Eugenie Scott vs. Stephen Meyer on intelligent design

This video features Eugenie Scott vs. Stephen Meyer (of the Discovery Institute) on intelligent design. This appeared on MSNBC in 2005.

Scott's organization:

Richard Sternberg, who served as editor for the science journal that published Meyer's article, by-passed his editorial board and skipped the peer-review process. Funny enough, that is the only article Meyer can cite! His own article, which was NOT peer-reviewed and did NOT mention intelligent design.

Read the journal's statement on the article:

To see a creationist/intelligent design clip posted by someone who took a segment of this out of context:

Read more about Sternberg's creationist interests and the Sternberg-Meyer controversy:


Anonymous said…
To Mr. Meyer, apparently, jesus says it's ok to lie and mislead, hm? And it looks like your position is so weak that you cannot and will not allow your opponent to speak. It's the MO of a coward.
To Eugenie Scott- I loved the part about the intelligent designer being "God or somebody with God's skill set." skill set indeed. hmm who could it be?
Bill B said…
Yea that discussion was a hoot. For once we didn't have someone like Bill O'Reilly or Sean Hannidy bullying the atheist. That CNBC guy clearly called this jackass out on his bullshit. I really want to know where those peer reviewed articles on creation science are laying around. Perhaps in this fellow's imagination.

I love Eugenie Scott. I have been watching a lot of her stuff lately. She is the female Richard Dawkins of America. She really doesn't look the part at all. She looks more like a Sunday School teacher than a scientist, but she knows her shit. She rocks

ExFundie said…
Bill asked...
I really want to know where those peer reviewed articles on creation science are laying around. Perhaps in this fellow's imagination.

I think Dan Abrams was eluding to the fact that Mr. Meyers had his peers from the realm of creation science review it, and not other legitimate science organizations. In addition, I really like how Eugenie Scott explained the fundamental flaw in calling intelligent design, science. Science explain things through natural causes. Intelligent design tries to find things beyond the realm of our understanding and claim they couldn't be of natural cause... brilliant!
Anonymous said…
The real root of the problem with intellegent design is .....WHAT GOD? what intellegent design ...the big question is WHO IS THE DAMN DESIGNER!! THEY....AND WHAT THE MEAN IS "JESUS". GO BACK TO HITCHENS OR DAWKINS.

I admit theres a gap of the first cause......maybe other advanced life forms made it possible for life on earth...but what they want is for us to fall to our knees and bow down to "Jesus" thats what id is all about....and im sick of the lack of conversation to the real root of this discussion!
Anonymous said…
Dear Mr. abrahms, i noticed one thing never asked your guest or forced him to tell you ...its all about "Jesus" and I lived this lifstyle all to long it has cost me relationships and financial loss to no end..If you really had some guts you would have brought up the great anal asshole of the entire world "the great asshole of the world" JESUS CHRIST!!!THIS LITTLE FUCKING PRICK HAS DONE MORE DAMAGE THAN ANY OTHER FIGURE ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH....SECOND WOULD BE ALAH....NO ONE ON CABLE OR NETWORK NEWS WILL SAY IT...."JESUS" IS A FUCKING MYTH! I know you cant betray the public....dont waste my cant say what you really want because most americans are stupid,,and have no grounds for ther beliefs....I really believe that if americans dont wake the fuck up!! Our good natured god "jesus" will be the greatest let down of the 21 century! I would like to see the real deal ....lets throw down the old fashion way!! with this ass of a prick called jesus!!!
Anonymous said…
Dear Mr. abrahms, i noticed one thing never asked your guest or forced him to tell you ...its all about "Jesus" and I lived this lifstyle all to long it has cost me relationships and financial loss to no end..If you really had some guts you would have brought up the great anal asshole of the entire world "the great asshole of the world" JESUS CHRIST!!!THIS LITTLE FUCKING PRICK HAS DONE MORE DAMAGE THAN ANY OTHER FIGURE ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH....SECOND WOULD BE ALAH....NO ONE ON CABLE OR NETWORK NEWS WILL SAY IT...."JESUS" IS A FUCKING MYTH! I know you cant betray the public....dont waste my cant say what you really want because most americans are stupid,,and have no grounds for ther beliefs....I really believe that if americans dont wake the fuck up!! Our good natured god "jesus" will be the greatest let down of the 21 century! I would like to see the real deal ....lets throw down the old fashion way!! with this ass of a prick called jesus!!!
Anonymous said…
Dan, I realize you have probably been banned, and cannot respond, however unless you are willing to reply in a more "logical way without all of your senseless bible thumping, I would rather you not reply at all.

I am not the original author of this last post, however I decided to copy, and paste this message as my own personal message to you.

"JESUS CHRIST!!!THIS LITTLE FUCKING PRICK HAS DONE MORE DAMAGE THAN ANY OTHER FIGURE ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH....SECOND WOULD BE ALAH....NO ONE ON CABLE OR NETWORK NEWS WILL SAY IT...."JESUS" IS A FUCKING MYTH! I know you cant betray the public....dont waste my cant say what you really want because most americans are stupid,,and have no grounds for ther beliefs....I really believe that if americans dont wake the fuck up!! Our good natured god "jesus" will be the greatest let down of the 21 century! I would like to see the real deal ....lets throw down the old fashion way!! with this ass of a prick called jesus!!"

Are you reading this Dan old buddy?

That message was intended for people like YOU!!!!
eel_shepherd said…
Digital code in the cells proves that god exists??? A new proof of the existence of god to add to the list...

Has it not occurred to the guy from the Jesus-fronting organisation, whose name escapes me for the moment, that the reason that computer software code needed to be designed by an intelligent designer (who lives on pop and pizza, most likely) is that a database or wordprocessor or a graphics program doesn't need to adapt to the forces of nature? What defence mechanisms does it have to possess to avoid being eaten by wolves or coming down with malaria? Is WordPad or Excel hoping to walk upright some day? Or to pounce on small rodents and kill them with hyphens and semicolons?

Do these guys even read their own stuff a year later, or do they just poop it out and move on? How can their families and friends respect them?
Anonymous said…
intelligent design is no more and no less than what deists have been saying for ages. still, it is a BELIEF system NOT science, and as a deist i find it incredibly offensive for jerks like this to take deism and highjack its principles to promote christianity. i and my fellow deists want no part of the abomination of mr. meyer's religion.
Anonymous said…
eel shepherd...

Excellent! LMAO!!!


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