
Showing posts from April, 2009

God Can Be Googled, but The Way to God is The Story

By U2bian Synic :00 Mind-fuck party crash :30 Not much new under the sun 1:00 Static content vs. dynamic discourse 1:30 The journeys the thing 2:30 Story patterns reveal a bigger picture...? 3:30 The Big Sell=Forgiveness + Purity 4:30 Slave to my own paradigm 5:30 Fear shuts down sincere communication 6:00 Seeing through a fear lens 7:00 Christian fear: The devils in the discourse 8:30 Atheist fear: Lords of war & domination 9:30 Anger a manifestation of fear 10:30 Fear saturates the conversation A response by ChuckyJesus666

Faith and the Chair Argument

By Neal Stone Image by Getty Images via Daylife W hen Christians go out “witnessing” they often will challenge someone who isn't interested with the chair argument. The idea is if you resist faith in god, then they say use the chair argument saying that “you have faith to sit in the chair”. So basically if you can have faith in a chair you have never sat in before, then you should be able to have faith in god. This is by far one of the stupidest arguments ever. I know as I used to use it a long time ago. I would argue that you are going to sit in that chair and not bother to check it to see if it will hold you? Then you have faith! In most churches it is 100% OK for the pastor to come up with some lame “Lord works in mysterious ways/has his reason” generic answer. The problem is this. I can see the chair, I can prove it exists and know that someone built it for the reason of it's design. Of course Christians say this too to support their arguments about faith in god. B...

Why We Believe in Gods - Andy Thomson - American Atheists 09

Dr. Andy Thomson gives his talk titled 'Why We Believe in Gods' at the American Atheist 2009 convention in Atlanta, Georgia . Filmed and edited by Josh Timonen. Dr. Thomson is a psychiatrist in Charlottesville, Virginia. He has a private practice of general psychiatry and forensic psychiatry as well as serving as a staff psychiatrist at the University of Virginia 's Institute of Law, Psychiatry and Public Policy and the Counseling and Psychological Services of the University of Virginia Student Health Services. Born in Washington, D.C. he received his B.A. degree from Duke University and his M.D. from University of Virginia School of Medicine. Robert Wright 's book The Moral Animal introduced him to the emerging discipline of evolutionary psychology . It is that new lens of evolutionary psychology that informs his recent work on a comprehensive psychological formulation of suicide terrorism.

Evangelicals do more harm than good

By Mriana Image via Wikipedia A few days ago, I went to work and when I got there, I started spouting off about Christians. Then the other day Valerie made a post and off I went again on another rant (she can take it, I’m sure), once again and in part due to her encouragement, I am yet again writing (people want me to write, yet I’m a starving artist). This time it is a rant and the outcome of both incidents. Ah, well… maybe it will do someone some good. Maybe me, if I can get out of my cynical mood. In response to my rant at work, a younger co-worker said, “Oh tell me about it!” I started to back down on my rant, realizing that I was at Taco Bell across from the Assembly of God’s (A of G) Theological Seminary. This is a temporary job until the economy gets better and I can find something more fitting to my degree fields, but I have to keep this job. My young friend called me on backing down and I said, “I don’t wish to offend anyone.” She spouted off some more about me backing d...

Find Inner Peace and Solace -- Entirely Without God

By summerbreeze Image by via Flickr W ith Earth Day being in the month of April, I wanted to share my story with all of you. I had dumped a very good " friend " years ago when for the first time in my life, I reached out to God. That good friend was my deep love for the natural world, the wilderness and all of its' creatures. When I was a Christian, I spent so much time with my nose in the bible, doing bible study home-work and having End-Times rhetoric thrown at me, that I lost track of what was real to me, and what truly had always given me peace and comfort in my past. By nature I'm a mildly nervous person (exaggerated my the meds I have to take) and admittedly I am way too overly sensitive for my own good! So in the early days of my being a Christian, I assumed that the longer that I was a Christian, even more peace and tranquility would come into my life, kind of like a side bonus. It's interesting, that I know several Chri...

If the Bible Were Law, Would You Qualify for the Death Penalty?

By Valerie Tarico Bronze Age casting of a bronze axe. smiling_da_vinci via Flickr T his week the Supreme Court declined to review a Texas murder case in which a juror brought a Bible into the sentencing process – showing that the Bible recommends death for anyone who kills another person with an iron rod (Numbers 35:16). Let me say for the record that I’m not against the death penalty , and in this case it sounds like the defendant fit my criteria, too. I know I'm ruining my liberal credentials here, but I frankly don’t have any moral problem with the jury condemning him to death. However, to do so based on the sanctification of a Bronze Age legal code is somewhat horrifying—especially given the list of other "crimes" that are recommended for capital punishment in the Bible. Yes, yes, the court assures us that even though bringing the Bible into the sentencing was improper, there is no evidence that it swayed the jury. Rest assured that when the Bible and other author...


By Danny, Are you unable to think for yourself? Will you believe anything as long as lots of other people believe it too? Do you enjoy reading the same stuff over and over and over the rest of your life? Then you need religion! This video made the front page of and . For some reason, YouTube decided to remove it from their servers, subsequently sparking an online controversy which led to numerous YouYubers uploading this video to their own accounts. The vid ended up with around 250,000 total views on YouTube. Watch closely. There's a subliminal plug for ExChristian.Net!

Faith VS Religion

By Shannon Hughes Image by gaspi *your guide via Flickr W ikipedia defines Faith as a belief in the truth of or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing, that is characteristically held without proof.[1] [2] Informal usage of the word " faith " can be quite broad, and may be used standardly in place of " trust ", "belief", or "hope". For example, the word "faith" can refer to a religion itself or to religion in general, where in this context faith would encompass not only a belief without evidence but also a belief which can oppose scientific evidence . As with "trust", faith involves a concept of future events or outcomes. Faith is quite literally the belief in that which is not seen, known or realized. The architects of all the monumental achievements of humankind both good and bad , structural and social have all been a tangible result of the creations of the mind. Those who built the Pyramids, Colosseum , Democracy, A...

An Easter reflection

By Wendy Image by Urijamjari via Flickr I went to church this Easter . I did it because my entire family was going and I didn't want to upset anyone. I expected the regular sermon about Jesus being crucified, resurrecting, etc. As I walked into the gospel church, I almost thought I was walking into a fashion show! Everyone had their most expensive Gucci suits and Prada bags and shoes. I was willing to brush this off. Then, there was an impressive light show with the choir -- fancy flood and theater lights lit the stage in the building that holds 2500 people. I wondered how much money went into that and where the money was coming from. Then I found out the source: the choir leader went on for 15 minutes on why we should give money. She ended her little speech with, "Don't you dare leave here without giving anything! Your money is a seed for growth. If you have to, ask your neighbor for a quarter and pay them back later!" I didn't give anything. This kind of cra...

Holy Week: a High Fast, or an ingredient in the recipe for an eating disorder

By Mriana Image by charluna via Flickr I have mentioned a few reasons, including disbelief, as to why I left the Church and can never go back even just to attend for the social aspects, like Bob Price does. Here is yet another reason as to why I know I can never go back. The Episcopal Church, as well as other churches, has major fasts and feasts, as well as minor feasts and fasts. Except for Easter, because I have always loved chocolate and the new life Spring brings, I never did celebrate feast days. At one time, when I went to church regularly, I could name all the fast days and seasons. Lent is another one in which fasting is involved, but the majority of healthier people do not literally go on a forty day food fast and for me, religion was a part of my own eating disorder. This year, I did not realize that it was Holy Week nor did I even pay attention when it was Ash Wednesday this year and therefore took no notice that it was Lent. I had completely forgotten it until ...

Does Evangelical Giving Do the World Good?

By Valerie Tarico Image by carf via Flickr T his week, Barack Obama is expected to sign into law the GIVE Act , which aims to increase volunteering. It gives young people a way to pay for education with public service. Some right wingers have been squawking because the plan excludes religious activities like church attendance and outreach from the social service hours that can be applied for credit. Personally I’m relieved. I want my taxes to pay for programs with clear benefits, and I want the wall separating church and state repaired. But before we secular types get all high and mighty we should take a look at why some people think that faith based programs are necessary for the good of society. Several studies (e.g. here and here ) show that religious people give more dollars and volunteer hours to charity than do nonbelievers. Evangelical Christians have been trumpeting these findings: No matter what you may think about our exclusive offer of salvation, our religion is ...

The Stage Is Just Way Too Big

By WizenedSage Image via Wikipedia A ccording to the Bible, we humans are clearly the crowning achievement of God’s creation. We are what it’s all about, the central actors, what it was all made for. But, there’s something terribly wrong with this picture. Consider for a moment, if you were staging a play for a half dozen actors, would you build a stage four miles on a side for the performance? Wouldn’t this be a bit like building a universe several billion light years across and then putting your actors all on one tiny planet in the suburbs of a fairly average galaxy, revolving around a relatively modest star? It is not easy to grasp how big the universe is. In fact, it is probably impossible to truly wrap our minds around it. But let’s try shrinking it down to a model so that we might just begin to get a feel for the immensity of this stage we are on. Let’s imagine that our sun is the size of a typical grain of sand. If you put 1,000 of these grains end to end, they would measure ...

Easter, Death, and Life

By Marlene Winell Image by via Flickr I t’s Easter ; I have memories of getting up early year after year as a child to go to Easter Sunrise Service. We gathered somewhere outdoors, simulating the women and disciples who went to Jesus’ tomb in the early morning on the day of his resurrection. We sang certain hymns that were only for Easter – “Christ the Lord is ris’n today, Ha-a-a-a-He -lelujah,” “He lives! He lives! Christ Jesus lives today. He walks with me and talks with me, along life’s narrow way!” I liked it – the brisk early morning, the feeling of life and hope, the joy of the music. Unlike a lot of other church experiences, it was a day of celebration. And what a profound message – death has been conquered! Just put your faith in Christ. mwinell [AT] gmail [DOT] com Recovery retreats May 1-3, and June 5-7 And now? It’s been many years and I’m no longer a Christian. I do not believe I will continue after I die. In my work as a psychologist, I wor...

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