Great post but when you live in Fundieville, U.S.A., being an abullshitista can cost you your job. I am a closet abullshitista because if I voiced the "I Don't Believe in Jeebus", where I work, I'd be on welfare. I should be able to excuse myself from their mass delusion but here in Six Flags Over Jesus, civil liberties are a great luxury when you don't need a paycheck. I'm not griping or whining...just reflecting on the sad reality...82% of Americans believe Gawd is great and Jeebus rocks. *SIGH*
I saw nothing poignant about it.
It sure proved to me that we are in deed in a fallen creation that is for sure. I flagged it because of it's content I suggest you do the same.
1) You cannot reason with most fundamentalists. Reason is not why they believe, nor can reason persuade them to leave. Reason is the wisdom if this world. Fortunately, there are some who can be freed from delusion. Hence the existence of sites such as this. We preach to the choir here, but sometimes others hear.
2) I am struck by how both we and the theists are so absorbed by our agenda as to have little to say about the situation of the chimps. In all likelihood none of us could possibly recall those number locations as well as that chimp. How I pity the chimps for having such brain capacity and not the vocal equipment with which to develop language and civilization. This is explicable via the half hazard process of evolution, but brutally cruel if representing the handiwork of a designer.
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