Fossils are the handiwork of the Devil

Comedian/author/playwright/pundit Lewis Black stars in his second HBO solo special, an all-new hour of frenetic, take-no-prisoners stand-up comedy, taped before a live audience at the Warner Theatre in Washington, DC. Lewis Black: Red, White & Screwed features Black's opinions and insights into such issues as the State of the Union, abortion, frozen embryos, defecation habits, fossils, bad language, FEMA and, of course, Dick Cheney's aim.

Stand-up comedian, author, playwright, and actor takes on a few issues regarding faith and science.


eris.discordia said…
According to Deacon Fred "tampons" are Satan's fingers!
Spirula said…
As stupid as that is, people do believe it. I had a fellow teacher to whom that was stated by a student in his class.

That Satan is one busy bastard! What with all the fossil-planting, tempting Christians, ordering his demons around, getting the heathens to do his will, and running Hell to boot, you'd think he's actually more powerful than...Nah! That couldn't be, could it?
Heretic Zero said…
What are maxi pads, Satan's pillow?

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