Dear Believer
by Dan Barker Dear Believer, — You asked me to consider Christianity as the answer for my life. I have done that. I consider it untrue, repugnant, and harmful. You expect me to believe Jesus was born of a virgin impregnated by a ghost? Do you believe all the crazy tales of ancient religions? Julius Caesar was reportedly born of a virgin; Roman historian Seutonius said Augustus bodily rose to heaven when he died; and Buddha was supposedly born speaking. You don’t believe all that, do you? Why do you expect me to swallow the fables of Christianity? I find it incredible that you ask me to believe that the earth was created in six literal days; women come from a man’s rib; a snake, a donkey, and a burning bush spoke human language; the entire world was flooded, covering the mountains to drown evil; all animal species, millions of them, rode on one boat; language variations stem from the tower of Babel; Moses had a magic wand; the Nile turned to blood; a stick turned into a snake; witches, ...
Pretty song, though. Too bad the artist's efforts are so misguided.
Take out the drumming, replace the word 'Allah' with 'my Lord' or something similar, and you've got exactly the sort of moronic crap you might hear in church any given Sunday!
Lightweight, whining, easy-to-remember, repetitive garbage!
Keep your enemies in sight and your front sight movable...
"They" don't care how many they take with them when their 'thanksgiving' explodes in your face..
"Religion of Many Pieces"
k, board miscreantFL
Well then, fuck allah.
Check out "By The Book Comics"
Allah is a name, a contraction of Al-Illah which just means "Chief god" (of the Kabaa, that idol temple in Saudi Arabia)
b) True Muslims must (physically) fight to spread Islam - true Christian must fight but love (so anyone who does fight is NOT a christian)
c) Q: Care to provide evidence that any god actually exists?
A: You don't get the answer by science (because there simply is none) but by reason.. ;-)
Uhhhhh second thought I think I'll stay here I can barely handle one! Forget it!
...but then it started to sound more like "Little Drummer Boy"
...Pa Rumpa Pum Pum :0
That'd be too Christiany Christmasy though.
So lets keep our gods happy with song and praise, shall we?
Considering that virgins are a hard thing to find now days, it's just a matter of time before that big bad angry volcano starts spewing lava all over the place.
So those people better start running like hell as fast and as far away as they can.
Hmmmm......Jesus fucking Christ?
I guess that would be possible for Jesus to have sexual intercourse with himself since he supposedly got a woman pregnant by his own spirit.
That is if he even existed in the first place.
I think if I were Carlos Santana I would sue those muslims for ripping off the music.
I guess that is an islamic remake of Santana's song. It is called, "Black Magic Allah" by Muhammed.
The last I want is to have another form of religious extremism imposed on me by having it posted on this wesbite. If I wanted to be indoctrinated into Islam, I would visit Muslim websites!
However, as much as I deeply resent the idiot who posted this Muslim bullshit, I will also admit their music is done very well.
It is too bad these people are not secular musicians.
I posted the Islamic video.
Because it sounds exactly like a Charismatic praise and worship song, that's why. It brings out (in me) the same emotional feelings of wanting to raise my arms in the air as when I was a mind-numbed Christian.
I think this video illustrates (at least a little) that religion is based on nothing more than emotional manipulation. When I hear some Christian music I still feel urge to raise my arms, yet I don't believe in any gods!
That's the entire point with the video.
Webmaster, I am the person who expressed my resentment at the posting of this Muslim video.
I apologise to you because I mistook you for a Muslim determined to impose Islam on this website. I forgive you because I now realize you did it to prove a point, as to how mind manipulating and harmful religion can be.
I hope you accept my apology. Thank you very much.
OMG!!!! That is so funny. I was sitting here thinking the same thing. I was picturing the big screen like they have in some of these churches with the words coming across it and people raising their hands in the air.
Webmaster Wrote: "When I hear some Christian music I still feel urge to raise my arms, yet I don't believe in any gods!"
Now watch some christian nut come on here and suggest that you still have the Holy Spook inside of you giving you the urge to do that. LOL!
Now watch some christian nut come on here and suggest that you still have the Holy Spook inside of you giving you the urge to do that. LOL!
Once slaved, always slaved! He does still have the Spook of Kryasst who is also somehow magically Him magically inhabiting his inner spook. Praze the Lard! Glory!
You are just too funny Jeff. :)
I'm sure if that Islamic song was playing in some Islam Praise service they would be raising their AK47s and M16s in the air instead of their hands.
"Daylight Come, And Me Want To Go Home".
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