Wives, submit yourselves unto your husbands
By DocMike
I don't understand how any modern woman can buy into the teachings of the Bible. It's so obvious, the book was written by men; specifically men who believed that women were inferior. And I'm not even talking about the Old Testament here. This one is from Ephesians:
5:22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
5:23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.
5:24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.
Yeah, I know it goes on to say that men should love their wives even as Christ loved the church, but love is not equality. You can love your pet or your big screen TV, but you don't think of them as equals.
Here are a few more from the New Testament:
(See The Skeptic's Annotated Bible for more examples)
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5:22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
5:23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.
5:24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.
Yeah, I know it goes on to say that men should love their wives even as Christ loved the church, but love is not equality. You can love your pet or your big screen TV, but you don't think of them as equals.
Here are a few more from the New Testament:
- 1 Corinthians 11:3
- But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.
- 1 Corinthians 14:34-36
- Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.
- Colossians 3:18
- Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord.
- 1 Timothy 2:11-15
- Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing.
- 1 Peter 3:1
- Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands.
(See The Skeptic's Annotated Bible for more examples)
For more comics and commentary, please visit ByTheBookComics.
Funny thing, Ben: That's one of the things that made Me into an EX-Christian. I realized that the cruciFiction simply makes no sense even as mythology, and that accepting that alleged long-weekend sacrifice is immoral and dishonourable.
Please eloborate on what you mean by "ALL the other things fall into place."
Because many (if not most) of us here at Ex-Christian.Net understand very clearly and completely "what Jesus did at the cross..."
I grew up hearing it. I preached it. I accepted it whole heartedly. I believed it. I faithed it. I received it. I lived it.
In the end, it meant nothing. It fell flat! Because it never really happened. It's not real!
So please tell us about ALL of those things that have fallen in place in your life, since you believed in the fairy tale of the cross of calvary. Has it made you a better person? Have you sold ALL that you possess (everything!) and given it to the poor? Have you taken up 'your cross' and followed in Jesus' footsteps? Are you willing to die for your faith?
I feel the leading of the Holy Spirit that you should go to Iraq and preach Christ and him crucified to the poor lost souls of Islam. Go now......GO NOW!! GO AND GIVE YOUR LIFE FOR YOUR CRUCIFIED LORD! YOUR REWARD WILL BE GREAT!................if you are correct.
What if they are correct and Muhammad is the true prophet of the most hight God? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM? What then?
XPD (Ex-Pastor Dan)
We're waiting for your reply.........................................
Oh well, I guess Ben was a hit-n-run trolling!
Except for slaves?
Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to win their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord. - Colossians 3:22
My wife and I use this as a joke now. When she beats me in an argument, I'll occasionally tell her to fear me; she will then follow with a "you can't use that anymore."
I realise that a few assumptions are being made (Jesus existed AND was executed BECAUSE he loved us), none of which I agree with, but on the basis of these, men are instructed to love their wives as jesus supposedly loved us, dying for us. LOVE YOUR WIFE ENOUGH THAT YOU WOULD DIE FOR HER.
That, I respectfully suggest, is somewhat harder to achieve than merely obeying orders.
The whole thing is a myht, but if we are going to complain about it, let us be complete in our complaints.
The abused women I know are now lawyers and administrators, some of them, so it isn't lack of intelligence. I wish I knew. But it is a terrible cruelty that Christian men are condemning women to. I wish there was a society for the prevention of cruelty to wives.
I look back now and wish that a helicopter with US marines on it had just swooped down and kdinapped me. And I am not even American! :-)
I fantacize that I was rescued but ultimately I just snuck out one night with a few books and clothes, while my ex hubby was out. I will never be able to explain it and I can't bear to think that Christians justify this. I wish such teaching was made illegal.
But it is wrong to make women who have been caught up in this feel any more stupid than others who have swallowed other nonsense from the pulpit.
God managed to get in the scriptures also that if a man abused his wife his prayers would not be answered, but unfortunately the scriptures were written in a society that were run by men, and after the fall when God put enmity between the devil and the women, guess what, hatred for women started manifesting in any man's flesh that didn't love God more than himself,
if a man loves God, he has a tender heart and treats women with respect and tenderness, and the women will naturally yield to him because she feels emotionally safe, this does not mean she has no brain either. Its more the attitude towards the other, not a law. The law kills people as the scriptures say. But unfortunately this is rare, most of the christian men I know are secretly women haters.
In all fairness, I will comment on the scriptures about the silence of women in the church, I was outraged when I first learned this, I mean outraged, but it did help when I found out in history that the Corinthians's were a Goddess culture, in other words the gods they served were female and the women or priestess ruled so when the Christan salvation message entered in their society, there was still a battle in the church, in that day the women sat in the back and couldn't hear the preaching and would talk through the service and the men sat in the front, so that is what Paul is talking about when he says if they hear and learn anything at all (sitting way in the back) rather then talk through the service let them ask when they get home.
I know, why were the women in the back in the first place, ya, that's not God heart- that's mans.
Eve, how do you know what God's heart is? Isn't the Bible supposed to be God's Word? The original poster clearly illustrated what God's Word says: women are to be second class citizens. Why didn't God say, "discuss important decisions in a civil manner with your spouse and come to a mutual agreement" or "educate your daughters in the same manner as your sons" or "husbands and wives should respect eachother equally"? This is because either a) as you admit the Bible was written by a patriarchal society and divine inspiration had nothing to do with it ot b) God wants women to be uneducated baby machines who rely soley on men to run their lives.
Wow, really, really unhealthy, twisted thinking and living.
Wow, really, really unhealthy, twisted thinking and living.
You took the words right out of my mouth :)
The way I see it, if there is a god and he's in-control of his pet humans, and the bible is his book to us, then it's a 1 or 0 choice.
Cherry picking the bible can't be what the bible god had in mind when he had his robot-sheep write it.
Of course, xtians like Eve will never understand this huge problem
Where are you Eve? Don't you want to come back, defend yourself and make your views clear?
Where are you Eve? Don't you want to come back, defend yourself and make your views clear?
Congratulations on taking ownership and doing a little new programming so you can function better and get better solutions.
Tumalo,if your dad were drunk would your mom submit to the way he drove the car and just "trust God" because he is the male in the home? I bet she would allow nature to override the Good Book with Good Sense at that point. Why not before he gets into the car if his behavior leads in stupid ways that will crash in other ways? Submission is for "subjects" the SUB-species that allows elites to LORD.
A bully can be found on every playground but no one bully can whip all the kids at once. Oh, that must be the reasoning behind that there second amendment. Force in the hands of one brings submission from the whole playground. "God's will" may back the strongest noble, man, or army every time but when a popular movement creates a larger force God changes his mind at that very minute for some strange reason. .
Political , military and police power will win the day in the short run every time but it is not the stable foundation of justice. Each individual and nation can recognize a greedy selfish bully and at the right moment that evil dude or that political system on the world scale is going down. The demise of the wicked ruler is always followed with a cheer and a party among the common people. The wicked witch (bastard) is dead! It can feel almost as good to just escape over a Berlin Wall or whatever and leave their horrible kingdom. What was that country song D-I-V-O-R-C-E?
No system of government in home, church or nation that leaves the common people in misery is moral no matter the theory or theology behind it . The facts expose that theory as a scam and its professors as shysters, crooks, and scam artists. No amount of crowns, titles, fancy robes and ceremonies can give legitimacy to a bully any place in civilization. The Bible, king, priest,president, chairman, elders and parents may endorse slavery but its horror is right before the individuals who will just use their eyes and the common sense "God gave a goose". Proper feminism is simply a just desire by women to be treated as equals but not as superiors of any other human being. That is nothing more than a desire for justice which every human being knows is just.
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