Ken Miller on Intelligent Design

Kenneth R. Miller
(born 1948) is a biology professor at Brown University. Miller, who is Roman Catholic, is particularly known for his opposition to creationism, including the intelligent design movement. He has written a book on the subject entitled Finding Darwin's God: A Scientist's Search for Common Ground Between God and Evolution, in which he furthers the argument that a belief in God and evolution are not mutually exclusive.

A video of Ken Miller's 2-hour talk on Intelligent Design at Case Western University was posted to YouTube nearly two years ago. In the video, Miller basically rips Intelligent Design apart and exposes tactics that creationists employ to get creationism shoehorned into the American school system.

Evolution resources from Miller's website: LINK


Anonymous said…
I intelligently, magically designed and created everything from nothing while speaking from Nowhere, and I'm damned proud of it! Glory to Me!
Anonymous said…
Superb! Well worth your time if you care about this regrettably resurgent issue in our public schools. Interesting that no one actually asked Ken exactly “how” he reconciled “God” and his life long investment in scientific studies. I suppose I will have to read his book, aye? Thanks, Dave (WM) for posting this link!
Anonymous said…
"Interesting that no one actually asked Ken exactly “how” he reconciled “God” and his life long investment in scientific studies."

Now serving some cognitive dissonance with a side of denial. For dessert with have a sumptuous slice of intellectual dishonesty.
Anonymous said…
I didn't view beyond where he kept trying to promote himself and his book. Interesting topic though. Not the first hypocritical person to call themselves a "catholic"
Anonymous said…
Interesting topic--though I stopped viewing due to his blatant self-promotion. As for how he reconciles a belief in God while rejecting that a designer plays a role in science, he is not the first hypocrite to call themselves "catholic"..not sure which comes first here, the chicken or the egg.Maybe Mr Science knows...
Unknown said…
For an excellent and most interesting review of Miller's talk at CWU from the opposing side of the issue see:

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