How to Get Rich as a Televangelist or Faith Healer

By Webmdave

"How to Get Rich as a Televangelist or Faith Healer" is quick read that is simultaneously entertaining, informative, and unfortunately, heart wrenchingly on the mark. Author Bill Wilson has written a 166-page volume that is at once funny and in some places, embarrassing -- to me. The embarrassing part was being forced to reflect on how I, members of my family, and many friends over the years have been (and some still are) stupidly suckered by Christian scam artists.

From the introduction:
"If you were to try peddling a phony medicinal cure for cancer, you may very well find yourself slapped with a lawsuit or even going to prison. On the other hand, if you tell people that that God will cure them of horrible disease if they send you an offering, you are safe since this is your 'sincere religious belief.'"

A former Bible college student who admits to being ripped off paying for several years of religious indoctrination disguised as an education, Wilson gives readers a revealing look at the techniques of televangelist ministers, offers pointers on launching an effective and profitable cult, and lays bare some of the idiotic doctrines of the Charismatics, the Prosperity Gospel pushers, and Jack Chick comic book "theology."

"It appears that the real, foolproof way to get rich in America is to learn about twenty quotations from the Bible, dress in an expensive suit with lots of gaudy jewelry, and rent an auditorium. Tell all the lies you want. Exaggerate your history or invent it entirely. Label all your opponents as tools of Satan. Answer any and all arguments and objections by quoting Scripture. Beg for money, incessantly. Oh, I almost forgot. Ordain yourself as an anointed minister of God. Then watch the money roll in. It's tax free, and you can use it any way you want."
James Randi on Televangelists
However, Wilson's book is considerably more than a rehash of Christian lunacy, superstition, and the public foibles of such well known celebrities as Jimmy Bakker, Mike Warnke or Robert Tilton. Wilson presents the reader with an insightful look into how these fraudsters are so easily able to maintain the unshakeable devotion of huge numbers of good, god-fearing, moderately intelligent people who willingly surrender the contents of wallets, purses and savings accounts in exchange for little more than a false promise or an endorphin-laden, emotional high.

Wilson's book is not strictly anti-Christian. While some of Wilson's final conclusions differ from my own, I highly recommend this book to everyone who has any interest in how basic human needs play into the hands of religious quacksters devoid of conscience.

Oh, and since Wilson's book isn't currently available at, ExChristian.Net won't receive a penny from any sales. I just enjoyed the book, and thought you would too.

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